[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


No. 47. — November 6, A.D. 1374. — p. 255, Note 61.


Notifying his Election to the Sodor See.

Gre,. XI. de curia. Ann. 4, fol. 96. Arch. Sec. Vat.  

Gregorius episcopus, servus servorum dei, Johanni Electo Sodorensi, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Suscepti tura regiminis cor nostrum continua pulsat instantia ut solicitudinis debitum ad quod universis orbis ecclesiis nos apostolicæ servitutis necessitas obligat, earum singulis potut ex alto conceditur exol-vamus in eo potissime, ut illarum Regimina, quæ propriis sunt destitutæ pastoribus, personis talibus committantur, per quarum solertiam circumspectim ecclesiæ ipsæ in spiritualibus et tem-poralibus valeant adaugeri. Dndum siquidem bonæ memoriæ Willermo episcopo Sodorensi regimini Sodorensis ecclesiæ præ-sidente nos cupientes eidem ecclesiæ, cum eam vacare contingeret, per operationis nostræ ministerium utilem et idoneam præsidere personam, provisionem ejusdem ecclesiæ ordinationi et dispositioni nostræ ea vice duximus specialiter reservandam, decernendo extunc irritum et inane si secus super hoc a quoquam quavis auctoritate scienter vel ignoranter contingeret attemptari. Postmodum vero præfata ecclesia per obitum ejusdem Willermi episcopi, qui extra Romanam curiam diem clausit extremum, pastoris solatio desti-tuta, nos vacatione hujusmodi fide dignis relatibus intellecta, ad provisionem ejusdem ecclesiæ celerem et felicem, de qua nullus præter nos hac vice se intromittere potuit neque potest, reserva-tione et decreto obsistentibus supradictis, ne ipsa ecclesia prolixæ vacationis exponeretur incommodis, paternis et solicitis studiis intendentes, post deliberationem, quam de præficiendo eidem ecclesiæ personam utilem et etiam fructuosam cum fratribus nostris habuimus diligentem, demum ad te Archidiaconum Dun- el in sacerdotio- constitutum, cui de litterarum scientia, vitæ munditia, honestate morum, spiritualium providentia et tem-poralium circumspectione, aliisque virtutum meritis apud nos laudabilia testimonia perhibentur, pro quo etiam dilecti filii clerus civitatis et dieecesis Sodorensis per eorurv patentes litteras nobis super hoc humiliter supplicarunt, direximus oculos nostræ mentis, quibus omnibus debita meditatione pensatis, de persona tua, nobis et eisdcm fratribus ob dictorum tuorum exigentiam meri-torum accepta, ipsi Sodorensi ecclesiæ de prædictorum fratrum consilio auctoritate apostolica providemus, teque illi præficimus in episeopum et pastorem, curam et adrvinistrationem ipsius ecclesiæ tibi in spiritualibus et tcmporalibus plenarie committendo, in illo qui dat gratias et largitur præmia confidentes, quod eadem ecclesia per tuæ circumspectionis industriam et providentiam circumspee-tam sub tuo felici regimine, dextera domini tibi assistente pro-pitia, salubriter et prospere dirigetur, et grata in eisdcm spiritual-ibus et tcmporalibus suscipiet inerementa. Jugum igitur domini tuis impositum humeris prompta devotione suscipiens, curam et administrationem prædietas sic exercere studeas solicite, fide-liter et prudenter, quod ecclesia ipsa gubernatori provido et fructuoso administratori gaudeat se commissam, tuque præter æternæ retributionis præmium benevolentiæ nostræ gratiam exinde uberius consequi merearis. Datum Avinione viii. Idus Novem-bris pontificatus nostri anno quarto.

In eodem modo Dilectis filiis Capitulo ecclesiæ Sodorensis salutem, ete., Suscepti cura, ete. (mutalis mutandis, vide No. 29). In eodcm modo Dilectis filiis Clero Civitatis et dieecesis Sodo-rensis salutem, ete. Suscepti cura, ete. (mutatis mutandis).

In eodem modo Dilectis filiis Populo Civitatis et dicecesis Sodorensis salutem, ete. Suscepti eura, ete. (mutatis mutandis). In eodena modo Dilectis filiis universis vassallis ecclesiæ Sodorensis salutem, ete. Suscepti cura, ete. Quocirca universitati vestræ per apostolica scripta mandainus, qua-tenus eundem electum suscipientes devote et dcbita honori-ficentia prosequentes, ei fidelitatem solitam necnon consueta servitia et jura a vobis debita exhibere integre studeatis,


alioquin sententiam sive pænam, quam idem Electus rite tulerit sen statuerit in rcbelles, ratam habebimus et faciemus auctore domino usque ad satisfactionem condignam inviolabiliter obser-vari. D. u. s.

In e. m. Cavissimo in Chr. filio Roberto Regi Scotiæ illustri salutem, ete. Gvatiæ divinæ præmium et hnmanæ laudis præco-nium acquiritur, si per seculares principes prælatis, præsertim ecclesiarum cathedralium regimini præsidentibus, oportuni favoris præsidium et honor debitus impendatur. Dudum siquidem, ete. usque incrementa. Cum itaque fili carissime sit virtutis opus dei ministros benigno favore prosequi, ac eos verbis et opcribus pro regis æterni gloria venerari, Serenitatem Regiam rogamus et hortamur attente, quatenus eundem electum et pvæfatam ecclesiam Sodorensem suæ curæ commissam habens pro nostra et apostolicæ sedis reverentia propensius commendatos, ipsos benigne favoris auxilio prosequaris, ita quod idem Elcctus tuæ celsitudinis fultus

præsidio in commisso sibi curæ pastoralis officio possit deo pro-pitio prosperari, ac tibi exinde a deo perennis vitæ præmium et a nobis condigne proveniat actio gratiarum. D. u. s.

In e. m. Cavissimo in Chr. filio Wilhelmo Regi Minaviæ illustri salutem, ete. Gratia, ete. (ut supra).

In e. rn. Vcnerabili fratri Archiepiscopo Nidrosiensi salutem, ete. Ad cumulum tuæ cedit salutis et famæ, si personas eccle-siasticas, præsertim pontificali dignitate præditas, divinæ pro pitiationis intuitu oportuni favoris gratia prosequaris. Dudum siquidem, ete. usque incrementa. Cum igitur ut idem electus in commissa sibi dictæ ecclesiæ cura facilius proficere valeat, tuus favor sibi esse noscatur plurimum opportunus, fraternitatem tuam rogamus, monemus et hovtamur attente, per apostolica tibi scripta mandantes, quatenus ipsum electum et ecclesiam suæ curæ commissam, suffraganeam tuam, habens pro nostra et apostolicæ sedis reverentia penitus commendatos, in ampliandis et conservandis ipsius ecclesiæ juribus sic eurn tui favoris præsidio prosequaris quod ipse per tuæ auxilium gratiae in commisso sibi dictæ ecclesiæ regimine se possit utilius exercere, tuque exinde divinam miseri-cordiam et nostram ac dictæ sedis gratiam valeas uberius prome-reri. Dat. u. s.

Gregory Bishop, servant of the servants of God, to John the Seder Bishop-Elect, health and Apostolical benediction.

The care of the government which We have undertaken con-stantly causes Our heart to beat with the desire of discharging the debt of solicitude, to which We are bound by the necessity of serving the churches of the entire world, to each of them as far as We are enabled from on high, and especially, by providing for the government of those churches which are deprived of their pastors persons whose prudent sagacity may advance both the spiritual and temporal interests of the dioceses. Thus sometime since when William the Sodor bishop of happy memory presided over the government of the Sodor church, We, desiring that the said church when it might happen to fall vacant should be placed through Our ministry under a useful and fit person, thought proper to reserve specially to Our own Ordinance and disposal the provision for the said church when that occasion should arise; and declared that from the date of the decree any attempt to the contrary should be null and void, whether made knowingly or unknowingly, whosoever the person making it might be, and whatsoever the authority with which he were in-vested. Afterwards, when the above mentioned church was de-prived of the benefit of a pastor through the death of the said Bishop William, who ended his days without the Roman Court, We, being made acquainted with this vacancy through trust-worthy accounts, and desiring with paternal and anxious zeal that speedy and beneficial provision should be made for the said church, lest it should be exposed to the troubles arising from a prolonged vacancy (in regard to which provision no one ex-cepting Ourselves could or can interfere for this turn in consequence of the above named reservation and decree preventing it), after a careful deliberation had with Our brethren on the subject of placing a useful and profitable person over the said church, at length fixed the eyes of Our understanding upon you the Archdeacon of Down, a member of the priesthood, re-garding whose literary acquirements, purity of life, goodness of morals, providence in spirituals, and circumspection in temporals, and other meritorious virtues We have received commendatory testimony; in favour of whom also Our beloved sons the clergy of the Sodor cathedral city, and diocese, by their letters-patent have humbly petitioned Us; and having weighed carefully all the above mentioned particulars, with the advice of the above named brethren, by Our Apostolic authority We make provision for the said Sodor church with your person acceptable to Us and to the said brethren by reason of your above named merits; We place you as bishop and pastor over it, fully entrusting to you the care and administration of the said church both in spirituals and temporals ; trusting in Him who gives graces and grants rewards, that the said church, through your considerate energy and watchful prudence, with the assistance of the right hand of the Lord, may be beneficially and successfully governed under your prosperous rule, and may receive gratifying increase in spirituals and temporals. Receiving then with ready devotion the yoke of the Lord which is placed on your shoulders, strive to exercise so diligently, faithfully, and prudently the said cure and administration that the church itself may rejoice that it has been entrusted to a provident ruler and a successful administrator, and that you on that account may deserve, besides the eternal recompense, to obtain more abundantly the favour of Our benevolence.

Given at Avignon, the 6th of November, in the fourth year of Our Pontificate.

In like manner, To our beloved sons the Chapter of the Sodor Church, health, etc. The care, etc. (with the corresponding altera-tions, see No. 29).

In like manner, To our beloved sons the clergy of the Sodor cathedral city, and diocese, health, etc. The care of the govern-ment which we have undertaken, etc. (with the corresponding alterations).

In like manner, To Our beloved sons the people of the Sodor cathedral city, and diocese, health, etc. The care of the government which we have undertaken, etc. (with the corresponding alterations).

In like manner, To Our beloved sons all the vassals of the Sodor church, health, etc. The care of the government which We have undertaken, etc. Wherefore, by these Apostolic letters We command you all to receive the above named Bishop-Elect with sincere readiness, and due marks of respect, and to be prompt and steady in exhibiting the customary fidelity, and fulfilling the usual services and duties which you owe, otherwise We shall ratify the sentence or penalty which the said Bishop-Elect shall rightfully pronounce or decree against those who rebel, and, with the help of the Lord, We shall cause it to be inviolably observed, until condign satisfaction has been obtained. Given as above.

In like manner, To Our very dear son in Christ the illustrious King Robert of Scotland, health, etc.

The reward of Divine grace and the renown of the praise of men is acquired if the assistance of timely favour and due honour is given by secular princes to prelates, especially in the case of those who preside over the government of cathedral churches. Thus sometime since, etc., as far as increase in spirituals and temporals.

Since then, most dear son, it is a work of virtue to treat the ministers of God with kindly favour, and both in word and deed to reverence them for the glory of the Eternal King, We ask and earnestly exhort your royal Serenity, that looking upon the said Bishop-Elect and the above named Sodor church as very earnestly commended unto you, you will cherish them with the aid of kindly favour through reverence for Us and the Apostolic See, so that the said Bishop-Elect, supported by the assistance of your

Highness, may, with the help of God, prosper in the exercise of the pastoral care of those who are entrusted to him, and you may obtain the reward of eternal life from God, and well-earned thanks from Us.

Given as above.

In like manner, To Our very dear son in Christ the illustrious William, King of Man, health, etc.

The reward of Divine grace, etc. (as above).

In like manner, To Our venerable Brother the Archbishop of Nidaros, health, etc.

To treat for the sake of God with the favour of a timely kindness ecclesiastics, especially those who are graced with the Episcopal dignity, increases the prospects of both your salvation and reputation.

Thus sometime since, etc., as far as increase in spirituals and temporals.

Since, therefore, it is certain that your favour will be very effectual in enabling the said Bishop-Elect to succeed more easily in the discharge of the duties attendant upon the care of the abovenamed church which has been entrusted to him, We ask, and earnestly exhort and request you, Brother, and enjoin you by these Apos-tolic letters, to consider in reverence to Us and the Apostolic See the abovenamed Bishop-Elect and the church, a suffragan of yours, committed to his care, as especially commended to you, and to assist him with the favour of your protection in preserving and furthering the rights of the said church in such a manner that he, through the help of your kindness, may exert himself with profit in the government of the said church entrusted to him, and you may merit more abundantly the divine mercy, and Our favour, and that of the Apostolic See.

Given as above.


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