
Manx Genealogy

Re: property ownership.
In Response To: Re: property ownership. ()

I am certain that Arragon-Veg had become a tenanted (or sub-tenanted) farm well before this time.

I see at the time of Woods Atlas Arragon Veg was owned by Frank Matthews and Mary Ann Clucas. He was of St. John's and she of Ballavale,Santon, I think.

Possibly it later passed to the Bacon family. See Obit of J. CAESAR BACON.died May 11th, 1916 on Frances's web-site

"Mr J. C. Bacon, who was unmarried, owned a large amount of agricultural land and house property in various parts of the Island, but particularly in Santon and Lezavre!

There is a reference on the Santon parish web-site to a Mr Kearley (or his mother) owning the two Arragons, and at any rate the Bacon property seems to have gone to a lady who acted under the stage-name Jane Bacon, later Mrs Bealby-Wright. These people not Manx resident. Was there a connection between these?

Mrs B.-W. had a son and grandson who are poets.