Manx Guinea Captains operating out of Liverpool

Wilkins gives the following list of Captains operating out of Liverpool in the "Guinea Trade"

Lutwidge Affleck
John Bean
Christopher Brew
Henry Callow
Thomas Cannell
George Cannon
David Christian
Ross Christian
Edward Clark
John Corran
William Corran
James Cosnahan
Thomas Cottyman
Hugh Cowell †
Hugh Crow
William Crow
Thomas Cubbon
Thomas Cubbon
Edward Dugan
Quayle Fargher
George Farquhar
William Farquhar
John Finch
Michael Finch
Henry Frissel
Richard Gawn
John Gill
William Gill
William Gill
Philip Kewish
Patrick Kewley
Thomas Kewley
William Kewley
Hugh Kissack
Charles Kneal
William Kneal
Ambrose Lace
William Lace
Alexander Lawson
Caesar Lawson
William Lawson
Henry Moore
John Quirk
Radcliffe Shimmins
Matthew Sibson
Francis Stowell
James Stowell
Thomas Stowell
John Tear
John Tobin
Thomas Tobin
Daniel Vaughan
Robert Waterson

The coast of Africa was a dangerous area for Europeans to spend time exposed to tropical illnesses - most would need to spend two or three months loading slaves who were loaded into cramped conditions on board the slaving vessels prior to the 'middle passage' across the atlantic to the sugar and cotton growing areas in the Carribean or southern states of the USA. Possibly a third or so of Europeans engaged in the trade died on the coast of Africa though the rewards, especially for the officers (captain, mate and the important surgeon), for a successful voyage could be great - those known to have died on this coast are indicated †.


Suzanne Schwartz "Slave Captain: the Career of James Irving in the Liverpool Slave Trade" 2nd ed Liverpool University Press 2008 (ISBN 978-184631-067-6)
Frances Wilkins "Manx Slave Traders" Kidderminster 1999

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© F.Coakley , 2018