
Manx Genealogy

Re: Are genealogists being deceived???

Dear Elizabeth,
I surley meant NO HARM in my response, and I too have traveled, we are retired AMERICAN military and recently retired again from ciivlian employment, nuclear. So I am quite thankful to have experienced other cultures as you have and it gives us a better insight on the way different nationalitlies think and react politically. I meant NO HARM in explaining the usage of the board, I do know there have been those who have used the board as an e-mail type of way, which I was a learner, and had to learn how and why of the board use and sharing.Which I have not always agreed with the board, and still have non-agreement on my tree, but I always share the appreciation and respect of those who work for FREE to give out incredible data of giving many their roots who through a genealogist would be cost prohibiitive. I did not know your age, your writing denoted more of a younger person, with perhaps NO KNOWLEDGE of the factions during the history of why we fought WORLD WAR 1 and 2, perhaps I was mistaken in my thinking of your age and knowledge of the ONE WORLD ORDER, which I meant NO HARM again, many young people here in the UNIITED STATES in their history classes in school are NOT being taught many of our historical background, for their text books do not have the history there.

I meat NO HARM in stating for not voting and having not filed your Census or your physical care, that I shall apolochize to you now, for I only stated that for those are quite serious areas, in AMERICA, actually, they benefit areas of poverty the CENSUS, so they may receive more federal dollars to help with education, housing and many other needs of those in poverty. So I feel like they are more positives, in voting and Census filing and surely our health, which many are eating insecticides and pesticides from fruits and vegetables whereby we have no control over, and meat that the cows and lambs, etc have been fed antibiotics, which enter into our bodies, unless you garden and greenhouse garden, there is no pure soil, water, or air or rain water, even as I stated natural springs are even contaminated and PCBS have been found in ice and water in the SWISS ALPS, so nothing is pure anymore, as allotments abound in ENGLAND AND NOW MANY HERE HAVE GONE BACK TO VICTORY GARDENS, the economy has changed and yes inflation on food, gas, etc has risen, but as stated AMERICANS are a resilent people and manage to do what is needed to change our policies and by elections, we change the commmander in chief and put in another one, which better fits the needs of Americans, and that is through VOTING and elections, as we, THE TEA PARTY, put in many Republicans in the last elections, and now balance is coming back to our nation.

I meant NO HARM, to you concerning the board, I do not know any of the board contributors, I did not see your name on the list, therefore I was unaware of you knowing how the board was to be used, I thought perhaps you were a postee, NEW and were not aware of it how it was to be used for research and that the board was not for writing one as e-mail.

So. I did say in my post I hope I did not offend you, and I have apparently and now I shall ask forgivness OF ANY OFFENSE, I hope that you understand, I do not know but two board helpers whom I know how they have helped me, even though I may not agree, I respect FRANCES and her great works and LIZ who is kind and will go the second mile , LITERALLY, to trek to graveyards and the Museum to help those who ask for, FREE, AGAIN, I SAY FREE, help on this board. I am sorry to have offended you, but I MUST MAKE THE STATEMENT AGAIN, THAT I HOPE THAT YOUR STATEMENTS DO NOT CAUSE THOSE WHO WANT TO HAVE THEIR TREE RESEARCHED WILL BACK AWAY AND NOT USE THIS BOARD THINKNG THEIR DATA COULD BE USED IN A FASHION THAT WOULD MAKE THEM AFRAID OF HOW THE DATA WOULD BE USED. I know if a genealogist, amatuear who were involved in such, or have been involved in such as you stated that the data is used in ways we could never believe. that this entire board would have that burden of immediately checking out the validity of those helpers and make neccessary adjustments of not allowing them to participate on this board as researchers. I don't believe that this board could be so unknowledgeable that they are laws that protect that giving of data for other puposes than what an entity is set up for and when coming on this board, if violated by researchers to give out personal data, could have ramificatons, but when you make a choice to post your tree as I have done, which to this point has been refuted, which I can respect the refutement, you, yourself opened up under the domain of public information, your life history. which many do to help others find their lines, so they may find where did I come from, who were my people, how did they live, and we open our private lives to those whom we do not know, at that point, which as a person I have done, which I know all this can be found at any court house, or records of THE REVOLUTION WAR or the DAR, or the doctos's OFFICE, or my computer and credit card as stated by the other postee earlier,so nothing is private anymore and as I stated, from the day you are born until death, your life is recorded by records.

You are a citizen on the Isle, which I plan to visit very soon, ENGLAND is where Mother is from, and SICILY for my husband's side, Isle of MAN for my Fathers side, which you are living on one of the most beautiful Isles in the world, we lived in HAWAII for years, and yet the Isle beauty goes beyond that, as I go to a web site and see it each day, I envy you, for the ISLE has history of mammoth porpotions, and beauty and kind MANX people, I hope that I shall be glad to see PARADISE, and the wonderful people and the worship at BALLLAUGH PARISH. Freedoms we all take for granted can be taken away very quickly, especially when we do not use those freedoms and I hope if you can find the utopia you are looking for, for as long as there are humans beings on earth, those of love and those of greed, we will have those who want power and money to rule over those who do not have money and power, but as the EGYPTIANS just rose up only months ago, and many other nations, the people, as I stated will only let the government go so far and then they take action. So I hope you now understand where I am coming from. I meant no harm to you and again, ask forgivness and the matter as you stated is now CLOSED. Have a lovely day,if on the Isle, AND ENJOY that beautiful Paradise.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa
PS. As an AMERICAN I am going to break the BOARD rules right now, but I must, for OUR SOLDIERS HAVE KILLED BIN LADEN, which justice has been served for the 3,000 innocent lives that he took, little children,mothers, fathers, firefighters, police officers, ALL NATIONALITIES IN THOSE TOWERS,so many, now have closure, and I am sure that now you can see the rich and powerful did NOT DO THIS, the soldiers who love their country put their lives on the line to take out this HITLER and as we went to IRAQ to take out their HITLER, we, the AMERICANS, live to serve and die not only for our own people; but for all the peoples of the world family, as we came to ENGLAND DURING WORLD WAR 2 TO HELP ENGLAND, TO DIE ON FOREIGN SOILS SO THE THE ENGLISH COULD HAVE FREEDOM FROM THAT HORRIBLE ANIMAL , HITLER, so the RICH AND THE POWERFUL DO NOT TAKE OVER AND ENSLAVE AND TAKE RIGHTS AWAY, SO GOD BLESS AMERICA, THE HOMEOF THE FREE AND THE BRAVE.