[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]


[No. 11.— November 9, A.D. 1219.— p. 242, footnote a.]


Directing them to admonish the King not to molest the Bishop.

Theiner's Tret. Mo?z., No. xxxi. p. 14.  

Judicibus, moneant principem Insularum, ut a molestando episcopo suce ditionis desistat.-Reg. Ann. 4, Epist. 608.

Honorius Episcopus, etc. Venerabili fratri ....... Episcopo Karleolensi, et dilecto filio P. Norwicensi Electo, camerario nostro, apostolicæ sedis legato, salutem, etc. Venerabilis frater noster .... Epus Insularum in nostra proposuit præsentia constitutus, quod bone memoriæ N. Insularum Epo predecessore suo viam universe Garnis ingresso, dilecti filii Conventus de Furnesio, ad quos Insularum Episcopi electio pertinebat, convenientes in unum, invocata spiritus sancti gratia, ipsum in episcopum Insularum unanimiter et concorditer elegerunt, ac ipsum cum decreto elec-tionis confirmandum ad venerabilem fratrem nostrum . . . . . Dublinensem Archiepiscopum metropolitanum loci, legatum sedis apostolicæ, transmiserunt, per suas litteras humiliter supplicantes, ut electione confirmata ipsius impenderet munus consecrationis eidem : qui examinata electione pariter et electo, cum. ei de idoneitate personæ ipsius ac electione canonica constitisset, electionem confirmavit eamdem, sibi munus consecrationis im-pendens, ac eum ad episcopatum Insularum cum. litteris destinavit, dans abbatibus, prioribus, archidiaconis et univerlo clero Insulanæ diæcesis in mandatis, ut eam. tanquam. patrem et pastorem animarum suarum recipientes humiliter et devote, honorem ac obedientiam sibi debitam exhiberent. Princeps autem terræ ipsius et quidam alii dicecesis Insulanæ, non attendentes quod laicis quamvis religiosis super ecclesiis vel personis ecclesiasticis nulla est attributa potestas, quos ohsequendi manet necessitas non auctoritas imperandi, ut eam impedirent, quominus posses-sionem ipsius eppatus obtinere valeret, ne ipsum reciperent clero prohibuere præfato, alias sibi et ecclesiæ suæ damna gravia et injurias irrogandi. Quia vero fratrum et coepiscoporum nostrortnm gravamen indebitum conniventibus oculis pertransire nec volumus, nec debemus, discretioni vestræ per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatenus praefatum principem et alios, ut a presumptione hujus-modi desistentes, nullatenus per se vel per alios impediant gnominus proedictus episeopus episeopatus sui paeifica valeat possessione gaudere, competenter satisfacientes sibi de damnis et injuriis irrogatis, moneatis prudenter et efficaciter inducatis, et si necesse fuerit, ipsos ad hoc per censuram ecclesiasticam, appella-tione remota, sicut justurn fuerit compellatis. Non obstante constitutions concilii generalis, etc. Datum Viterbii v. Idus Novembris, Pontificatus nostri anno quarto.

To the judges, that they admonish the pr-mace of the Islands to cease molesting the Bishop in his dominion.

Honorius, Bishop, etc. To Our venerable brother ..... the Bishop of Carlisle, and to Our beloved son Pandolph, bishop-elect of Norwich, Our Chamberlain, and Legate of the Apostolic See, health, etc.

Our venerable brother . . . . Bishop of the Isles, having been admitted to Our presence, has declared that N...... of pious memory, Bishop of the Isles, his predecessor, having gone the way of all flesh, Our beloved sons of the monastery of Furness - to whom belonged the Election of the Bishop of the Isles-gathered together, and after invoking the grace of the Holy Spirit, did unanimously, and with accord, choose him to be Bishop of the Isles; that they sent him with the decree of election for confirmation, to Our venerable brother the Archbishop of Dublin, the local metropolitan, and legate of the Apostolic See, humbly begging him by letter to confirm the election, and consecrate the elect ; that the archbishop, having examined the election and the elect, and being satisfied with the fitness of the individual himself, and the legality of the election, did confirm the election, did himself proceed to the consecration, and dismissing him to the bishopric of the Islands, did by letters lay an injunction on the abbots, priors, archdeacons, and the whole clergy of the diocese of the Isles, to receive him humbly and reverently as the Father and Pastor of their souls, and to show him. that honour and obedience which are due.

The Prince, however, of the land, and certain others of the diocese of the Isles, unmindful that there is no power given to lay persons even though they be religious over churches and church men whom they are bound to obey but have no authority to command, in order to prevent his obtaining possession of the bishopric forbade the aforenamed clergy to receive him, threatening to cause injury and grievous evil to them and their church if they did.

Now, since We neither wish to pass over, nor ought We to close our eyes to the undeserved hardships of our brethren and fellow-bishops, We commend to your prudence, through these our Apostolic Letters, so to provide by admonition and efficacious inducement, that the said Prince and other persons laying aside such presumption shall in no wise by themselves or through others prevent the said Bishop from enjoying peaceable possession of his Bishopric, and that they make adequate indemnification for the loss and injuries he has sustained; and if need be, to compel them by ecclesiastical censures, without appeal; any Constitution of a General Council notwithstanding.

Given at Viterbo, the 9th day of November, in the fourth year of Our Pontificate.


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