Taubman School

Castletown - Taubman School

Founded under the 1799 will of John Taubman - "for the support of a Free School in Castletown, for the education of twenty five poor boys;-that is to say, the sum of twenty pounds British, part thereof, to be paid as a Salary to a Master for teaching and instructing the boys in reading, spelling, writing, and arithmetic; and the remaining sum of five pounds to be laid out annually in purchasing books, ink, and paper, for the use of the said School. And it is Our will that the said John Taubman, our son, and his heirs, shall at all times have the nomination of the Master of the said School, and of the boys who may be admitted: and in case the said John Taubman or his heirs shall neglect to fill up any vacancy that may happen in the said School, within the space of one month after such vacancy shall be made known unto the said John Taubman or his heirs, that then and in such case of neglect, it is our will that the Chaplain and Wardens of Castletown Chapel do appoint to and fill up the said vacancy".

The regulations of 1853 were inserted into Malew Parish Register:

1853 Rules for the Taubman School
(Original in Mr J Gell's hands)

Rules and regulations for the government and management of
the Taubman School Castletown made by J. G. Taubman, of the
Nunnery esquire trustee of such school, a minor by Lieut Col
T. Goldie his guardian this day of 13th August 1853.
1st The affairs of the School shall be superintended and
regulated by visitors to be from time to time appointed by the
Trustee (the present visitors being the Revd G. S. Parsons, John
Quayle Esq and James Gell Esq) which visitors shall have power
to appoint the Foundation Scholars in the name of the Trustee
and to inspect the state and condition of the School, the
Dwelling House and premises
2nd The School hours on weekdays shall be from 9 to 12 o'clock
in the morning and from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon from the
1st Novr to the 1st April and to 5 o'clock in the afternoon during
the other months. On Sundays the school will commence at ½
past 9 o'clock in the forenoon and continue until the time of
Divine Service at St Mary's Chapel when the Master and Scholars
shall attend such chapel.
3rd For reasons satisfactory to the visitors they may excuse the
attendance of any scholar on Sunday.
4th The School is to commence in the morning and close in
the afternoon with singing and prayer.
5th The following holidays are to be allowed, a fortnight at
Christmas, three weeks at midsummer or in the harvest, Good
Friday, Easter Monday and Tuesday, Ascension day, Whit Monday,
the Queen's birthday and every Saturday. The Master is authorised
to give an occasional holiday
6th The Scholars must be clean and neat in their apperance
7th No Scholar to be absent without leave. If a scholar
from Illness or any other cause be unable to attend the school
the parents must inform the Master.
8th No Scholar to be expelled except by order of the Visitors
but the Master may in his discretion, for any flagrant offence
suspend a scholar until there be a hearing of the Visitors.
Immediately after any such suspension the Master must inform
the Visitors thereof. Continual non-attendance to be a cause
of suspension.
9th The Master is to be at liberty to take scholars into the
School in addition to those on the Foundation but all such
scholars shall (except as to payment) be in all respects
subject to the like regulations as the Foundation Scholars.
10th The master shall keep a Register to be called the Admissions Register
which shall contain the date of admission of each Scholar, his name and age
at admission, distinguishing the Foundation Scholars from others, and also the date
of each Scholar leaving the School and the cause thereof.
11th The master shall keep a register Register of the attendance of the Scholars
and another of the total number present and absent from sickness and
by or without leave.
12th The Master is carefully to preserve all books, instrunments, furniture
and apparatus belonging to the School and is to furnish a satement thereof
to the Visitors when required.
13th These Regulations to be altered from time to time at the discretion
of the Trustee.
Tho Leigh Goldie Colonel


The school house was later used as a home for the district nurses (it still bears the name Nurses' Home in Manx) and is now a private dwelling.

[Castletown Index]

Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The Editor
© F.Coakley , 2004