
Manx Genealogy

Missing records
In Response To: Episcopal wills pre 1700 ()

The fabulous Manx Note Book steadily increases and has no doubt become the single most significant resource regarding IOM history. Your dedication to this monumental task is incredible. Genealogists and researchers will benefit from your work for yrs to come.
You've been plugging away at this day after day for a considerable time and I think that often we fail to applaud you along the way. So I say--Hurray, Frances!

I don't have convenient access to LDS films anymore. I do know that they have a set of "missing" parish record films. For example, there is a period in Marown around late 1700s that have some big gaps. Yrs ago I was able to find some marriages, baptisms in these films. The "missing" records cover a number of parishes and do help to fill in some of the gaps.
I don't know if there are similar "missing" sets for wills or any of the other types of records.

Now that I'm thinking of this, I wonder if some of our missing Ballaugh parish records might be in these?

Thanks for all you do, Frances
