Basil Cochrane, 1751-1761 

Born c.1701, son of Laird of Ochiltree and brother of eighth Earl of Dundonald; had served in the army of General Cope being captured by Highlanders at Preston Pans.

Had several disagreements with the Keys and in particular with their spokeman ('foreman' as Cochrane termed him) George Moore, whose activities Cochrane thought designed soley to benefit himself. Moore was violently anti-Catholic and complained bitterly at any attempt to naturalise Catholics (usually merchants/traders from Dublin) - Cochrane reporting that the numbers of Catholics increased but little and that they were singularly quiet and unobtrusive. Another argument over naturalisation, which gave trading benefits over aliens, arose in 1760 when three well-connected Jews - Abraham Vienna, Salomon da Costa and Jacob Osorio - applied, stating that they wished to increase 'trade' (spirits and tea etc which would then be smuggled) with Amsterdam and Bordeaux - though they were supported by leading Liverpool merchants and by Cochrane, the Council refused their application - no doubt Moore did not want such powerful competition.

Bachelor, complained that none of his women friends would agree to be Governess - resigned in 1761 to become one of the Commissioners for Excise in Scotland, a job for which his Manx experience must have fitted him well!


N Mathieson The Governors during the Atholl Lordship Proc IoMNH&ASoc VI #1 pp46/63 1960


see Athol Papers

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© F.Coakley , 2002