[From Manx Soc, vol. 26]



Car. II, Vol. lxxiii. No. 76.

Warrant to apprehend Henry Nowell, Governor, and others.

Whereas upon the complaint of George Christian of the Isle of Man made to this Board touching violent proceedings against Wm Christian (his father) upon wch he was Condemned & putt to death this Board was pleased to comaund Richard Stevenson Thomas Norris Robert Callcott & Hugh Cannell of the said Island to appeare at this Board on the 13th of May instant to give an Accompt of their Proceedings therein And whereas the execucõn of the Order aforesaid was obstructed by Henry Nowell Governor of the Isle of Man and Richard Tyldesley Comptroller there & that the said Richard Stevenson Thomas Norris Robert Callcot & Hugh Cannell have neglected to render obedience and appeare as by Our said Order was comaunded These are to authorise and comaund you forthwith to repayre unto his the said Island of Man and there or wheresoever else you shall finde the Persons as well of the said Henry Nowell Governour of the Isle of Man aforesaid & Richard Tyldesley Comptroller there, as also of the said Major Callcot Richard Stevenson Thomas Norris & Hugh Cannell and them & every of them to apprehend & take & in safe custody to keepe, and in yr company to bring before us to answer their & every of their misdemeanor & contempts and such other matters as shall be objected against them; And for the more speedy and effectuall. execution of this Our Warrant, We do hereby will and require all and every his Maty Justices of Peace Majors Sherifs Bayliffs Constables and all others his Maties Officers both Civill & Military & all Inhabitants of the said Island & all Comaunders & Masters of sbipps passage boates or other vessells and their shipps companyes upon their allegiance to be ayding and assisting unto you as they tender the furtherance of his Maty Service & will answer the contrary at their perills; for all which this shall be as well unto them & every of them as unto you sufficient Warrant.-Given at Whitehall, &c.

[18' May 1663.1 (Without endorsement.)

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