
Manx Genealogy

Re: Rennie/Palmer marriage
In Response To: Re: Rennie/Palmer marriage ()

Hello Sue. A few years ago I found the LeMaitres on the Island and at the time tried to connect them to mine but failed but perhaps a fresh look might produce something.

I always wondered why the Palmers appeared in IOM and so many senarios to consider. My grandfather Albert Edward Palmer,"spent his early youth in Peel" and then Ramsey as a lifeboatman and a miner amongst other occupations connected to the sea. He married Elizabeth Christian in Ramsey and had two daughters there. He loved the Island but after Elizabeth's death he married my grandmother Anastasia Milne and they had two sons on the Island and then went to Liverpool where he had my Dad and two other sons but said he wanted to be buried on the Island and when he decided time was right he went back to Ramsey and lived with his daughter and is now buried in Douglas cemetery overlooking the sea and in the place he loved. There is also a Rennie connection which perhaps when Julia married John Rennie it was his idea to come to IOM as I found a couple named Agnes and Robert Rennie in Peel who could have been connected to John but being born in Ireland hard to find records - but John and Julia called their daughter Agnes Florence so could be. I have even tried marriages at sea and I am sure she would have married and not just "lived in sin". I have a copy of a photograph of Julia and on the back of the original I believe there is the name "Julia Rennie" and the photograph was taken in Peel - perhaps another clue but the important part is missing - a marriage certificate!! Thanks Sue.