[From Ramsey Church Magazine 1897-8]

These ran over several issues - edited by A.W. Moore. The pages of the Magazine are un-numbered but in Manx Museum's copy they are numbered in pencil as
201-203 vol 2
210-213 vol 2
18-21 vol 3
28-30 vol 3
36-38 vol 3
44-45 vol 3
53-55 vol 3


Letters of the Rev. Philip Moore.

In his charming sketches of things Manx in the olden days, the late Rev T. E, Brown has referred to the letters of the Rev Philip Moore, expressing a hope that they would be published. This has encouraged me to send you some extracts from them which I think will be found of interest, even at the present day, Such of them as are dated, I have placed in the order of their dates, but I have made no attempt to group them together either in accordance with the subjects to which they refer, or with the persons to whom they were written. The greater number are either to Bishop Hildesley, with whom he was on terms of brotherly affection, or to his nephew, Edward Moore. Other correspondents are the learned Celtic scholar, Major Vallancy [Vallencey], Vicar General Wilks, Robert Blakeney, an old Irish gentleman who lived in the Island,

The following to Bishop Hildesley graphically describes the state off affairs immediately after Revestment :-

"Nothing now, but anarchy and confusion, Ruled by Custom House officers, tide waiters and vinegar men. We have no civil magistracy. The Governor and Deemsters have suspended their functions, and forbear to act, not knowing on what ground they stand. The Spiritual Court, indeed, has gone on with their business as usual, but has been insulted and their authority questioned by insolent fellows of our own. I am sorry, very sorry to say it, but several of our people have behaved extremely ill, and evince too plainly that civil functions and the restraints of human laws have a more powerful influence over them than moral and religious obligations. . .

As it was not possible, in so short a time, to get off all the inhibited stuff, the merchant was obliged to secure it as well as he could in remote places. Those who knew of this in many cases betrayed their trust either directly or indirectly giving informations ; others purloined what was thus deposited, others stole from the stealers, and others from them again. Bands of armed men go about the country terrifying the people and entering their houses in search of teas, &c, Mr Lutridge[sic Lutwidge], the general surveyor, has no less than 50 coast officers and tide waiters along with him, planted in the several ports, besides the crews of two or three cutters at call. All this must naturally occasion riotous and tumultuous doings. One side in pursuit of and chastising with great severity those they suspect to be informers and the other protecting and defending them. It is a very melancholly situation that we are in at present, for want of a regular form of civil government amongst us. The grievance complained of would have died away of itself without these insolent or unconstitutional proceedings. And truly if some redress can't be had, and that soon, we shall be of all subjects the most miserable. All our people of property are making up their matters as fast as they can, and preparing to quit a place governed by martial law and the violence of arms. We every moment expect some troops of light horse from Ireland, but what they are to do, or how to subsist when here, is quite paradoxical. This is the wisdom and council of Gotamic men-with a sledge hammer to break an egg.

(Undated, but probably written in 1765).


The following are undated:- To MAJOR VALLANCY,

" Ever since the commencement of the Reformation our Bishops took care to see and enjoin their clergy to preach to and instruct and pray with the people in their own language, and what was the consequence? By the blessing of God on these salutory means, the Reformation made so rapid a progress amongst us that for many years past we have not a single native, but one old woman now a papist, nor any other sectary of an Islander in the Diocese."

If this statement is correct, it rather tends to disprove the idea that the Reformation was late in being introduced, and slow in its progress in the Island.


" Mr Wilks has been here for the past week, fitting out his son for the West Indies."

James was the eldest son of Vicar-General Wilks, and elder brother of Mark, afterwards Colonel Wilks.

HENRY CORLETT.-I have great reason to hope that young Corlett may answer your lordship's expectations, as to apply close to his pen, and what I have seen of his performance, though only the few lines of letters."

Henry Corlett (b 1735, d 1801) became one of best and most liberal minded clergy of his day.

THE BISHOP'S COUCH.-Your couch is now safe in my dining-room as part of the present furniture thereof till your Lordship's order for its peregrination. It belonged to Mrs Murrey, and valued by Mr Richard Allen at 4s Eng., which I believe your Lordship will not think dear, though it is but an antique, the more proper still for the equipage of a hermitage. It will want a little of Tom Teare's ingenuity about the headpiece, which as standing against a wall is not discernible as to any defect,"

COCKCLUBBING.-" I wish the order for suppression of cockclubbing was renewed from the new Government, as a few profligates have been at it this year, and this evil, if not noticed, will certainly return upon us."

Was this cockfighting


BISHOP RICHMOND-"We hear our Pontif. Max is laid up in the. gout yonder at Whitehaven, where he had come to take his passage to the Isle, and his Reverence is to be at Peel-G M's town house fitted up for the purpose, while Bishop's Court is occupies by Carnet Tunman and his lady, and to be his hunting seat for the Winter. What a change !"

Bishop Richmond was a proud and haughty man, and was much disliked by the Manx clergy. Philip Moore hardly ever refers to him except a, Pontifex Maximus. " G.M," is Sir George Moore, of Ballamoore, near Peel, who was then Speaker of the House, of Keys, " Cornet Tunman," Tunman being the way in which the name Taubman was then usually pronounced, was afterwards owner of the Nunnery, by purchase from Deemster Peter Heywood, and Speaker of the House of Keys.


MEDICAL TREATMENT. -In giving his nephew, Edward, some commissions to perform for Mrs Hildesley, he adds in a postscript :-"I have just taken a dose of rhubarb to carry off my disorder. We shall see tomorrow with what effect. Don't be uneasy, for I am not very bad. She's worse herself (Mrs H.), and gone up to take a chammomile drench."-Powerful physic was then the order of the day.


CARRIAGE OF BEER.-" We are of opinion that it will be best to send the beer by carriage horses, who for a small consideration will take back the empty bottles. We are come to this resolution information, that a hogshead to and from Ramsey by sea carriage will cost 3s, besides package, porterage and the sending down your cart to Ramsey, while the roads are in this sad condition. . . I am of opinion that one of yr own sober servants with a grave, sober sure-footed horse of yr own will be the safest conveyance for it. If he stay a night in town, what great matter ? We shall lodge him far enough from our maidens. But so it is, was and will be, while the world lasts. Amor omnibus idem,omnia vincit amor."

The expression " carriage horses " means pack horses. Carriages were then almost unknown in the Island, and the roads were, for the most part, merely bridle paths.

BISHOP HILDESLEY'S PORTRAIT.-" You will please to sit for a metzotint print, same size as of late Lord Bishop, that I may have the pleasure of setting you side by side, and indulging myself with the views of the two men on earth that I most reverence and esteem. No portrait of Bishop Hildesley has been preserved.


SEA WATER CURE.-" She (P.M's wife) has been for several weeks past under a course of sea-water drinking, of which I must own I have no very great opinion, on account of its very drastic nature, whatever it may be as an alternative."

SEA GULLS FOR THE BISHOPS COURT MENAGERIE- " I have two fine sea gulls for your menagerie if your Lordship will accept of em. I keep em in my garden where they shift well enough while anybody is digging or delving. They must be in a place confined where they can't get through a, hedge, but they would be more secure to be pinioned, an operation which Dr Wilks knows how to perform. When there's no digging in the garden, they must be fed with scraps from the kitchen or a little garbage of any kind, for they are not very ''nice."

Bishop Hildesley collected a number of queer articles, mostly from the South Islands, of which I have a catalogue. They have all disappeared now.

DEMAND FOR MANX PRAYER BOOKS. - "The people here are ready to tear me out of the house for "Manx Prayer Books, as numbers of our people yet can read go to the neighbouring parish churches. I wish your Lordship would enable me to gratify their desires by sparing me a few dozens to distribute amongst them."

THE GOVERNOR AND THE TURTLE. -"His Excellency came hither (Douglas) yesterday, to the dead turtle feast, exhibited in the Buck's room, 'Tis said the great amphibian had fair play for his life, and dyed of himself in his confinement last Monday, and how deliciously he would eat yesterday. they knew best that regaled on him. I have not yet seen his Excellency, but will attend his levy at 12 o'clock."-The " Bucks " seems to have been a social club, chiefly composed of strangers resident in the Island.


THE PARSON AND HIS WIFE.-"Some very good women's tongues will be running before their wits and that's the case with mine, 20 times a day. So your Lordship will be so good not to mind what she says about her wiser Lord and Master and his correspondencies. My teiser (teaser) has come down in wrath and absolutely denys that ever she charged your Lordship's letters with being too long, or even long enough, but often wondered, she owned, what I could find to be so often and so long writing about, hindering of messengers, market people, &c. "-To Bishop Hildesley.

DEATH THE COMMON LOT.-" Death is the common lot of all men. Let us look to it and provide for it by living soberly, righteously and godly, in the present world. Look to the end. Have an eye to that, and thou wilt never do amiss, ,and 'tis that alone must make us happy, and contented here, and give us hopes of happiness above through the merits of Christ the Redeemer."-To Edward Moore.


THE MANX PRAYER BOOK,-I have been three days this week at Ballaugh that no time may be lost to finish the revision of the Common Prayer for a New and smaller edition which is now a printing.-To Edward Moore.

THE CHAPLAIN OF DOUGLAS COMPLAINS OF HIS SALARY. -" The poor chaplain is of all other poor creatures the most abject and miserable. His stipend is small. He has neither glebe, nor barn nor haggard to have recourse to, He can't keep a single hen to lay him an egg about his house in safety, and yet the chaplain is looked on as a great man, the minister of a great town. He is visited by the stranger, the fatherless and the widow, the blind and the lame and the halt find their way to his door--to his fireside, for where else should they go. If the person be not charitable, who should'? Besides all this he's obliged to make some sort of a decent appearance that he may'nt exhibit a sloven to the gentlemen and ladys of his congregation. All these things and many more that may be told are against as, I am not pleading for myself, but my successor, as for my predecessors there never was a man of 'em that even stayed here half the time that I have done. It was never other than a gradus ad Parochiam for some young man till he could do better.' -To Bishop Hildesley,

THE PARSON AVOIDS SOCIETY.-" I avoid, as much as possible, all evening conventions. If we go out to tea, I always endeavour and generally affect an escape, and spend my evenings at home with my pipe, my pen, and book, for I don't know quadrille, or indeed any of the fashionable ways of killing time, and, as for conversation, I have no body to talk to Twice Mr Black left us, and to seek for it amongst our Polite Military ;symposiarchs I dont chuse, not for want; of good will, but, as the cant phrase is, I have no body for it"-To Bishop Hildesley.

THE HEALTH OF DOUGLAS IN 1767.-" This place is remarkably healthy. I don't think we've had a grown person, except one, very old and infirm, with 2 or 3 children, buried from this town, these six months. Now that brandy grows scarce peoples will live out their natural time."-To Bishop Hildesley.

FOLLY OF TOO INTIMATE FRIENDSHIP.-" I am some- times inclined to be of the same opinion with Dean Swift--on the death of, his Stella-that there is not a greater folly than to contract too great an intimate a friendship, which must always make the survivor miserable. I feel this yet and will, I believe, as long as I live, notwithstanding the kindness of some of my good friends in providing for sue an effectual cure. Like the physicians among wild Indians, who are also a set of conjurors, as well as doctors, who when their patient'.a case is desperate they'll prescribe something that they know neither the poor patient himself, nor any of his friends can procure for him; for instance a slice of green cheese that the moan is made of toasted, with half-a- pound of rainbow stewed in fire of frost. While the medicine is a seeking the patient dies and the rogue of a doctor saves his credit, for had the prescription been followed the patient had not died.-To Edward Moore.

BAD WEATHER IN JUNE 1769. Venus, they say, has given the sun a glister, or, at least, cooled his courage; for we've not had a warm or entire, dry day hardly since her transit over poor Phoebus.-To Edward Moore,

THE PARSON ENJOYS HIS OWN SOCIETY.-" I left Bishop's Court on Friday morn, and had a most agreeable solitary day. My mind serene and calm, I made very good company of myself, ruminating and reflecting on the many and various scenes and adventures of ancient and modern times, thinking of friends and acquaintances dead and alive, with a grateful heart acknowledging the goodness of God to so insignificant and worthless a creature. Sometimes I hummed a tune, or sung a catch, or talked to my mare, who seemed to listen with great attention, for she nothing. I made her a bow, and thanked her for carrying me safe so far, when I alighted at the Archdeacon's, where we dined. I got here (Kirk Bride) that evening, and met with a kind of friendly welcome from the whole family, servants and all, to the very dogs. Passed the evening in my chambers, snug and warm, alone, which I chuse, for leisure to prepare my materials, smoked my pipe, took my usual refreshment and went to bed, where I lay as well and slept as sound as in a Palace. But still I miss my old companion the joy and comfort of my life."-To Edward Moore.

* -"His wife had died three years previously.

A COMMISSION-" Send me a bottle of Frile's Brandy, to kill or cure Ralph (the Bishops Court gardner) who has got very hoarse and bad. He thinks a bottle of brandy with treacle, rosemary and tobacco steeped in beer will cure him. Could you not put some treacle to the brandy in a good large bottle and send it by bearer- our Bett's brother. You'll send Davy on Thursday after- noon. The mail pillion is not here, but Mrs Tear is, plump and round, Let my damsels air my bed,"-From Bishop's Court. To Edward Moore.


REPORT ABOUT DEEMSTER HEYWOOD, &c.-" By a gentleman from Castletown we are told a strange story here, viz., That Deemster Heywood is to settle in England in some lucrative employment there, and that his brother Robert; is to succeed him and live at the Nunnery. I should be extremely sorry the Deemster should leave us, not but I believe Bob would make a very good Deemster. Yonder's Taubman, too, writes to a friend and says I am so taken with the magnificence of this great city "and meet with so many rational entertainments in it, attending the Parliaments and Courts of Law to hear the pleadings and debates, that you must not wonder if you hear of my removing with my whole family to settle here in a year's time. Well e'en let 'em go-the fewer the better cheer.''-To Edward Moore. (These reports were incorrect,)

SHOES AND BALLASALLA GLOVES." Tell Tom Stowell to make Harry six pair of shoes, neat and light for summer wear, The fashion-he must be told-observe-is to make 'em rather lower at the heel quarters, and to buckle lower on the foot. He wants too half-a-dozen pair of Ballasalla gloves, tan leather." Ballasalla was at that time famous for the manufacture of gloves.

THE MUSEUM AT BISHOP'S COURT.-Pray make my compliments to my friend Capt Madden tell him he has forgot his promise of picking me tip some natural or artificial curiositys for the museum. We have this week got two very extraordinary productions viz.-a fine sea lion and the head of a whale both from Greenland. The house won't hold the head, so it stands without doors." -To Edward Moore. This is the same as the " menagerie " already referred to.

"JACK KELLY" AS CAESAR.-" Upon my word they have done Jack Kelly great honour. But have unluckily left out the most essential part of the comparison-videlite -that Caesar buffeted the waves with his right hand, while he swam and carried the original manuscript of his Commentary and Military Journals in his left. No, I mentioned this to the blockheads and wonder how they left it out, That's a melancholy story, indeed, you tell us about those honest fellows, Henry Killey and the rest who perished with him, You say the boat was taken up at sea with part of her cargo on board. Pray what was her cargo ? I suspect.

John Kelly himself described this occurrence as follows:-On our next return from the Island to Whitehaven, the 19th of March, 1771, charged with another portion from Deuteronomy to Job inclusive, we were shipwrecked in a storm. With no small difficulty and danger, the M.S. was preserved, by holding it above the water for the space of five hours. and this was almost the only article saved." Philip Moore's remarks seem to refer to an account which appeared in the Newcastle Chronicle.*Memoirs of Bishop Hildesley.

A SNOWY DAY,--' Such a day of snow I don't remember. Most part of last night and all this day, till four afternoon, It lies in most places above a foot deep. I guarded as well as I could and rode to church in some danger from falling. But a bitterer ride, going and coming, I don't remember ever to have had, and yet you would be surprised to see so large a congregation. But they could not work, so were glad to come to Church since they could do no better.

This was on the 27th of March, unusually late in the year for so much snow.

A PARTY AT BISHOP'S COURT,-We have here a very full house, the governor's whole family 6 servants, 5, horses, 9-sheshiaght vraane dy jarroo* -with this make weight, 21 of us in all. But whether I shall be liberate then, non liquet. I have slept in the Pavilion every night since they came-very snug and quiet, only we sit a little too late and keep quality hours, breakfast after ten, dinner at three, and supper past nine. I mess generally and by choice with the two younger Misses and so merry are we that we are the envy and admiration of the Upper Table."

The Pavilion stood in the grounds about half way between the house and the present entrance. It was afterwards used as a gardener's house till it was taken away about 80 years ago. The picture of the old parson and the two young daughters of the Governor making merry together is a pleasant one.

JOHN KELLY,-" Remember me to my young adjutant and fellow revisor. He's coming into favour fast. I hope due care is taken of the school. Let not Jack Bacon have any Manx tasks." John Kelly was assisting Philip Moore in teaching at the Grammar School.

SAGE BETTER THAN TEA.-" Pray send a dozen more slips of sage to Bishop's Court, if you did not send some on Saturday. I would plant some of em here, where sage is preferred to souchong and wisely," To Edward Moore.

BISHOP'S COURT GARDEN.-The garden is in great order and beauty after these fine refreshing rains. Some of the Leith flowers prove great beauty's, two as fine tulips as ever I saw- We must see and get some of the old fine auticulas there against autumn. Fine early cabbage some days agoe, pease and beans in fine bloom, and Bishop's Court all around, within and without, so very #A company of women, indeed, agreeable that I insist own I shall leave it with some little reluctance.''(-From Bishop's Court.)

PURCHASE OF THE CALF, &c." We are told here that Mr Cl. Rolls (Quayle) has; purchased the Dom: of the Calf from the Duke of Athole with all its Royaltys RegalitIES, Privileges, Immunitys and Dependencys, and that Mr George Moore has purchased all the Duke's Lands and Domains about Peel. And Mr Quayle, besides the Calf, the domain about Castletown.-(From Bishop's Court.) This information was correct.

A VISIT TO BALLAKILLINGAN AND MILNTOWN, &c.-I found Capt, Curphy like an English lord of the Mannour surrounded by rich and substantial tennants, with a good hospitable bowl of punch before 'em, all gay and in good spirits. Capt. Robert Heywood as vociferous as Homer's Stentor, a hero whose voice, the Grecian bard tells use was equal to that of a hundred men, you might hear him on the top of Skial (Skye-hill).

Now to go back from this digression. I dined with Mrs Llewhellin, the Widow Dury and Miss what's her name, the younger sister-Miss Notable Witts, the young aerian and Miss Epilogue, which she spoke with great elegance, propriety and address for us after dinner. After finishing a bottle with Mr Ned Allen's help,

I set out for Milntown to pay my respects there. None but the two ladys at home. Saw the young stranger, looks delicate, but said to be about dentition. I would not stay to tea, but drank a glass or two of white wine and took a view of Mrs Frissel's garder. that Miss cracks so about-is well laid out, but sadly in the rough. Made free to pass Claughbane, as, had called there too, I should have been late, but called at Dick Allens to see the old Dowager of Ballaugh. She looks as usual and mighty glad to see me.

The " Capt. Curphey " is Quayle Curphey who was a member of the House of Keys for many years. Robert Heywood was a brother of the Deemster of the same name.

THE MANX BIBLE.-"Tell Jack Kelly I have finished Ezekiel in 15 days, this day, Sunday, not reckoned. More than one half than ever was done before in the same time, considering the visionary nature and obscurity of the subject with the poor miserable translation furnished by the Rabbi of Rushen. The book of Daniel comes next into play, and may keep me employed another fortnight before I get him and myself fairly out of the den." Early in February, 1772, he began to revise the book of Job.

To EDWARD MOORE. "More Manks Work, The apocryphal lessons to be reviewed and corrected, not come till now that they're ordered in."

EXPERIENCES AT KIRK BRIDE RECTORY.-"I came to Bride and saw my landlady with her face all swollen with the cold, and Wally, who has been very ill, but mending, . with a stocking about his throat, and to mend the matter, the turf would not burn, being as wet as dung, the stack unthatched by the late great winds, and no coals, so that I had but cold quarters. I sat in my .surtout till I went to bed, got the sheets well aired with fern leaves and so made a tollerable shift. They tell me we had left out 5 bottles of wine and I used two of 'em, and well I had 'em if they helped to keep me from the cold and other inconveniences, which, thank God, I have hitherto escaped.- To his Wife

BISHOP HILDESLEY'S ILLNESS.-When I arrived here (Ballamoore, Patrick),I found the whole family either in tears or with very dejected countenances, and our worthy friend the Bishop lying in an insensible state , given up as past all hopes, and so continued till past one this morning, when he gave some symptoms of sensibility, and began to know those about him. He is now, thank God, in, at least, a hopeful way, and his disorder seems to have taken a turn for the better, to the great joy of us all.

October 22nd, 1771, the next day, he writes : " Tho' we can't say that the Lord Bishop is much worse, yet Mrs Hildesley can't be easy that Dr Murdock has not returned this day. On consultation it is thought advisable that Dr Murdoch attend this afternoon, and bring Dr Clepharn with him. I can't think of leaving my dear and worthy friend whilst there is the least appearance of danger.-(From Ballamoore).

Ballamoore was the residence of Sir George Moore, Speaker of the House of Keys.

October 24th :-" I have sure to inform You that the Bishop is surprisingly recruited, and came finely to himself, and his stupor is gone off, and he has had a good kindly natural sleep. He's still very weak from the effects of that strong convulsive fit he had on Monday. Such another would surely have carried him off. He wants nothing now, but rest and nourishment, with time to recruit. Poor man He has gone through a violent storm that has sadly shattered his hulk, that will require a good deal of cagreening to bring him to rights.-(From Ballamoore.) On November the 19th, he wrote, from Bishop's Court, after a dangerous journey across the mountains in a hard frost:--' His Lordship sat at table with us yesterday, for the first time, in the dining-room, and took two or three glasses of wine, and pretty cheerful, He had tollerable good rest these three nights past.

November 21st :-"The Lord Bishop is every day growing visibly better, rather heavly at times and low like an old craitchy vessel after a storm got into port and have down careen, and he begs I may not think of leaving him yet a while, as he is not yet well enough to answer his letters from England, or attend to much business, he makes me his ammanuensis, and in my own name, and in my own way, to answer his foreign correspondents."-;From Bishop's Court.)

December 11th-"Last Sunday the Bishop thought himself so well that he preached, or rather attempted to preach, in his chapel in the afternoon, but was soon silenced by the darkness and obscurity of the day, and a kind of flatuous cough that checks his voice. He is now able to write for himself, and last night was in gay good humour. He would have me smoke my pipe by him, which till now I did after he was gone to bed, and would drink a glass of punch. with me."-(To Edward Moore)

February 11th, 1772.-" I am extreamly sorry to find from your Lordship's favour of last week that you have reason to complain of that weakness in your limbs, which, I have reason to think, must proceed from the effects of the late very severe frosty weather. I had some similar symptoms which go off again with the thaws and keeping warm and lying much in bed, which I did three days, and taking comfortable thing to promote perspiration. I wish you would do the same, but you have ever been wanting in cute curanda."

TOM BETTY THE IDIOT.-"Tom Betty the idiots picture being drawn by a capital hand and exhibited at the windows of a public house brought a great number of people together, and amongst other;, the original, when an acquaintance coming by asked him, "Well, Tom, and what are all these people about ?" " I don't know," says Tom, but I believe one fool makes many."

Douglas, March 10th, 1741. To Dr Wilson.

" Sir and Friend,

Yr kind favors of ye 2nd and 3rd instant came safe to hand yesterday, in answer to wch give us leave, with hearts full of the utmost gratitude and res pect, in behalf of ourselves and of the whole people of this Isle, to return you our unfeigned thanks for the indefatigable pains and diligence you have taken to serve and oblige us all-as also to congratulate you on the unexpected success wth wch it has pleased God to bless your negotiations for us. First, with his Grace the Duke of Athol our Lord-and afterwards, with his Majesty in council-to both whom please to return our humble address of thanks and duty, for their loyal care and princely kindness to this poor distressed place and people, whose wants, we repeatedly assure you were nothing less than wt we represented them. So that nothing but the principle of natural self preservation arid the most extream necessity could constrain us to apply ourselves to our gracious King and Lord by your mediation, in behalf of a whole people Under the most terrible apprehensions and effects of death and famine.

Nor is it the smallest part of our pleasure and satisfaction to reflect that we have in you the happiness of so good a friend, who on all occasions have shown a distinguist (sic) regard and a most generous concern for the good of your country, in promoting with so much zeal and fidelity the interest thereof. and in this we extreamly rejoice to see you so steadily pursue the steps of your truly pious and worthy father, our good Lord Bishop that great and invaluable blessing of our Island-whom we can never too much value and esteem, and whose life may heaven in health and felicity prolong amongst us.

Now that, the good providence of God may crown all yr endeavours wth equall prosperity and success is the ardent prayer of yr most oblidged, most obedt, humble servts.

P.S,-We hope yt till ye Duke's corns arrives our people will be enabled to subsist on a small cargoe of Welch oates, bound to Dumfrice, on acct of Provost Curry-but providentially forcd in here twice by contrary winds-which detained her here so long that the master finding his corn beginning to heat and spoil was obliged to go to Castletown to protect agst the contrary winds. In the meantime the populace of this town enraged by want boarded the vessel and seized the corn-wch they found so hott at opening-yt in four days time it wd have been utterly unserviceable.

The action, tho' riotous, was conducted wth good order for they sold it out, at ye prime cost, paid the master his fraight according to his bill of lading-and oblige themselves to be accountable to the proprietor for the value of his corn. As he is a humane good-natured man, we hope this affair will be easily accommodated with him-who in fact is rather a gainer, than aggrieved by this accident : The master before he sailed made a second protest agst the populace of Douglas, The only apprehensions the poor people are under, is lest the customhouse bond shd be prosecuted, by wch all exporters of corn oblige themselves to land it at ye port for wch they clear out. But if this comes ever to be sued in the Court of Exchequer, we must beg of you to use your endeavrs in yt case for our poor people, who have nothing but poverty and the most extream necessity to plead, and agst the last there is no law.

'Tis also rumors here that sd corn was orderd by Provost Curry on the proper acct of his Grace the Duke of Queensberry, to be distributed gratis amongst the Burghers and poor of Dumfrice in order to engage their favr and interest against the ensuing election. If this be the case this great man, no doubt will endeavr to distress our poor all he can. If he be in the Court interest they are undone.

If you have any fears about the Spaniards, might not the ship's cargo be ensured-or'might she not be ordered to come north abt. Please to inform me in your next, as to what time his Majesties permission granted unto us, extends.


The years 1739 to 1741 had been a time of terrible famine in the Island, and this letter conveys thanks to Dr Wilson for help in getting the embargo removed from the import of corn into the Island, and for inducing the King and the Duke of Atholl to send corn to it.

To Bishop Hildesley. My Lord, Douglas, Dec. 9th, 1758

"The good people of this town have had three several meetings to consider abt ways and means to accomodate such as want room for the worship of God in publick. Where, according to custom, so many men -(almost)-so many minds. Some, who are for keeping the whole of the present chapel to themselves, are against any alteration therein-but propose building an entire new chapel a litle way out of town, Mr Joyner proposing to give a piece of ground for that purpose-to this, a great number of such hands as are to be had anywhere for asking, have subscribed-not considering how they are to maintain their minister-or where they are to raise money for the fabrick-it seems rather calculated to retard matters to keep out, wt they call interlopers, and let things rest as they are. Others (and that the most plausible scheme) are for obtaining your Lordship's permission to enlarge the present chapel, wch they will undertake to do at their own expense, and run the hazard of reimbursing themselves by the sale of the seats. That this may be effected without molesting the present occu pants of seats, who may remain undisturbed in their present stations-if they so clause. That the enlargemt proposed may be obtained in such a manner as to make double the number of seats-which will be more than sufficient to make every body easy, but those whom nothing or anybody can please.

I can't help observing a tincture of emulation and jealousy lurking under the cover of other pretence, with a little spice of envy at the young familys that are rising amongst us. Who are they? Where did they come from? Where were they when the chapel was built? Let 'em build a chapel for themselves ! We will not have anybody cockt up in gallerys over our heads. And in this, as in all other human transactions, there is a good deal of female influence and folly and pride.

My Lord -if these kinds of argumentation are to take place we shall never have any good done amongst us. Mr Joyner's chapel is to be a little out Town, northward; the access to which will be through the vilest streets and dirtiest lanes, perhaps in the world, and of what use such a chapel can be to the better sort of people who want to be accomodated-your Lo'p may judge, When Mr Hamilton has made good the highway-as he intends in the spring-it will be fifty times more eligible to them to resort to the Parish Church. There are ten or 12 gentlemen of the best ability and distinction in the place, who are ready and willing with your Lordship's permission to oblige themselves to enlarge the chapel sufficiently for themselves and the rest of the town, on its present site-without ever moving one of the prest occupts out of his place ; and on this head, they propose to address yr Lop. As to the debates and resolutions at the vestry, they are so vague and indeterminate that I did not think proper trouble yr Lo'p with them ; nor indeed, do I think that anything certain can be done till we are so happy as to have yr Lop: personally amongst us - -in expectation of wch when convenient, I am with my hearty prayers for yr Lop's health and welfare.-Yr Lop's most dutifull and obedt humble servant, ,


The discussions referred to ended, ultimately, in building St, George's Church. The " parish church " mentioned is Braddan. " Mr Hamilton " was the surveyor general of highways, then recently imported into the Island. He was the first to make roads as distinct from bridle paths here.


Douglas. January 3rd, 1777.

Many thanks to my friend Mr Blakeney for his kind agency and the concern he takes in disposing my mite towards the support of Mr Chambers, and my poor relations. I shall never be ashamed of poor relations. Christ has none but poor relations, were it not for them and other poor the noblest and most Godlike virtue of the human mind would be wanting-the soul would be naked. Philanthropy and charity would be stranger in the world.

I received a packet from you this evening by the hand of one of the gentlemen of the stamping factory here, and hope you had one for me lately by Mr John Wattleworth. Last Monday that he left this town. I wish you a competent number of happy years, with ease and contentment and if possible in peace with all men, and women too, or you'll have a dog's life. I have sent you a parcel of Dublin papers new and old to let you see what manner of spirit your countrymen are of-Americans to the blood and bone. I wonder what these Amalekites would be at? If you lose America Ireland would soon be a poor pitiful province of France and Great Britian too. There must be a superiority and a subordination somewhere, and where can it be better placed, than where it is at present it we but knew when we are well, but that foolish man never knew yet, and never will know.

Please accept of an almanac, that you may know how to cross the traie lhean, and as a small token of regard without which I am your friend and humble servant,

P, Moore.

The traie lhean is "the wide strand," but I do not know what this refers to.

"Friend Blakeney.-My dear,-Let your heart rest -the stray sheep is found, brought home to me this good Monday morning, July 7th, 1777 by one Aiken, a Scotch gardener here, at whose house it has lain ever since it was a missing-forgotten to be sure as he is a poor honest fellow-and could have no design in keeping it. Sorry that you should have so much anxiety and concern about it.

Be quiet and never mind these American rovers. The likes of you and I have nothing to fear from the likes of them. Let the rich fat ransomers look to themselves-they that have nothing to lose, can nothing lose, Our friend at Andreas talks of being murdered in our beds, I wonder what should put that into his head. For these Bucaneers have murdered nothing- but a few ships that I can hear of. They would much rather I believe meet with some of your linen fleet-for I fancy the poor devils many of them, may want a shirt to their backs. This answers yours 30th last month the Archdeacon's and all,-from sir your very obedient humble servant and friend,--P. MOORE.

Please put no dirty sand to your letters, use a bit of soft blotting paper laid over your letter and stroke your hand gently over it. I scolded Mr Wills out of that dirty "trick."

" Our friend at Andreas" is Archdeacon Mylrea. "Mr Wilks." the Vicar General, had only just died.

To the Rev. Thomas Broughton. Douglas, Isle of Man, Dec. 8th, 1777.

"Reverend Sir,-A padlocked pen is of as little use to the writer, as a padlocked sword to the man of war -cowardice and fear will shackle both, and men have been pen-tied, as well as tongue-tied.

I don't well know how it is, but since the demise of good Bishop Hildesley, I have sunk into a kind, of lethargic stupor, from. which I am just beginning to emerge, at the encouragement and instigation of the bearer, Mr Quayle, who is a very worthy gentleman, and desirous to be admitted a member of the Honourable Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Here he sustains the office of Keeper of the Rolls for his Majesty - has some property in Kent-and a good estate in this Isle. I have taken the liberty to trouble him with the Rev. Mr Gell's application, for Mr Bucer's Charity,' which has hitherto been unaccountably delayed, partly thro' my default, and partly to this gentleman's unforeseen detention, by whom it was proposed to be sent. Mr Gell, I must remind you, is that unfortunate poor clergyman-about whom I wrote and mentioned to you, his own, and the distress of his family, by having broke his leg-about a year agoe, He is still the same object of compassion, and returns ,you, sir, a thousand thanks . and blessings for your kind interposition with Mr Hankin, in his favour.

And now let me put in a word for myself, since nobody else will; ashamed and abashed at my long silence, and that since I wrote to Dr Finch, your worthy treasurer, some, I dare not say how many months since, I never set pen to paper, about any of the Society's affairs, and still so near my heart. For some time past, I flattered myself, with the hopes of personally thanking the Honourable Society for furnishing me with the means of breathing a little British air for the establishment of my health, and other business, but, but, and but again; behold in this, I was disappointed by a tacit sic volo from, a sic volo- and there it rests-such mortifications may be necessary to humiliate the pride of a little man's hear-and yet will you believe me-I am proud of nothing in this world, but that I our a member of your Society-and I hope there's no sin in that-in that sort of pride. I there be The Apostle of the Gentiles, the Prototype of your Society and concentration comes under the same predicament.

The Honourable Society will please to be reminded, that the grand and arduous work of our Manks Translations being finished, their farther benefaction to Mr Kelly, by way of compensation for his labour,, in so long assisting me in the revisions, besides correcting the Press, will be very seasonable relief to him, now, at his first setting out on his sacerdotal ministry to but, a small congregation of Episcopalian Protestants in Ayre, where he gives entire content, and is in great esteem, The Bishop of Carlisle who ordained him priest, was so well pleased with him, that he was appointed to preach the ordination sermon in preference to twelve or thirteen others, who were ordained with him, and acquitted himself in a very becoming manner, much, as I was told, to his Lordship's satisfaction, And now, since the Honourable Society have done me the honour, to refer the Quantum meruit of his labours to my decision, I humbly think that as his last labours, in their service, are, at least, equal to his first, he may be entitled to an adequate consideration. But this with grateful deference to the extent of the Fund, with the candour and justice of the Society to which we severally resign ourselves.

Please to inform the Rev Mr Treasurer that the prisoners he mentioned are still in durance vile here, besides the whole edition of Bishop Wilson's Book on the Sacrament,-at Whitehaven-laying there at expense (as the printers and Mr Sewell advise me) of warehouse room (sic) and in danger of spoiling-or being devoured by rats. I have in my custody near four hundred octavo Bibles, with a chest full of quarto, for the use of the churches, indisposed of, for want of orders from our Diocesan. His Lop; perhaps, expects to hear from the Society. It grieves and vexes me to mention these things, which nothing could extort from me but a sense of duty I owe to the most Honourable Society, of which I am happy to be an humble member with my daily prayers to Almighty God for his blessing and success of their pious endeavours, I remain, Rev. Sir, theirs and your most faithful and obedient humble servant,


A poor clergyman, who had the misfortune some time agoe to break his leg-undertook during his long confinement-the fracture being badly set-to translate into Manx Bishop Wilsons Instructions to the Indians-the very best of all his works."

This letter was addressed to ,"the Revd. Mr Thomas Broughton, Secretary of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, at the Society's House No. 105 -in Hatton Garden-Holborn-London." It would seem that the Society had made him some allowance for the large amount of work he had done for them in connection with the Manx Bible, Prayer book, &c.

The "Mr Quayle " referred to was Clerk of the Rolls, and grandfather of the late Mark Hildesley Quayle, who held the same office. " Mr Gell " was Vicar of Lonan.

To Mr Dan Callow. Douglas, Isle of Man.

" For many of our actions, I find there is no accounting but for the caprice and humour, the various dispositions and whimsicalitys of the species. Some never easy, full nor fasting ; fritfull and impatient under the obligation of a debt, ashamed and abashed to meet his good friend the patient creditor. Conscious so himself, that In his presence he loses much of his importance. For the importance of a loan, to himself, let me tell you is of no small consequence-others again never easier nor happier than, when they have the pleasure of shewing away and frittering about the year, cutting capers in sommersets till the strait rope of their credit strained too hard, snap goes the cord, and down tumbles the merry dancer to the great amusement and diversion of the malevolent vulgar, who never pity a man for any disaster, short of a broken neck.

Well, and what of all this? Quorston hæc? Says my friend Daniel have a little more patience, friend, since you've had so much already and I shall tell you - you know, and I know, how long I have been in your debt for past services. Now whether it be from pride, or some latent spark of honesty, or a combination of both, I am not metaphysical chymist enough to define or analyse Perhaps Dr Priestly could tell us-only this I know, that the thought never sat easy on my mind. I long to extricate myself. But your pride again, never would give me an opportunity. Proud enough I weep to mention that superiority which the lordly creditor holds over his vassal the debtor, hitherto I have been obliged reluctant to submit. But look ye, good sir, I shall bear it no longer and so, sir, to make myself easy, I have taken the liberty to send my niece a set of crockery ware, which I desire be accepted, if not in full, yet as a token of that affectionate esteem and regard with which I am hers and your old friend and faithful,-P, MOORE

Pray do me the favour and present my most respectful compliments to the Governor, wishing him and all of ye, many permenent and prosperous years, to enjoy all the blessings of providence.

I would come and tell him this myself, if I were able, but you'll do it for me.

A lucky thought, just started about this same crockery of ours. If Catharine should ever happen at any time to give herself airs-of pouting, or frumping, or mapping, except which you give her cause, and of which too, she is to be sole judge herself ! Petruchio has nothing to do but deliberately, to break a cup or a saucer, from time to time, and occasionally, as long as they may last, and my life for it, you'll not hear a wrong-mouthed word in a month.

Of all love and kindness, let me beg the favour of you to go to the old library-room, in there you will find lying on the floor, on your left hand in the dark corner, shame on the librarian and his want of taste, a Roman alter of which I desire you will take off in the exactest manner.

I want to send it to London to a gentleman of the Antiquarian Society who has wrote to me about it and to know, what other curiositys we had here. I told him, none more, that I know of, except myself. They have taken me at my word, good lack! What fools they be and desire to admit me, as a member of their society. Who of the honourable gentlefolk know me half as well as I know myself. I should bear no more of their compliments as Johnny Chambers said to the bull, and thus it is, that many an insignificent fellow passes for a great man, where he is not known. They have taken it into their heads, that your friend is a prodigious great virtuoso, a very * * * * and what not. Don't you lose this letter nor give it Catherine for a thread-paper, or to singe fowls, for my letters are to be published in six quarto volumes at two guineas each, by subscriptions, to which I expect you will subscribe. If you Vent tyed up, - vive la baggatelle.

If ever poor Jupiter should ever * * * * progress look to it that have done this dishonour to his altar. A Scotch wife on her death bed being advised to put her trust in God and defy the devil said "troth no, not I indeed I defy nae body-for I dinn'a' ken' where I may gang."

To Mr Dan Callow, Douglas, January 8th, 1781.

Dear Sir,-Irreparable for ought that I know is the injury I may have sustained by your omission to send me the icon and inscription of the old Roman altar in the old library-had I got it in time-I might have been honoured with a diploma from the Society of Antiquarians to a respectable member of which I promised to procure it. Surely it would be no great trouble nor take up much of your precious time. This delay has prevented me from answering the gentleman's letter, now for several months. What must he think, but that his Manxman is a person not to be depended on.

Sir, the honour of our country is concerned in this affair, as little as you may think it and of your humble servant,-P. MOORE.


[36]The following letters written in 1770, 1773, 1774 and 1779 describe journeys taken in these years, and, considering the age of the writer, who was 65 in 1770, and 74 in 1779, they are remarkable for their sprightliness and humour and the appreciation they show of the people he met. They are specially interesting as showing the difference between the facilities for travelling then and now.

Sherburn House, near Durham, July 23rd, 1770.

Dear Ned,

You will herewith receive a letter from H. Birket, which to my great surprize, I found in my pocket yesterday, and which I should have sent you from Carlisle. Yesterday (Sunday) I attended the Master of Sherburn* to the Cathedral at Durham, where I was introduced to the Bishop of this Diocese. and with whom we, dined. He's a fine, tall stately striking figure of a man. I admired him much, but much more and better pleased with his affability and condescension ; showed me himself through the greatest part of his most superb apartments in the castle-his palace ; walked with him and M. S. M.* on the terrace till dinner-most beautiful views, and a rich cultivated country all round-diversifiied with wood and water. Met here with a namesake -Dr Moore, one of the Goldn. Prebends-a very genteel, polite, well-looking man about thirty, got acquainted at first sight, and invited to his house-but shall defer that until our return for Newcastle. This day my fellow-traveller and I dine at Dr Louth's, Bishop of Oxford, who is also a Prebend here, and to-morrow I set out with M.S.M. for N'Cast'e, where R. Duresme + is to confirm, assisted by our Bishop of Mann.

I had no thoughts of this jaunt -at least till H. Birket ++ should come hither-who is expected next week-but as the Bishop of Durham was so kind as to propose my going with M.S.M., and that in a chaise of his own, so kind a proposal, you may well imagine, would be accepted as it was meant.

We have been very happy hitherto, and everything right and well, and very agreeable. I think I told you before, that I had been made free of the sail-H. B. and I being overturned by the carelessness of the driver, in returning from paying a visit to the Bishop of Carlisle at Rose Castle. Thank God, we got no great hurt-only H.B. was terribly frightened. Salute our dearest Betty for me, and best regards to all friends from fellow travellers and myself.-Most affectionately ,yours,


* Bishop Hildesley. +;The bishop of Durham. ++ His late wife's brother.
Bishop Hildesley was master of Sherburn Hospital, some three miles from Durham, as well as Bishop of Man.

Whitehaven, August 28th, 1773. Dear Neddy and Betty.

Not even your good and pious Uncle Christian could be more truly and gratefully thankful for much smaller favours than is the writer hereof for our safe and happy landing here in about eight hours after we left you. But sore sick, and sadly sick we were, and indeed, never worse in all my voyages that I remember. For you know how it was when we left you-a high wind aloft, with a very rugged and boisterous sea. But ten times worse all along shore, the wind coming down from the mountains in thundering tornados that Jail our Ship almost on her beam ends, and this till we got clear of the Manks land, and Kirk Maughold Head. All this time Mr Birkett and I were got into our cotts, swinging and banging about from side to side, with many a. sore thump against the wainscot, cascading in concert, with grievous deep and hollow groans young Teare, Mollagh, all the while very assiduous with his mop and his buckets, to keep all sweet and clean about us, and well he was, for when near this coat and the sea running high, with a heavy roll of the Ship. I was fairly unshipped and tumbled out of my cott, hammock on the bunker under me, and there I lay, till our worthy Captain Russ came to my relief, and replaced me in my former birth, and clueing up the colt with a cord. made it take a shorter swing, and play easier than before. At last, please God, we got safe ashore, without any other loss and damage (though we thumped and beat a good deal at coming in, though they made nothing of that here) no loss but of Harry Birket's buck-cane, that fell from his man into the water, passing from hip to ship, near the new tongue. A good night's rest, thank God, has set all to rights, and I am now again in status quo. We purpose setting out for Cockermouth this afternoon, and as much further as we can go, so that you must not expect to hear much more about us till we get to Manchester or Warrington, in two or three days more. I write this, before I go out anywhere, or, have seen any of my own or your acquaintances, who I hear are all well. Mr Birket has his compliments to all our com. friend: and neighbours, with my best good will, prayers and blessings to and for you all. From dear Nedsy and Bettsy '

Your very affectionate unkle and faithful friend, P. MOORE.

Warrington, September 4th, 1773.

Dear Ned,-My last to you was from Whitehaven, this day sennight, August 28th. Dined at Cockermouth, got to Dr Brownrig's at Keswic to tea. Doctor not at home, but a very hearty reception from his lady and Miss Youngere, all mighty glad to see ourselves. Lodged that night at Keswic. Pulled Younger by the ears, and boxed her well, for breach of trust in exposing my nonsense to the Dean of Westminster, Mrs Hassell, of Dalemain, and several other ladies and gentlemen to my shame and her own. Mr Sewel could tell me all this, before I set out, and that Dr Thomas, the Dean, should say Miss Younger's old friend and correspondent must be the Dean Swift of the Isle of Man. Dr Brownrig's Little Paradise and Keswic is much frequented by people of the first rank and fashion, whose curiosity leads them to visit those stupendous and and magnificent works of God with which that country abounds. The amazing and almost endless variety of fine large lakes, some of them Winandermere* especially, about 20 miles long, interspersed with habitable Islands. Mountains rising above mountains to a surprising height, to view 'em at a distance, and as you approach them, one would imagine they were absolutely impassable, and yet you wind in among them, through the valleys, and the most romantic scenery and the finest roads in the world.

Sunday 29th--18 miles to breakfast and prayers at Ambleside-very bad tea-and worse Church-Minister. not much better, as minister, but a very good man -best of all-to Kendale-14 miles. Dined with Dr Ansley, an acquaintance of H. Birket's ; to Lancastere 11 miles, that evening, excellent inn-Reynold's.

Monday, 30th -Out by six to Burtou-11 miles to Garstang-11 mile- Preston 11. Breakfast there-Chorley-poor town-Bolton not much better remarkable for the infamous murder of James the Great Earl of Derby in Oliver's time. Got to Manchester in the evening, 54 miles, all well-thank God-found the ladys' Mrs Chippendall and her sister, Harry's wife at tea with their 4 infants, 2 Edwards and 2 Marys. Mr Chippendall abroad at Harrowgate, while I staid, waiting about and three days enquiring for the Dr.,+ one while told he was at Noctoram, his estate in Cheshire, then at Liverpool, Buxton, and Warrington, having no certainty of him, I came hither yesterday, and, as if by appointment one of my letters took him on the wing and here we met last night and Col Patten, of Bank, near Warrington-they sent for me from the inn, and here they keep me, at the Collonel's in very splendid lodgings, a fine large anti chamber, nobly furnished, and a very comfortable bed chamber within, You may well imagine our meeting would be such as two friends acquainted from our childhood would mutally experience. The docter wears well and looks well, with very good spirits still. I am sorry.to see his legs have a tendancy to swelling. We entered on business this mornh1g, but can't proceed till we hear from the Duke of Athole, or the Cl. of the Rolls, to whom I wrote this day -I bless God I am very well and hope he will keep me so. If you write by the packet direct for me at Col Patten's, of Bank, near Warrington, or if by Liverpoole, the same, to the care of Mr Wm. Leece, or Boardman, for me here. H. Birket had his complimts to you and all his friends, with my love and blessings to you and yours. I wrote you from Wighthaven, a hasty letter which 1 hope recd. Col Patten* is a genteel, polite and well-bred man, lives like a lord, in all the elegance of an opulent fortune. His lady, a mighty good affable body, sat with us very composedly at supper last night, did the honours of the table as usual, and before next morning was very quietly brought to bed of her eighth child, a fine lass. Remember me to Messrs Quayle and Kelly and to your worthy Unkle Christian my best respects. Adieu."

" Now called Windermere. t Bishop Wilson's only son * Col Patten was a nephew of Bishop Wilson's wife.

Warrington, September 14th, 1773.

Dear Ned,-Your favour of the 4th received here yes terday, on my arrival from Chester, with Dr Wilson who bad been to visit his manours and estates in Wirral. Woodchurch, which had been Bob Murrey's-Landicanthat had been the Ambassador's* and Noctoram, the ancient estate of the Chanterels, with another fine estate called Newhall. to the amount of £1500 per annum. While there, he gave his tenants, their wives, children; and servants a very hospitable entertainment, with a grand ball in the barn. At night dined above 130 people, with plenty of ale and punch, all conducted with great regularity and order.

We have bad but very indifferent and broken weather here for several days last past, and their harvest, about the same speed with our own.

Though we travel in an excellent post charist of the Doctor's with two special good horses, and meet with good friends, wherever vee come, amonEst the Doctor's numerous relations and acquaintances in this and the next county, yet I would wish to be at home before Michaelmas, if possible. We have here every elegance and accommodation fit for a prince of the blood. Yet still home is home. Col. Patten is High-Sheriff of the county, and a polite, cheerful, well-bred gentleman. His lady and her sisters, one of 'em a young widow, very agreeable. affable and handsome. They're of the Bold of Bold's family-one of the fint in Cheshire, and related to all the other familys of note in the county. The gentlemen of Cheshire, you must know, have been in all ages, celebrated as the chief of men, for material valour, hospitality, and honour ; their ladys for vertue and beauty. and their women of every rank and degree the fairest of the fairest nation upon earth, and, indeed, they still seem to maintain that character. Sunday last, went to church at Chester-St. John's, with a young lady-one Miss Brack, sister to one of the most extraordinary men in this county, or any other, that in 18 years time. by fair practice, in the law, has a cquired a fortune of a hundred and twenty thousand pounds, and realised a suit of manors, 15 miles in length, all his own, and contiguous, not far from Chester, some on't close to the walls, with a house in town, and gardens, etc., fit for a lord. The Doctor and he, I find are old acquaintances, and seem to have a very hoed understanding. We dined with him and supped, had venison and other good brings of the season, and the finest Smyrna grapes of his own growth with pines, nectarines and peaches, that I ever saw, This made Come though not entire satisfaction, for our enteriainment at Church where the service, in it elf divine and truly so, was performed by a most wretched reader, the Psalmody, if possible, worse, most miserable singers indeed or rather no singers at all, but the clerk and two or three ;bat ven-tured to squeak out after him. The old easy funeral psalm tune, too, and as for the sermon it was such a Rhapsody of tire and brimstone, and the bottomless pit, and the eternity of hell torments and damnation, as I never heard from the mouth of a mad methodist -for such he was, though of our order, and the clergy here, to save themselves, admit anybody to their pulpits. The best sermon I heard since I came to England was from the dissenting minister of this town the Sunday evening before.

You'll present my best wishes and good-will to all our corn friends, not forgetting my old maidens, with mv love and blessing to Betsy and the bairns, from Dear Ned yours affectionately P. MOORE.

John Murrey; a Manxman, a son of John Murrey and Susannah Patten, who was ambassador in Constantinople.


Warrington, September 19th, 1773.

" Dear Sir,-Yr kind favr of the 13 came very expeditiously here on the 16th. Sorry to find you meet so many difficulties and obstructions in the discharge of your trust. But 'tis no more than you had cause to fear and foresee. You have weathered many storms in yr time, and will brush thro' this too. Poor Mark and Hesther! They meant to do the thing that was right, friendly and benevolent. But that you see will not always bear a man out. As for my part, I have lived long enough (now 68 yrs, ye 27) to wonder at nothing at all-not even at Lewaigean gratitude-I don t know, whether I shd wish you joy of your continuance in office. For our country's sake, I do. But for yr own sake, 'tis but giving you joy of trouble and disquiet; opposition and vexation, jealousy and envy-emulation and strife-waste of health and prostration of spirit. Fcelix Me qui proeul negotiis, &c. The post of hour and happiness is a private station. " Happy the man," says the facetious Philips, "who free fr care and strife-in silken or in leathern purse, retains a splendid shilling he not in vain, shall hear new oysters cryd."

The Doctr has his complimts to you, and thanks you for the pains you have taken. He sees now plainly that it was not possible for you to attend him, considering yr embarassmts abt ye executorship. We live very pleasantly-visiting and - visited. Last Sat Sent to Chester, to see one Mr Brock, a very sensible clevr man, very rich, and all of his own acquiring. -Ld B'p

I fancy, is no stranger to his genius and abilitys in the .; law-the world gives him a hundred and thirty thousand pounds-and all this -exnihilo-15 years agoe. He's ft bachelor, lives like a prince and entertained us like a, king. He has a very piitty sister, who was so obliging as; to take me to St. John's Church wth her-the Dr was something indisposed-so Miss and I went and prayd for: them and ourselves. We have had all the family of the Bolds of Bold, and to be with them again. Been toNorton, Sr Richd Brooks, a noble house and fine family- his two sons as fine youths as ever I saw, Cantabs both of great hopes. A domestic chaplain here, one Mr Heap, a young man, very shy and distant, but I soon cured him of that as soon as I knew wt he was, and he became very obliging. Sunday 19. Went wth Col. Patten and the Dr to Winwick Church, and heard Mr Rector (for he won't be called Dr) read morning pray very well, and with a good grace, at 81-his curate, Mr Lowe, preached-and the Rector, amazinly clever in the afternoon. We dined with him, and very elegantly entertained, his lady very affable and chatty; and like yr troublesome wife, and Ned Moore's, cramming and loading yr plate with viands. I have some curious anecdotes of the Church at Winwick, the Rector gave me, and Dr Sherlock's epitaph, wch I took, very bad Latin. We beat 'em all hollow at Psalmody, and as for reading, they don't many them do that much better than ourselves, and some not half so well,

Mond., 20-We dined with Mr Blackburn, near this town a fine old gentleman of 78, hale and hearty, an ald acquaintance and intimate friend of our great and good Bp. Wilson ; for his sake very glad to see us, though we don't fill our father's bonnet ; a sad wet day, so cd not see his gardens and exotics ; another day for that. But most charmingly entertained within doors, by his daughter, a most ingenious learned lady, and a virtuoso, whohas made the prittiest collection of non-descript foreign birds, curious animals, bntterfles and shells that ever I saw, except at Mr Lever's, near Manchester. This lady is herself a very great curiosity, and corresponds with Linæus and all the learned in Natural Philosophy all over Europe, to the East and West Indies, quite clever and scientific wth all the technical terms, at her finger ends. To-morrow, ye 21st, we go to Liver Poole for one night only, to see what we can learn there, and take Knowsley in our way home hither. The Dr has a very handsome post chariot, with a pair of excellent horses, and the best sober driver in the City of Lond. With all this, I wish I was at home. If I cd return with any degree of satisfaction to myself and my constituents,. My humble duty to Lord Bishop and service to the Archdeacon.-From, dear sir. yours and their most affetionate bror and humble servant,


A very mornfull letter fr poor Hetty-with sad and dolefull complaints of ill-usage, The Doctor wants to know all about the installation and all that, and all that.

It would seem that one of the Lewaigue Christian's had not behaved well to Philip Moore. Winwick was the church of Dr Sherlock, brother of Bishop Wilson's wife. To Edward Moore,

Warrington, Sept. 20th, 1773.

,Dear; Ned

You don't know wt a favourite I am with the ladies, -wherever we go-the Dr puffs away-- and I pass for a young man-though they're sadly out that take me so. The Rectr of Winwick'- lady, where we dined on Sunday last, and a Mrs Earle fr: Liverpoole, who was there on a visit offered to recommend me to Miss Tarleton and a Miss Bold, at Liverpool, both of competent age and good fortunes-this Mrs Earle, the match broker, knows Mr Bacon and enquired for him-her husband, I fancy, 'is concerned wth him and Taubman in the herring trade. '

Remember me kindly to Messrs Quayle and Kelly, and all the good boys at school and at home, not forgetting the good girls."

Such load of nectarines, peaches, plumbs, pines, and every day-like Ralph's* puddings-enough to kill a man, Wt's become of our apples? If any left-you may put them into crocks, in the great meal chest in the garrett -as praduice fri yrs and Betty-."

P. M."

Warrington, October 2, 1773.

"Dear Ned,

Yr kind favr of Sept 22. I recd the 28th just the day after I wrot,, you last, to which refer enclosing one to LLord Bp. Five weeks since I left home, and yet nothing done, for want of hearing from the Duke and his agents, who promised to write to the Duke in favr õf the Dr's designs. (Tis a disagreeable thing this attendee and dependce on the motions and the notions of those whom the world calls great men. I like it not. Sad weather here, at times, and much corn out yet, in the inland parts. Remember me, as usual, to all friends always happy wn I hear all's well in poor Mona. Sorry to see an acct in one of the late papers that a sloop wth. 16 passengers fr Ramsey had been put ashore somewhere, on the coast of Lancashire, bound to Liverpoole, and every soul, crew and all, perished, which I h;)pe is not true. I have wrote to Leece to know,-And am, with love to Betty and the bairns, yr very affectionate unkle,

Philip Moore and Dr Wilson were engaged in negotiato ing with the Duke of Atholl about certain questions connected with the tithe.


To the Vicar-General Wilks. Douglas, July 20th, 1774.

Dear Sir,

You will have heard of my broken voyage. Embarked last Friday eveng on board a deep-laden collier-wth little or no wind-found ourselves next morn abreast of the Calf-the wind all at S. West and by S.-the master saying it was impossible for him to fetch Dublin, was bearing away- for Belfast. Well determined me to leave him, well I did very conveniently in one of sevl fishing boats around us-that landed me a little south of the Spanish Head,within half a mile of My Nelson's Bereggey, who very kindly sent me home wth a man and a couple of horses on Saturday afcernooon.

N.B.-The ship's sails had been all shattered and torn before she got to Douglas, where they staid 2 days to patch 'em up, before I embarked. I knew nothing of this until after, besides, the pump was a going all nt-so that I was glad and thankful, at any rate, to get onshore."

Dublin, Augt 3rd, 1774:

Dear Ned and Bety too,

I have the pleasre to advise, that after a very pleast papsage of about 30 bouts-we landed fr the Bay, in the ship's boat at Dunleary, abt 11 o'clock on Mondav morn. We bad just got opposite to Mr Bacon's* on S-znday morning. wch we cd see very plainly, when my fellow passengers-the two ladys-began to be very squeamish, and obliged to go below. My c"mplaisance soon led me down to enquire after their welfare, and join in concert wthall their motions and emotions. For though there was not much wind, the ship rolld and pitchd a good deal in the race of the tide. We were all obliged to take our beds, and pass the good day as well as weed. Qurhearts in unison and harmony wth those of you on shore, who were better employed. In the afternoon, as we bars got a little better, I read to Mrs Forbes and such of the ca erv as were within hearing, some passages from Mr D elson's Practice of true devotion. Some of the men too had got to their Bible on the binacle. As for our captain, he minded nothing the whole voyage, but the bed and the hot, le-so that he was of no more use onboard than a child. The rest of the crew were a very orderly set of men, and not an oath or a bad word to be heard amongst them the whole voyage.

We paid J guineas a piece for our passage, and wth fees, at Dunleary, and other impositions for chaisø hire. it cist us on the whole £2 6s 10d Brit. be°ore we got hither. Their carriages and horses are the saddest wie'ched things that ever I saw. Ours broke down under ua,io the middle of Dawsord'; S'reef-snap went one of ',be springs behind, and , h ~ woo lwork to wch it, wac fastened -wch laid us almost on ourbeamenrts,tho'notquit sd vvn. Two gentlemen seeing our distres,, very prilitely ran to our assi-tee, and got out the ladies. I soon disengaged myself, and thank God, no further damage ensued. -T thanked the gentlemen for their courtesy to the ladys - got a port( r to carry our things, discharged our broken fare-deducting wt wd pay the porter-crossed the ferry, and landed a little below Mr Black's, saw the ladys to their lodging within a few doors of us--and, wd you believe it, Mrs Black hearing my rap at the door, started up in her bed-for the was laid down abt 3 o'clock in the afternoon-and cried uu' : '` Run, run, run, for that's my unkle's very rap!" l n( ed not describe to you the cordiality and affection wth wch I was recd, nor the kind enquirys, in particular,tor our uom:frds and acquaintance in the Isle-in wch we spent the rest of the day. For, how is Mrs This and Mr That, and such a one and sch x one, affords an inexhaustible fund of conversation -at a 1st interview. Such hours ! For they don't return fr the. Change and Coffee house before three, and dine at four. I was not so much jaded with my journey, but that I cd take apromenade [or French walk] wth honest Robin* aftër tea, to take a view of some of their grand new streets. The Mall in I ackville Street, to be sure, is a very grand thing, and wd do honr to any citty in Europe. But shame on their magistrates-not only here, but tbro' the whole town-you are ankle de ,p in dint wth dry weather, and dirt in wet-like some of our treapsing tawdry jades, that you mt have seen, with a good hat puffed out wth ribbons, and a red cloak.but with a dirty draggle taild petticoat, and nasty black bare feet. The houses, handsome, regular and lofty-but such are the streets of the Citty of Dublin as above described-and yet, Mr Black tel s me the inhabitants pay two thousd two hundd pounds pr amn. for the purposes of keeping clear the streets. With good management, the very dirt of the streets, for manure, would be worth the money.

I have met Cornet Taubman twice-invitd to the Baracks, but no time set. I forgot to tell you, that wn we were at Dunleary waiting for a chaise, I was sitting wth the window open, looking out for our man tivn 2 ladys and a gentleman passing by-one of the ladys seemed to eye me very attentively, and passed. I looked after them, they atopd and tackd together-I went to the door to observe their motions, wn one of 'em, a very fine figure, with a huge green calassh on, clappd her hands and cryd out : " My God ! Isn't that Mr Moore ?" ran towds me, saluted in the open street, and led me by the hand into a h use over the way, wth her frds slut for Mrs Forbes-treated us with wine and cake, and askd a 100d questions abt the Isle of Man. Sorry MrPurcell was not there, but she hopd we slid be acquainted. She's really handsome, and a pretty women =he makes-was there on a bathing party--nor tact she winted any - health-but to accompany some frds that did. King Connor too has been to see me-and such compliments-of you " look so well and so clever. Lord, sir, you are are quite a young man." till we had quite exhausted all nor comolimenrs. in mutual admiration of one another. To dine with ,him next Tuesday. Haven't seen Vallancy yet. Commend me kindly and affectionately to all our common frds and acquaintce-that is, indeed to all the good people of the Town and all over the Isle as they come your way, and su good as to make any enquiry abt yr very affectionate unkle,


Dublin cars have evidently not altered much. Cornet Taubman afterwards bought the Nunnery from Deemster Peter Heywood. Major Valiancy was a Celtic scholar, and a correspondent of Philip Moore's.

To Edward Moore, Carlisle, June 30th, 1779.

"That you wayn't think I am quite gone astray in not ; having heard from me; nor, perhaps of me, since the day after my arrival at Whitehaven. This will show you where I am at present.

Left Whitehaven, Sat. 19 to Workington, addressed by Mr Unerig to Mr Stanley, dined there and staid all nt. Visit Mrs Giffen and some few of my old acquaintce that remaind. Mrs Stanley-Mr Unerig's sister-thin and delicate as Mrs Jones, an amiable nurse, with a fine lovely lass at her breast-besides the boy that was with his. father at the Nunnery, and a ,younger. Sunday at Workington Church,heir Me Addison; perform i wall. Sunday eveng took chaise for Unerig, took Mrs :Stanley and her 2nd son with me. They go back in the returned chaise at my suit, could do no less.

Mr Christian does not reside at the Hall a noble new front, butthe house all unfinished within. Lives, himself with his servnts, at a very pretty snug house, wth 4 rooms, on a floor-intended for his steward-when the Hall is completed. Thought to have gone away next day -but not to bg done-cd not get out of his hands. Every contrivance to detain me-so sat down contented on honour, that I should set out on Monday with him and his sisters for Carlisle, taking Sir Wilfred Lawson's* in our way, and dine there with 20 gentlemen and ladys.

Tuesday. 22-Went with Mr Xtian, mine host, in his phaeton, to dine at Netherhall, with Me Senhouse-very deaf-his hobby horse, a Roman camp, yt he is digging up, exploring and searching for Roman altars, coins, etc. Walked with him thither-talked to him, in his own manner-Enterd into his taste and sentimts, which made him very happy and pleased him very in ~-h -as so very few-and none but gentlemen, he said, of taste and learning were to be found, that had anv relish for these noble monumts of granduer and antiquity-tired to death - wished his camp had been at the Campus Martins, near Rome-got into tea-I start an objection abt his camp yt puzzled and perplexed him much -vizt - lrow come those fine, regular well-laid Streets-yt cross the camp, leading fr gate to gate, to be now covered with

a foot deep of earth ? My antiquarian totally at a lossnever thought of this before, and begd my assistce to explain and clear up this difficulty. We are to consider of it-quite an enthusiast in these matters, and speaks wth raptures of the discoverys he has made-in urns, :altars and inscriptions and fragmts of old Roman pottery Remembered and spoke of his seven Manks schoolfellows 'v"t-the Archdeacon, Mr Quayle, (Cl. Rolls), the Deemster, Ned Fienes and Ned Stanley, &c. My host and charioteer in some danger on our return. Horses unmanageable.

Wednesday, June 23-We dined at Mr Creak's, Flimby, -mem-such a wretched hovel of a chapel, did I never -see, and hope, never will again-as bad, and worse, than the ditty old cowhouse to wch it is joined at the west end -exclaimed and shamed. So many rich men, concerned',- owned themselves - that £300 with the old materials wd furnish a decent and sufficient place of pub wop.

24th -Mr Xtian goes to dine at Mr Stanley's and his fatrs at Wirkington - decline to go with him-so staid solus at Unerig all day. easy and tranquil, amongst the books, lessons and service of the day, in my room. write to Carlisle. Messrs Xtien and Lovett return in ye eveng and they set out next morn for Cockermouth.

Friday 25th-Rt cd a letter fr Mr B that one of his horses had been very ill for some months, not 2d matter, as there was. a good chaise to be had at 1vI: pore. Sent a card to Mrs Forbe=, at Allenby, and visited her next day, vizt :

Sat. 26-Had a most affectionate friend by interview, and much agreeable chat with her and her neice Maxwell, a very genteel well-bred young lady. Many kind enquirys about Manks friends and matters Very little comp at Allenby, not come yet. Dine together, with a Capt. Jardein and another old lady-when I spoke to the landlady abt paying for dinr, said there was nothing-so polite was the Dowager ! Was most elegantly dressed, and never lookedbetterin herlite, with an easy, cheerful, smiling, placid countenance - returned after tea-a delightful eveng, with a pleasant view of the Isle of Man all along shore with the sun all glorious eetting !

Sunday 27-At Unrig, mine host not up, took one of his men with me to Maryport Chapel Mr Killbanks, minister, preached. The field of the slothfull, etc., well enough applyd to ye culture of the soul, fr the soil. Cl. and people verv taciturn. A very rapid reader, a remarkable man this.

Miss Le Fleming and Brown, escort me to Unrig, smuggle em in there. A Large company the Craiks and Allonbys, with the miss Xtiaus to tea.

Monday 28-Left Unrig. Mr Christian and I in one chaise and his sisters wth thr maid in the other, both hired vehicles, came to Sir Wilfred's, introduced in form. Mrs Wheeler, his sistr in law, dos the honrs of the house gained on her esteem-a large comp-chaplain, his civility. Genl politness, and ladys affable.

Late after-tea -½ past 7-took chaise for Carlisle. The 2 ladys and maid in one chaise, and their fellow-traveller in another solus, begd to have one of the ladys or (tho never sworn at H'gate) ever, the maid, could not prevail. No matter, their carriage overladen. a huge heavy trunk, with themselves, drivers overprimed wth Sir Wilfred's ale, drive furiously, then: braces give way, harness break, two or three times, and obliged to stop, knotting and splicing. The ladys vehicle, all well with mine, tho' charged with one of their trunks, had 18 miles to go, got in at 11 o'clock, all gone to bed but Mr Birket and man. ladys left in the street by themselves while I settled wth the Jehus. Let em take that.

Tuesday 29-St Petrs Dar. At the cathedral, Mr Richardson's voice broke, weak and tremulous, Introduced to Dean Peircy and Mr Baldwin-Prebendary, com. service, well performed by the Dean. Sorry to find Mrs Birket in mourning and distress on acct of her brother's sudden death, near Dona-ister, a Mr Greatrix. Wonderfull how she gains on your affections, more and more, the more she is known, a very polite, sensible and wellbred lady, with two very lovely lasses, indeed, sweet little prattlers. After dinner, castle walk and talk with a long fatiguing walk after tea thro' pleast meads and fields, wth Mr Birket.

Wednesday 30th-Stay at home after breakfast, to write my journal-nothing material only went with mine hostand Mr Simpson to;see his chatteau, rural garden and house well laid out, in full view of the town, all the adjacent country and river, a very extensive prospect of ye distant mountains.

House and out houses, large enough for a larger family, had the chaise, one of the steeds to be sure, had all the appearce of a creature that had been an invalid, but just recovering, this ye ist time he had been employed for some months.

Thursday, July 1st.-Here I close my journalintending, please God to set out for Gilesland on Mon day. Leaving the racers to themselves, I have heard from Mr Revd Kelly--still undetermined-as he has heard nothing fr the partys concerned.

Present to all my worthy friends and good neighbrs, with the cordial and most affectionate regards of yes, &c., P.M.

"Let the challets betaken up."

*His niece's husband.' Evidently an ancestor of the present Sir Wilfred Lawson,

" Unrig " is John Cnristian, proprietor of Unerig and Milntown. He in 1752 married Isabella Curwen, of Workington Hall, spoken of as the " Princess " in this letter, and took the name of Curwen. He was the only Manxman who has ever been a member both of the House of Commons and the House of Keys. The Senhouses of Netherall were connected both with the Milntown Christians and the Taubmans. " Mr Revd Kelly" is John Kelly author or the Manx Grammar and Dictionary, who had assisted Philip Moore in revising and transcribing the Manx Bible. He had been in charge of the Scotch Episcopal Church at Ayte since 1776 and in this year (1779), he was offered the post of tutor to the Marquis of Huntly, son of the Duke of Gordon, which he accepted. Perhaps at the time Philip Moose wrote he was hesitating whether he should do so or not.

Whitehaven, July 18th, 1779.

Dear Ned.

Though the Royal Gazzatte takes no notice of it, for reasons of State, best known to the ministers of State and the Privy Council. You may, notwithstanding, be assured that a certain itinerant of no great note, nor of any consequence to anybody, but to himself and his friends, who are not a few, is now here, corporally, personally and identica-1 y. well lodged, and kindly entertained at the house of Peter John Heywood, Esqre.,who by vertue of the power in him vested-any? My writ of habeas corpus seized this rambler - and secured him, bag and baggage as above. Said Itinerant here found the brave Capt. Qualtrough of the Tyger and Letter of Marque and Reprizal-about business best known to himself, and wish him success-intending to have taken my passage with him this day, and, like honest O'Blunder, to have been the bearer of this, myself. But am sorry for the disappointment, as the nature of his business does not permit him to take in his recruits - if any he gets, here-but at Parton, which on many accts would be very inconvenigt to me - beside--an open boat, and the chance, or rather misch nee, of an attack from a large press-gang, lying in wait to intercept our Capt. and his men. A random shott, you know, on such an occasion, mt spoil a man's coat, or make a hole in his doublet, which would not be very agreeable. I left Carlisle and my friends there, not very we 1 pleased with themselves, on Monday. Solus cum solo, a fine day and a most delighful journey, with the pleasre of a delectable view of the happy Isle. From the heights between Cockermth and this place. tantalised with the same tempting prospect here this blessed day th at brought us in, the first choice blessing of the sea-a. cargoe of Manks Herrings the first I mean, that I saw this good season,-though not the first that came in here- and of wch we heard, with watering mouths at Carlisle. I must now stay here, and spin a small, fine, thread of patience, till the packet be ready, which, the Capt. tells me, will be in two or three days, which I much doubt.

In the meantime, I shall take, or may, rather, take the opportunity of paying Mr Lutwidge a visit at Holmrcoke -where he is daily expected-or here, or go to Workington, to pay my respects to the young Princess, or accept of Colonel Peningtors very kind and pressing invitation to Muncaster, or which is most likely, lea them all alone, so many engagements here. . . . . Miss Nessy Heywood. &c., have their compliments to "Betsy,"

The history of the unfortunate Manx privateer "Tyger" will be found in the Manx ballads recently published by me. The Peter Heywood referred to was afterwards Deemster. His daughter "Nessy" was then eleven years old, she will be remembered in connexion with her brother Peter, afterwards Captain Heywood, R.N., who was on the `' Bounty ' at the time of the mutiny. During the time of his trial for his supposed participation to the mutiny, she wrote several touching poems and many admirable letters addressed to him. Her health broke down under trouble and anxiety at this time, and she died at the early age of 25.



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