
Manx Genealogy

Re: Are genealogists being deceived???

Ok Nigel, here is a general overview. The specific details however you will have to locate yourself for there is no way I am prepared to summarise the whole of the message it conveys for it is so huge and wide and profound the consequences of which impact on each of us individually and collectively.

I am more than likely coming from a different place than most and this is because I have taken the time over the last few years to inform myself of what is REALLY going on in our world and from there have made some ongoing personal choices to take responsibility for my own life rather than continue conforming to a system which is dreadfully wronging humanity and has been for a long time. Most have their head in the sand and just blindly continue on with their lives totally ignorant of what is occurring. No excuse however when the material is out there.

I have been aware of a ruling elite ( a few very wealthy families who are linked by ancestral lineage over hundreds of years) of this planet for a long time (about 25 years) whose only desire is one of control of its wealth and all life on it. This elite group rule global corporations, the international banking, control most banks, the United Nations, stock exchanges, all economies, health systems and pharmaceutical companies, They prescribe wars in the name of peace and freedom to further their aims of control over all and in these wars, the elite are controlling both sides.

They rule all governments worldwide no matter of what persuasion, which we the people routinely elect if we live in a so called democratic land, (yes even the USA & Britain ), control all religions and all resources, playing individuals and groups, businesses and governments off against each other to maintain their control. In the times we are now living this is becoming more and more evident as it infiltrates people's personal lives right into the home.

It seems that all documents which identify us as a person are utilised by these elite families to manipulate and deceive us as individuals, and genealogists have over time unwittingly been playing into their hands by creating the ancestral lineages for this elite group to follow the bloodline connections of all and sundry to utilise for their own advantage. I have of course partaken of this game myself in my many years as a genealogist!

Documents such as birth certificates have way more legal significance than just our identity (and are in fact far more important even than the persons they identify) and can and are utilised to manipulate us without such being realised especially in the rule of law. In ignorance one gives away one's power to this group and all their affiliates to the extent that one is, under the guise of freedom, actually enslaved with less and less rights to run one's own life. As more material such as this comes to light as to what really is going on by this elite group more and more are, like me, quietly withdrawing from the system.

Take time to inform yourselves and come to your own conclusions from which you can then take informed choices and from there perhaps do more research if you feel so inclined. Of course you may choose to refute what is shared and make choices accordingly bearing with these choices the consequences of course, but at least you are informed in making them. It is very indepth and provides an opportunity for you to wake up to what is REALLY happening on this planet and how we have all allowed ourselves to be sheeple, following blindly the whims of a few up top in the name of individual freedom when in truth we have become and continue to become more enslaved. The rich continue to get richer on the backs of the masses who are enslaving their lives and all the while getting poorer in the process with prices and goods manipulated and wages ongoingly controlled and in presently in many cases reduced.

Nothing will change till we all wake up to ourselves and take responsibility for the fact that we have allowed such to happen over the generations in our ignorance.

Over the past few years I have been quietly pulling out of the system as far as I am able. I no longer vote, nor have my name on any electoral rolls. I have maintained responsibility for my health in all areas for 25 years I too chose to not have myself included on the recent national census. Where I am presently still remain in the system I work to ensure it works to my advantage as far as possible and not that of the system. There is a quiet revolution going on worldwide as more and more conform less and less.

I have chosen to be my own person now rather than conform like the masses, making choices that suit me and the life I wish to live now and in the future.

Being too busy doing other things may one day come back to haunt you if you don't take the time to inform yourself/ves!

As I said, this is only a very general overview. This topic is very large with potential major consequences. Be informed by informing yourself/ves as I and many others have done/are doing.

Note please ~ my personal choices are not open for discussion or comment, thank you. I just share them with you as evidence of my commitment to myself and my life.


{Thanks Sue}