
Manx Genealogy

Brian Lawson's personal family files

Brian's personal family files are being uploaded on to Ian Radcliffe's website, along with some of the missing surnames from Brian's birth regt indexes. If you want any other missing surnames made available again please let Ian know (although he will soon be away for a couple of weeks during the school holidays).

Ian has written:
Lawson Families
The late Brian Lawson compiled a wealth of information about families connected to his own. He passed these to the Isle of Man Family History Society who made them available (albeit briefly) via their website. They were removed due to concerns that some individuals mentioned were still living.

I am checking the files and removing the living (unless they wish to be included) and republishing them here until such time the IOMFHS make them available on their site. If there is objection to the inclusion of particular individuals, please contact me at the email address on the opening page, outlining the individuals.

When editing, some of the layout has suffered, but this does not detract from the content. The opportunity has also been taken to correct minor errors in the text.
See: lawsonsiom.freevar.com/

He apologises for the pop-ups - this website was always intended to be only temporary until the data could be shown on the FHS website.
