
Family History Society

Re: Mona Street
In Response To: Re: Mona Street ()

Yes, I did live there for a while in the late 50s, although for the most part we were summer visitors up to the mid-60s when the house was sold to the gentleman who lives there now. You might have noticed me - grubby, scraped knees from falling down the hill (funny how it no longer seems as steep) and always in trouble. But enough of my good points! I would love to compare notes, Susanne. Where did you live? My e-mail address is jmcmenemy@talk21.com.

Something has always puzzled me and you might be able to help. My great-aunt, Catherine Gillibrand nee Boyde, lived in No 4 until the mid-1960s (the Boyde family ran a boarding house from sometime in the 20s). She always maintained that the Boydes were a cut above the Boyds, and that it was important that we spelt our name “Boyde” (there might have been something about the Boyds being coal-merchants, too). I cannot find any reason for either saying – and it puzzles me. My research indicates that, firstly, Boyde and Boyd were mostly interchangeable and secondly, the Boydes were agricultural labourers until my GGF started working for the Goldie-Taubman family and then for Heron & Brearley, the brewers. Any ideas gratefully accepted!

James McMenemy
Researching Agnew, Aylmer, Boyde, Callister, Comaish, Crellin,
Cretney, Cubbon, Gelling, Goldsmith & Kelly.