THE coroners or crowners in Man (who, in ye Manks language, are called Annos, and not Annuos, as ye L. Cooke mis-writeth it),1 are as our sheriffs in England ; although Mercator will have him but as or undr sheriff ; but there is another officer there undr the coroner wch is called a lockman, who is as ye under sheriff to ye coroner, who hath ye power of a sheriff in ye Isle of Man. The number of these coroners are according to ye number of the sheedings, wch are six, for every sheeding hath its coroner, and are elected by and out of ye sheedings (as was shewed you before) ; that at ye instalmt of a new lord all ye coroners deliver up, upon their knees, ye rodds of their office into ye lord’s hand, and ye lord calleth six other of ye six sheedings, and delivereth to every one of them one of ye same rodds, and they give them to the coroners elected, and ye eldest deemster giveth their oath for ye due execution of their places.

The coroner of Glanfaba sheeding is ye chief of all ye coroners of ye Island and commandeth ye other five, for wch I cannot give any reason for, seeing Russin sheeding (in wch is ye lord’s castle and court-towne), being accompted ye principall sheeding and reckoned in ye first place. And yt of Glanfaba hath but ye 2 place, except it be yt ye Manks may give ye first place to Glanfaba, in honor to their apostle St. Patrick, and to their first byshop Germanus (wch two parishes doe make ye sheeding of Glanfaba),—he commandeth ye other 5 to fence a Tinwald and proclaimeth ye new installed lord.

The office of a coroner is to arrest for debt, if ye token of ye governor or deemstr be delivered unto him (for otherwise he cannot). Yet I find amongst their customary lawes they are authorised of themselves, by vertue of his office, to arrest in cases of felony. Hee is ~ a justice of peace (in ye absence of others), yea, his lockman may take recognizances of ye peace, and returne ym as the other officers doe, but they ought not to commit ye party ; but he may raise ye country to assist him and bring him before ye governor or some officer that hath power to commit him.

Whosoever resisteth a coroner in pforming his office for-feteth an amercmt 3s. He empanelleth ye jury of indictmt at ye gaol delivery, he is to doe execution (or procure it to be done, as ye sheriffs in England are found to doe alsoe) upon a malefactor condemned, and to have all his quick goods, horses, bullocks of 2 years old or under ; and all such goods as by ye law should have fallen to ye next heir as corbes, the coroner shall have them. He is alsoe ye officer to execute a recovery in chancery (as hereafter more in their practick part of their lawes).


1 The coronrs are neithr call’d Annos nor Annous in the Manks language; but this, both here and in the translation of Cambden, is plainly a misconstruction of his latin coronatores quos vocant annuos, i. e., coronrs whom they call every year : and by the constitution here, no person can hold yt office two years successively.


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