[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


[No. 53.-January 20, A.D. 1459.-p. 186, footnote d.]


Excommunication of the Freebooters.

Theiner's Vet. Mon. Hib. et Scot., No. 787, p. 413. Reg. t. iii. fol. 441.  

Thomae Stanley. domino Insulae de Man Sodorensis dicocesis conceditaer ut omnes prosumentes ofendere dictam Insulam sint excommunicati.

Pius Episcopus, servus servorun Dei. Ad futuram rei memoriam. Romanus Pontifex B. Petri coelestis clavigeri successor, cuncta mundi climata, omniumque nationum in illis degentium qualitates paterna consideratione discutit diligenter, et ex ipsius debito officii fidëlium salutem et quietem appetens singulorum, superno suffultus auxilio, suadentibus rationabilibus causis, gladio spirituali utendo in raptoribus, et præsertim latrunculis maritimis, qui a vetitis nescientes abstinere, fideles per mare pro diversis negotiis navigantes, ac terras etiam insulares et mari propinquas injuste deprædantur, et bonis suis expoliant, ut si timor dei a malis non revocat, severitatem disciplinæ saltem timeant, censures et sententias ecclesiasticas fulminat, ut rubore confusi fideles ipsos in pacis ameenitate quiescere permittautur, et in fidei puritate conserventur. Exhibita siquidem uobis nuper pro parte dilecti filii nobilis viri Thomæ Stanley Baronis, et Domini Insulæ de Man Sodorensis dicecesis, petitio continebat, quod ipse, qui ut progenitores et praedecessores sui in ipsius insulæ (sic), quae inter partes Angliæ, Yberniæ, Brittaniæ minoris et Scotiæ in mediis maris magni fluctibus sita est, et qme jure hæreditario ipsi Thomæ spectat, prout ad progenitores et præde-cessores suos pertinuit, et in cujus possessione pacifica per non-nulla tempora fuerunt, cupiat ab intimis ut fides catholica et divinus cultus inibi augeantur pariter et conserventur, quod facile fieri non potest, nisi ipsæ gentes, populi, ac habitatores et incolae in-sulae pnedictæ ab inimicitis, offensis et invasionibus partium eidem continguarum, prout parati existant, vicissim etiam principes et populi eidem insulæ convicini, ac circumjacentes sese a similibus offensis, injuriis et invasionibus curaverint abstinere : quod licet ex se ipsis facere tenerentur, tamen nequitatis et malitiæ filii, qui in suis malitiis et prædictis deprædationibus nonnunquam glori-antur, sic facere sæpe numero recusant, neenon dictam insulam hostiliter invadentes, eam nec non illius habitatores bonis spoliant et deprædantur, ac in eorundum habitatorum personas attemptant, nulla justi belli occasione subsistente, cum ipse Thomas, vel Insulares præfati guerram non habeant cum gentibus et populis convicinis præfatis : et sicut eadem petitio subjungebat, si eandem insulam, illiusque habitatores præfatos, nec nou insulares præfati alienas partes circumvicinas invadentes, sen se invicem bonis spoliantes, aut personas utriusque partis invadentes, censures ecclesiasticas et aliis juris remediis, dum talia perpetrarent, liga-rentur, perfecto rubore confusi insulam et illius habitatores, illo-rumque bona, nec nou insulares præfati partes alias convicinas bonis spoliantes, in personasque, ut præmittitur, attemptantes, si nou timore dei saltem rubore confusi a talibus temerariis ausibus se retraherent et abstinerent.

Quare pro parte dicti Thomæ asserentis quod nonnullorum sanctorum reliquiis inibi existentibus ab antiquissimis tempori-bus insula decorata est, et vulgari eloquio usque in præsentem diem insula sancta nuneupata existat, et ut habitatores illius, nec non circumvicinarum partium in pace et tranquillitate deinceps vivere valeant, nobis fuit humiliter supplicatum, ut in insulam illiusque habitatores, nec non in insulas alienas partes circnxnadjacentes invadentes, bonis spoliantes, aut temere in eorum personis attemptantes mucrone spirituali ac censuea ecclesiastica percutere; et alias in præmissis, Thomæ ac iusulæ nec non vicinarum partium prædictarum indemnitati consulere de benignitate apostolica dignaremur. Nos igitur, qui cunctorum Christi fidelium pacem et quietem quærimus hujusmodi supplica-tionibus inclinati, auctoritate apostolica ex certa seientia hoc perpetuo edicto dictam insulam, omnesque et singulos illius habitatores, nec nou insulares seu habitatores partes circumvicinas prædictas, illorumque habitatores præfatos tam in mari, quam in terra, cujuscumque dignitatis, status, gradus vel conditionis existant, etiam si regali, reginali, ducaai, vel quacumque alia nobili aut temporali dignitate præfulgeant, invadentes, ac bonis spoliantes, vel in eorum personis attemptantes, nisi infra unins mensis spatium de per eos damnis perpetratis, et interesse parti læsæ realiter satis-fecerint, nulla alia canonica monitione prærnissa, videlicet singulares personas malefactorum prædictarum sententia majoris excommunicationis, quam in his scriptis dicta auctoritate ferimus, tenore præ-sentium innodamus, quamque invadentes et attemptantes præ-fatos incurrere volumus eo ipso. Universitates vcro communitates et loca illorum sive ad quæ se retraxerint, aut in quibus recepti fuerint, si illos in eorum malitia sustinere voluerint, interdicto ecclesiastico supradicta auctoritate supponimus, et sic supposita denuntiamus co ipso, eorundem absolutionem seu interdicti præfati relaxationem de damnis et interesse primitns satisfacto, nobis et successoribus nostris Romanis pontificibus tantummodo reservantes. Nihilominus omnibus et singulis partium et insulæ prædictarum archiepiscopis,episcopis, abbatibus et aliis in dignitatibus constitutis, ecclesiarum-que Cathedralium canonicas per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatenus sub similibus censures et peenis, quas contrafacientes in-currere volumus eo ipso, ipsi vel eorum alter, quotiens per aliquem insularirm et partium prædictarum habitatorum sen dampa passe-rum fuerint requisiti, omnia et singula præmissa solemniter publicantes, illos, quos excommunicationis et interdicti senten-tias prædictas incurrisse constiterit, in ccclesiis, dum inibi major populi multitudo ad divina audienda convenerit, ipsos excommunicatos, nec non eos illorumque loca interdicto supposita publice nuntient, et ab aliis nuntiari et declarari, ac aretius evitari faciant, donec de damnis et interesse satisfacto, ab hujusmodi sententiis beneficium absolutionis sive relaxationis meruerint obtinere : et nihilominus etiam contra Communitates singulares et particulares personas, legitimis super iis per eos haberidis servatis processibus, eos, quotiens expedierit, aggravare et reaggravare procurent, invocato ad hoc, si opus fuerit, auxilio brachii sæcularis. Non obstantibus felicis recordationis Bonifacii pp. VIII. prædecessoris nostri illis præsertim quibus Gavetur, ne quis extra suam civitatem vel dioecesim, nisi in certis exceptis casibus, et in illis ultra unam diætam a fine suæ dioecesis ad judicium evocetur, seu ne judices a sede deputati prædicta extra civitatem vel dioecesim, in quibus fuerint deputati, contra quoscumque procedere, aut alii vel aliis vices suas com-mittere præsumant, et de duabus diætis in concilio generali edita, ac aliis constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis, nec non Imperialibus, Regalibus vel municipalibus legibus, statutis et consuetudinibus ceterisque contrariis quibuscumque, aut si male-factoribus aut invasoribus, vel eorum aliquibus communiter vel divisim ab apostolica sit sede indultum, quod interdici, suspendi vel excommunicari, aut eisdem locis, illorumque Communitatibus vel Universitatibus, quod interdicto supponi non possint, a sede apos-tolica sit indultum, per litteras apostolicas non facientes plenarv et expressam,ac de verbo ad verbum de indulto hujusmodi mentionem.

Ceterum, cum difficile valde esset, præsentes per sing ula tam insulæ quam partium prædictarum loca pro singulis occurren-tibus negotiis, et illarum publicationibus, et inde processibus faciendis deferre aut deferri facere, volumus et eadem auctoritate decernimus, quod earundem præsentium transumptis manu alicujus legalis notarii publici signatis, ac alicujus ex dietis Episcopis, vel Curiæ ecclesiasticæ sigillo munitis et sigillatis omnimoda fides adhibeatur in hujusmodi occurrentibus negotiis publicationibus et processibus faciendis in omnibus et per omnia, ac si continuo eædem præsentes exhiberentur, ac illis firmiter stetur, quibus-cumque exceptionibus aut objectionibus rejectis. Nulli ergo, ete., nostræ innodationis, suppositionis, denuntiationis, reservationis, mandati, voluntatis et constitutionis infringere, ete. Si quis autem, ete. Datum Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum anno, ete. MCCCCLVIII. tertiodecimo kal. Februarii Pontificatus nostri anno primo.

Rescript to Thomas Stanley, Lord of the Island of Man, granting that all those who shall dare to molest the said island shall be excommunicated.

Pius Bishop, servant of the servants of God. For the future remembrance of the thing. The Roman Pontiff, successor of blessed Peter the keeper of the keys of heaven, embraces in his watchfulness and fatherly care every corner of the earth, and all the circumstances of the nations which inhabit it. By virtue of his office he seeks the salvation and peace of all and every one of the faithful, and trusting to help from above, when a reasonable cause demands it, he uses the Sword of the Spirit against marauders, and more particularly against pirates, who, giving themselves up to what is forbidden, do wickedly prey upon the faithful who either navigate the sea for the sake of commerce, or who dwell on Islands, or on lands bordering on the sea, despoiling them of their goods ; and when the fear of God does not withdraw them from their evil ways he fulminates against them the censures and sentences of the church, in order that they may at least dread the severity of discipline, and being confounded by shame may allow the faithful to enjoy quiet and peace, and preserve the purity of Faith.

Now, whereas a petition lately laid before Us, on behalf of Our beloved son the nobleman Thomas Stanley Baron and Lord of the Island of Man in the Sodor diocese, sets forth that he like his forefathers and predecessors in the Island, which is in the midst of the high seas between portions of England Ireland Britany and Scotland, and which of hereditary right belongs to this said Thomas as it did belong to his forefathers and predecessors in whose peaceable possession it has been for some time, does earnestly desire that the Catholic faith and divine worship should increase therein and be preserved ; that this cannot be done unless the races and peoples and inhabitants and settlers of the said Island take care to abstain from besetting attacking or invading the territories which are near them, as indeed they are ever minded so to do, and unless likewise the princes and peoples neighbours of the said Island and those who lie round about them do also abstain from similar offences, and injuries and invasions ; that although all these ought to feel themselves bound thus to act, there are sons of iniquity and wickedness who, glorying in their evil ways and depredations aforesaid do oftentimes refuse to restrain themselves in this manner, and do invade as enemies the said Island despoiling the inhabitants, preying upon their goods, not sparing even their persons, without there being any just cause for war seeing that the said Thomas and the Islanders have no quarrels with the tribes and peoples their neighbours aforesaid and whereas, as the same petition further states, if on the one hand the molesters of the said Island and of its said inhabitants, and also on the other hand the aforesaid Islanders when molesters of the neighbouring regions, by invasion, plundering of property, or ill-treatment of persons, did whenever they do such things incur ecclesiastical censures and other legal appli-cations, they would, if not from the fear of God at least from the shame which would overwhelm them, desist and abstain, the former from troubling the Island and its inhabitants, the latter from acting in like manner towards the neighbouring parts, plundering property and ill-treating persons as detailed above

Wherefore on behalf of the said Thomas, who affirms that the Island from the remotest times has been honoured by the relics of certain Saints which it contains, and that it has been commonly called down to the present day the Holy Island ; and in order that the inhabitants of it and of the neighbouring parts may hereafter live in peace and quiet; We have been humbly implored to strike with the spiritual sword and ecclesiastical censures all those who molest the Island and its people or the adjacent islands or lands, plundering their goods, or rashly attempting to injure their persons; and to deign, in our Apostolic benevolence thus and otherwise as aforesaid, to provide for the safety of Thomas, and the Island, and for that of the aforesaid adjacent parts.

We, therefore, who seek the peace and tranquillity of all the faithful of Christ, have hearkened to these entreaties, and by Our Apostolic authority, with certain knowledge, do by this perpetual edict declare that all those who assail the said Island and all or any of its inhabitants, and also the Islanders or inhabitants who assail the neighbouring parts aforesaid and their aforesaid inhabitants, either bysea or by land, of whatever dignity, estate, grade, or condition, even though kingly, princely, or ducal such assailants may happen to be, or be they illustrious by any noble or temporal honour whatsoever, and who rob them of their goods, or ill-treat their persons, unless within one month after the injury so inflicted by them they shall have substantially made good to the parties injured all interests so damaged, all and each one of the perpetrators of these evil deeds aforesaid shall without any further canonical admonition incur the sentence of the Greater Excommunication, which by this Letter, and by the authority aforesaid We pronounce, which by these Presents We inflict, and which it is Our will shall be incurred without further sentence by the marauders and molesters aforesaid.

Moreover, communities, corporations and places belonging thereto into which these persons may have withdrawn, or have been received with the intent to sustain them in their wickedness, We place by the said authority under ecclesiastical interdict ; and hereby proclaim that they are so placed without further sentence ; reserving the absolution of them, or the relaxation of the said interdict, after interests for losses shall have been first satisfied, to Ourselves and Our successors the Roman Pontiffs exclusively. Moreover, We command all and every one the archbishops, bishops, abbots and other dignitaries of the Island and places aforesaid, and the canons also of the cathedral churches, by these Letters Apostolic, that they themselves or one of them, under the same aforesaid censures and penalties which We declare to be incurred without further sentence, as often as they shall be called upon to do so by any individual of the Islands or by the inhabi-tants of the parts aforesaid or by those who may have suffered injury, shall with solemnity publish all and everything above stated ; and proclaim in the churches at the time when the greatest number of people assemble to hear mass, the names of those who shall be found to have incurred the sentence aforesaid of excom-munication ; and also of those who, with the places belonging to them, are placed under interdict; and that they cause them also be declared and published by others ; and see that such be strictly shunned until, after having satisfied every interest for losses, they shall have deserved to obtain the benefit of absolution and release from the sentences they have incurred.

Moreover, as often as it shall be deemed expedient let them proceed against particular communities, as well as against individuals, after the customary legal proced ure has been observed, to stronger and stronger measures, calling in also if need be the aid of the secular power. Notwithstanding the decrees of Pope Boniface VIII., Our predecessor of happy memory, especially those which prescribe that no one can be summoned to a tribunal outside his own city or diocese unless in certain exceptional cases, and then not further than one day's journey from the confines of his diocese; or that judges deputed by the said See may not presume to proceed against any one beyond the city or diocese to which they are de-puted, nor to delegate one or more to act for them; and the decree published in the General Council relative to two days' journey; and any other Apostolic constitutions and ordinances; and all im-perial, regal, and municipal laws, statutes, customs, and anything else to the contrary whatsoever; and also any indult from the Apostolic See to the marauders or invaders, or to any one of them, taken together or separately, to wit, that they cannot be interdicted, suspended, or excommunicated, or to the above said places, or their corporations or communities, that they cannot be placed under interdict by Apostolic Letters in which such indult is not recited fully and expressly and word for word.

Finally, since it would be extremely difficult to carry or to get carried these Presents through each and every part of the Island, and other places aforesaid, for every affair of the kind that may occur, for the sake of publication and subsequent insti-tution of processes; We will, and by the same authority We decree, that copies of these same Presents, which shall have been signed by the hand of some public notary and sealed by the seal of any one of the said Bishops or of the ecclesiastical court, shall be held good in all respects and in every place in such cases for publica-tion, and for instituting suits, the same as if the present Letters were regularly exhibited; and they shall be steadfastly adhered to, to the exclusion of all exceptions and objections whatsoever.

Let no one, therefore, etc. . . infringe, etc. . . of this Our excommunication, interdict; denunciation, reservation, command, will, and constitution. If any one, however, etc.

Given in Rome, at St. Peter's, in the year, etc.... 1458, this 19th day of January, in the first year of Our Pontificate.


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