
Manx Genealogy

Re: Robert Christian b Maughold

Hi Sue [& Toni],

yes Sue, David R and David Radcliffe [part-time researcher] are one and the same!

Hi Tony, if I remember rightly Frank Reuben Christian parents died and were buried shortly after the church at Foxdale was built, so even though there are no headstones (who would have had the money to pay for them?) it might (?) be possible to established which was the first row of graveplots laid out, and it's possible that they are are in the plot that doesn't have a headstone (but there may be more than one plot with out a headstone).

Does anybody know this churchyard really well? I have visited it, and will do so again. Does the plot numbering, which I assume is plotted on a map in a IOMFHS inscriptions volume (I don't have St Jame's volume), originate from church burial ground records?

David R(adcliffe)