[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


[No. 18. — July 7, A.D. 1236. — p. 247, footnote a.]


Theiner's Vet. Mon. Hib. et Scot., No. lxxxiv. p. 33.  

 Episcopo Morcuviensi ut epüm Sodrensem a cura ecelesice Lismorensis exoneret, eidemque alium episcopum praefici faciat. — Reg. Ann. 10. Epist. 135.

Gregorius Episcopus, etc., Venerabili fratei..... Epo Moraviensi, sal. etc. Venerabilis frater nostrr..... Episcopus Sodrensis nobis humiliter supplicavit, ut cum olim episcopatum Lismorensem, qui propter malitiam temporis ad multam paupertatem devenerat, sedes apostolica sibi duxerit commendandum, et propter frequentes infirmitates ipsius curam gerere nequeat utriusque, ipsum exonerare ab imposito sibi hujusmodi onere dignaremur. Ipsius(que) itaque supplicationibus inclinati, fraternitati tum mandamus, qua-tenus eundem episcopum a tura et sollicitudine ecclesiæ Lismo-rensis absolvens facias eidem ecclesia? provideri per electionem canonicam de persona idonea in episcopum et pastorem Contradictores, etc. Datum Reate Nonis Julii, Pontificatus nostri anno decimo.

To the Bishop of Moray to release the Bishop of Sodor from the charge of the church of Lismore, and to have another bishop appointed over the same.

Gregory Bishop, etc. . . . . to Our venerable brother the Bishop of Moray, health, etc. . . Our venerable brother the Bishop of the diocese of Sodor, has humbly begged of us that, whereas the Apostolic See sometime since chose that the episcopacy of Lismore, which on account of the evilness of the times had fallen into great poverty, should be entrusted to him, and since he is unable. owing to his many infirmities, to carry on the care of both Sees, We would deign to release him from this burden which has been imposed upon him. Wherefore being moved by his supplication, We enjoin you, brother, to release this same bishop from the care and anxiety of the church of Lismore, and to have a fitting person appointed, by canonical election, as bishop and pastor over the same church. Given at Rieti, on the 7th of July, in the tenth year of Our Pontificate.


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