
Manx Genealogy

Re: Descendents of Thomas Fargher and Isabella Cra

Thanks very much for your first message and information. Good to hear some of the human stories, Thomas the weaver, his son Daniel the apprenticed joiner. Two of Daniel son's in Australia were carpenters, wheelwrights and coach builders and two generations further on my father was a carpenter as a hobby and his brother a carpenter as a career. Since my first post, I have found the christening of Isabella Christian Faragher in the LDS Parish Registers on 17/1/1822 which would make her 19 at the time of the 1841 census. As Sue has pointed out ages were rounded. Maybe she underestimated her age. Six generations on from that Isabella my great niece is named Isabella Faragher! Thank you for your second post with the census information. The 1851 census shows a Catherine, about 13, servant, born in Andreas. I wonder if she was Thomas and Isabella's daughter or from another family because I've not been able to find a Catherine as a daughter of Thomas and Isabella and there were plenty of other Catherine Farghers around! I have posted a story of Thomas and Isabel's sons Daniel and Robert and their descendents in Australia.
John F