
Manx Genealogy

In Response To: Re: ADAM CAINE ()

I came to no particular conclusion re Ann - the name Gilbt seems a common name in the family - and the will give no relationship so Gilbt could be any generation - the deceased Gilbert from the composition would have no title to any land and like many others of that period sought a better living in Ireland - the Gilbt of the will could be a sibling of Ann (tho tho I'd have expected to see brother mentioned, possibly a nephew of hers or even a grandnephew - Ann according to my tree is the 2nd wife of John - there are only 3 children I can reasonably put against her name - assuming a marriage after death of Johns first wife and 3 children suggests she was in her early thirties (thus possibly the youngest dau of Wm ?) with a birth around 1650. I think I have now determined the linkage between Wm + gch Ann Teare - a Gibt is a witness to one of the marriage contracts invoolving Ann Teare