Founded 1134, initially an offshoot of the Savignian
house of Furness. Like others of this order came under
Cistercian rule in 1147. The completed Abbey church was
dedicated in 1257. |
Grid Reference SC278702 |
Little is known about the Nunnery
which was completely rebuilt in the 1820's. The Prioress was
an important figure as a Baron in the Island. Dissolved in
1539 when there were only three nuns and the Prioress
Margaret Goodman who is supposed to have then married Robert
Calcott the Lord's Controller. Their descendants, the
Heywoods occupied a house on the site before selling it to
the Taubmans in 1776. |
Grid Reference SC372754 |
The remains of a chapel of the Franciscan Friary founded in 1367. The chapel appears to date from the foundation as the masonry resembles the 14th work carried out at Castle Rushen for the founder. Later used a farm building following the dissolution in 1540 - now under the care of Manx National Heritage. |
Grid Reference SC249703 |
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gratefully received The
Editor |