
Manx Genealogy

Re: Lamothe
In Response To: Lamothe ()

I thought the names looked familiar. There is a lot written about the family on this board, and on Manx Note Book.
For one of the previous threads see: tinyurl.com/6sfchjp

Additionally, Carol Gosselin wrote this in 2010:
"I apologize for not adding this to the original thread but had no luck finding it.
Ann Jane Keig was the illeg dau of Frederick John Dominick La Mothe and Jane Keig als Archibald. Jane's 2nd husband was Thomas Radcliffe of Belfast. No birth record for Ann Jane has been found. Ann Marr William Galloway 5 Aug 1879 in Lezayre. William was from Scotland and he and Ann returned there. Jane Radcliffe als Keig als Archibald lived with Ann and died in Scotland. I can provide details about Ann and William's family for anyone who is interested.

At the time I found the original thread to which she referred but the old URL doesn't work.
