[From Manx Soc vol 23 - Appendices to Munch's Chronicle of Man]

note latin and footnote to be corrected


[No. 5—Nov. or Dec. AD. 1154.— p. 171 , footnote a.]


Establishing the Province of Drontheim, which included the Bishopric of the Isles and of Man.

From the Diplomatarium Arna-Magnæanum, published by Thorquelin, tom. ii. p. 3.

NB—To the text of this Bull, taken from the Diplomatariurn above mentioned, are subjoined various readings, taken from two other sources, namely, from a copy of the Bull given by Pantoppidan (without the preliminary and fiuial attestations), in the Annales Ecclesiae Dcenicce Diplomcetici, ad annum 1154, p. 379, Copenhagen 1744 ; and from the rehearsal of the Bull by Innocent IV. in a Bull given by that Pope in February 1253, as it occurs in Thorquelin’s Diplomatarium, tom. ii. p. 43. The variantes are referred to by Numerals, with the abbreviations P. for Pantoppidan, and Inn. for the Bull of Innocent IV. The notes on Thorquelin’s text, given by himself, are added after the variantes, and are referred to by letters. The uncertainty with respect to the date arises from the want of distinctness in the marks before Calendas Decembris ; at the outside, the difference cannot exceed the time between November 14 and December 1.


+ Anastasii Papae IV. Fundatio Archiepiscopatus Thrundhinensis data Laterani Ex Apographo Chartaceo, No. 2, 1154, Decembris

Universis ad quos praesentes litterae pervenerint Sweno Decanus, Wipho Archidiaconus Ecclesiæ Nidrosiensis, Ingewaldus Prior canonicorum regularium Sancti Augustini in Sancta Sede apud Nidrosiam, et Petrus Prior fratrum Praedicatorum ibidem, salutem in Domino sempiternarn.

Noveritis iios literas infrascriptas felicis recordationis Domiiii Anastasii Papæ quarti, non cancellatas, non abolitas, nec in aliqua sui parte vitiatas, sub philis sericis brunei colons, et plumbeo sigillo, vidisse et diligenter perJegisse, curn subscriptione ejusdem summi pontificis Anastasii et cardinalium ; quarurn tenor, una cum stibscriptionihus, signis tamen eorumdem subscribentium illic appositis, hic autem omissis, de verbo ad verbum sequitur, et est talis.

Anastasius Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dci, venerabili fratri Joanrii Truderisi Archiepiscopo ejusque successoribus canonice substituendis jn~ perpetuum.’ Licet omnibus diseipulis eadem ligandi et solvendi sit concessa potestas, licet unurn preeceptum ad omnes idemque pervenerit prædicandi Evangelium omni creaturæ:

velut quædam tamen inter eos habita est discretio dignitatis, et Dominicarum ~ curam, quæ omnibus æqualiter imniinebat,4 nuns singulariter suscepit habendam, dicente ad eum Domino:


" Petre amas me l pasce oves meas." Qui ~ etiam inter omnesApostolos principatus nomen obtinuit, et de fratrum confirmatione singulare a Domino præceptum accepit ; ut in hoc secuturæ posteritati daretur intelligi, quoniam quamvis multos ad regimen Ecclesiæ contingeret ordinari, unus tamen solummodo supremæ dignitatis locum fastigiumque teneret, et unus omnibus, et potestate judicandi, et gubernandi onere præsideret. Unde et secundum hanc formam in Ecciesia distinctio servata est dignitatum. Et sicut in humano corpore pro varietate officiorum diversa ordinata sunt membra,’ ita in structura Ecclesiæ ad diversa ministeria cx-hibenda diversæ personæ in diversis sunt ordinibus constitutæ. Aliis enim 2 ad singularum ecciesiarum, aliis autem ad singularum urbium dispositionem ac regimen ordinatis, constituti sunt in singulis provinciis alii, quorum ~ inter fratres sententia habeatur, et ad quorum examen subjectarum personarum questiones et negotia referantur. Super omnes autem Romanus Pontifex, tanquam Noe in area, primum locum noscitur obtinere; qui cx collato sibi desuper in Apostolorum principe privilegio, de universorum causis judicat et disponit. Et per universum orbem Ecclesiæ filios in christianæ fidei firmitate non desinit con-firmare ; talem se curans jugiter exhibere, qui vocem Dominicam videatur audisse, qua dicitur : " Et tu aliquando conversus con-firma fratres tuos." Hoc nimirum post beatum Petrum illi Apostolici 2 yin, qui per successiones temporum ad gerendam curam sedis Apostolicæ surrexerunt, indesinenti curaverunt studio adimplere, et per universum orbem, nunc per se, nunc per legatos suos corrigenda ~ corrigere, et statuenda statuere, summopere studuerunt : quorum quoque vestigia subsecutus felicis memoriæ Papa Eugenius antecessor noster, de corrigendis his quæ in regno Norvegiæ correctionem videhantur exposcere, et verbo ibi fidei seminando, juxta sui officii debitum, sollicitus extitit. Et quod per se ipsum, universalis Ecclesiæ cura obsistente, non potuit, per legatum suum, venerabilem’ fratrem nostrum, Nicolaum Albanensem Episcopum, exsecutioni mandavit. Quiad partes illas accedens,’ sicut a suo patrefamilias acceperat in man-datis, talentum sibi 2 creditum largitus est ad usuram, et tanquam fidelis servus et prudens, multiplicatum in ~ fructum studuit reportare. Inter caetera vero, quæ illic ad laudem nominis Dci ~ et minis-terii sui commendationem implevit, juxta quod prædictus antecessor noster ci praeceperat, pallium Fraternitati tuæ 2 indulsit. Et ne de caetero provinciæ Norvegiæ Metropolitani possit cura deesse, commissam gubernationi tuæ urbem ejusdem pro-vinciae perpetuam Metropolim ordinavit ; et ci Afloensem,’ Ham-macopiensem,8 Bergenensem, Stawangriensem,’ Insulas Orcades, Insulas Guthraie,’° Insulas Išlandensium et Grenelandie ° Episcopatus, tanquam suæ Metropoli perpetuis temporibus constituit subjacere, et earum episcopatus ‘~ sicut Metropolitanis °‘ suis tibi tuisque successoribus obedire. Ne igitur ad violationem

constitutionis istius ulli unquam liceat aspirare, nos earn auctoritate 2 Apostolica confirmamus et praesenti ~ privilegio comnìunimus ; statuentes, ut Trudensis civitas perpetuis temporibus supradictarum urbium Metropolis ~ habeatur, et earum Episcopi, tarn tihi quam tuis successoribus, sicut Metropolitanis ~ obediant, et de manu vestra consecrationis gratiam sortiantur. Successores autem 6 tui ad Romanum Pontificem tantum recepturi ~ donum consecrationis accedant) et ci simili. 8 d et Romanæ Ecclesiæ subjecti semper existant Porro concesso tibi pallio pontificalis scilicet officii plenitudine, infra ecclesiam tantum ad sacra missarum sollempnia ~ per universam provinciam tuam hiis solummodo diebus uti fraternitas tua debebit, ‘qui inferius ieguntur inscripti : ‘° Nativitate Domini, Epiphania, Cæna Domini, Resurrectione, Ascensione, Penthecostes," in sollempnitatihus sanctæ 12 Dci genetricis semperqueVirginis Mariae, in Natalitio beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, in Nativitate ‘ sancti Joannis Baptistæ, in festo ~ Beati Joannis Evangelistæ, commemoratione omnium Sanctorum, in consecrationibus Ecclesiarum vel Episcoporum, Benedictionibus Abbatum, ordinationibus presbiterorum, in die dedicationis Ecclesiæ tuæ, ac festis sanctæ Trinitatis, et Sancti Olavi, et Anniversario tuæ consecrationis die. Studeat ergo tua fraternitas, plenitudine tantæ dignitatis suscepta, ita ~ strenue cuncta peragere, quatenus morum tuorum ornamenta eidern valeant convenire. Sit vita tua sul)ditis exemplum ut per cain agnoscant, quid debeant appetere, et quid cogantur vitare. Esto discretione præcipuus, cogitatione mundus, actione purus, discretus in silentio, utilis in verbo. Curæ tibi sit magis hominibus pro-desse quam præesse. Non in te potestatem ordinis, sed æqualitatem oportet pensare ~ conditionis. Stude ne vita doctrinam destituat, nec rursum ~ vitæ doctrina contradicat. Memento

quia ars est artiurn regimen animarum. Super omnia studium tibi sit, Apostolicæ sedis decreta firmiter observare, eique tam-quam matri et dominæ tuæ humiliter obedire. Ecce frater in Christo karissime inter multa alia hæc sunt pallii, ista sunt sacerdotii, quæ omnia facile, Christo adjuvante, adimplere poteris, Si virtutum omnium magistram caritatem, et humilitatem habueris, et quod 2 foris liabere ostenderis intus habebis. Decernimus ergo, at nulli omnino hominum liceat eandem Ecclesiam temere perturbare, vel ~ ejus possessiones auferre, vel ablatas retinere, minuere, seu quibuslibet vexationibus fatigare. Sed illibata omnia et integra conserventur, eorum pro quorum gubernatione et sustentatione concessa sunt, usibus omnimodis profutura, salva sedis Apostolicæ auctoritate. Si ~igitur in futurum ecclesiastica secularisve persona hanc nostræ Constitutionis paginam sciens contra eam temere venire temptaverit, secundo tertiove commonita, nisi suam congrua satisfactione correxerit, Potestate 6 honorisque sui dignitate careat, reamque sedivino judicio existere de perpetrata iniquitate cognoscat, et a sacratissimo corpore et sanguine Dci et Domini redernptoris nostri Jesu Christi aliena fiat, atque in extremo examine districtæ’ ultioni subjaceat, cunctis autem eidem loco sna jura servantibus sit pax Domini nostri Jesu Christi quatenus et hic fructurn bonæ actionis percipiant et apud districtum Judicem praemia æternæ pacis inveniant. Amen. Amen.

Ego Anastasius catholicæ Ecclesiæ Episcopus.
Ego Imarus a Tusculanus Episcopus.
Ego Nicolaus Albanen sis Episcopus.
Ego Hugo Hostiensis Episcopus.
Ego Cencius Portuen. et S. ~ Episcopus.
Ego Gregorius Sabinensis Episcopus.
Ego Guido Presbyter Card. Sancti Crysogoni. ~
Ego Manfredus Presbyter Card. ’ Sanctæ Sabinæ.C
Ego Aribertus Presbyter Card. Sanctæ Anastasiæ.
Ego Astaldus C Presbyter Card. - Sanctæ Priscæ.
Ego Johannes Presbyter Card. Sanctorum Job. et Pauli.’
Ego Henricus Presbyter Card. Sanctorum Nerei et Aehillei.
Ego Guido, Diaconus Card. Sanctæ Mariæ in Porticu.
Ego Johannes Diac. Card. Sanctorum 5 et Bacchi.
Ego Odo Diac. Card. S. Nicolai in carcere Tull.’

Datum Lat. per manum Rolandi, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Presbyteri Cardinalis et Cancellarii . . .~ Kal. Decembris indictione iii. Incarnationis Domiiiicæ anno MCLIIII, Pontificatus vero Dominj Anastasij Papæ iiii. anno ii.

Nos insuper supradicti Decanus, Archidiaconus et Priores vidimus et alias sex literas Apostolicas, videlicet, Adriani Quarti, Clementis Tertii, Innocentii Tertii, Gregorii Noni, Innocentji Quarti, et Clementis Quarti, cum impendentibus plumbeis sigillis, omni prorsus suspicione carentes, sub eodem verborum tenore, eadem per omnia privilegia præfatæ EcclesiæNidrosiensi concessa, cum similibus ipsorum summorum Pontificum et Cardinalium subscriptionibus et signis eorumdem, con-tinentes. in quorum omnium fidem et testimonium præmissOrum, sigilla riostra præsentibus duximus apponenda Datum Nidrosiæ vi. kalendas Julii auno Domini MCDXXIX.



Erection of the Archiepiscopal See of Drontheim, given at the Lateran Palace.

From the copy on paper, No. 2.

To all to whom these presents shall come, Sweyn Dean, Ulph Archdeacon of the Church of Drontheim, Ingewald Prior of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine of the Holy See (Cathedral) at Drontheim, and Peter Prior of the Friars Preachers of the same place.

Know ye that We have seen and carefully perused the subjoined letters of the Lord Pope, Anastasius IV., of happy memory, in which there is nothing cancelled, nothing erased, nor anything in any part vitiated, guaranteed by the brown silk threads, with the leaden seal, and the signatures of the said Supreme Pontiff Anastasius, and of the Cardinals. Their tenor, together with the signatures, omitting however, here, the seals which are affixed to the document, is word for word as follows—

Anastasius, Bishop, Servant of the servants of God, to our venerable brother John, Archbishop of Drontheim, and to his successors hereafter canonically appointed; in perpetual memory of the transaction. Albeit, the same power of loosing and binding was granted to all the disciples ; albeit, one and the same precept of preaching the Gospel to every creature extended to all ; nevertheless, a certam distinction, as it were, of dignity, was observed amongst them, and the charge of the Lord’s flock, which pressed equally upon all, was in a special manner received by one, the Lord saying unto him, " Peter, lovest thou me ! Feed my sheep." He also, amongst all the apostles, obtained the title of prince, and received a special command from the Lord to confirm his brethren. Whereby future generations were given to understand that although many should be ordained to govern the church, yet should one exclusively be placed above all, in the position of the highest dignity, and he alone preside over all, vested with supreme jurisdiction, and charged with universal government. And hence, after this pattern, a distinction of dignities has been preserved in the Church. And as in the human body there are various members according to the diversity of the functions to be discharged, so in the structure of the Church diverse persons are placed in diverse orders, for the performance of various ministrations. For while some are appointed to regulate and govern particular churches, some particular cities, others are constituted over particular provinces, whose decision holds the first place amongst their brethren, and to whose examination are to be referred all questions and matters regarding the persons subject to them. But the Roman Pontiff, like to Noah in the ark, is acknowledged to hold the first place above all. He, by virtue of the privilege granted to him from above in the person of the prince of the apostles, judges and decides the causes of all, never ceasing to confirm in the solidity of the Christian faith, the children of the Church throughout the world, and constantly standing forth as one who seems to have heard the yoice of the Lord, saying, " And thou being once converted, confirm thy brethren." And, to conclude, the apostolic men, who after the blessed Peter, have in successive ages arisen to administer the government of the Apostolic See, have with unremitting zeal endeavoured to fulfil this injunction, and through-out the whole world, either in person or through their legates, have strenuously laboured to correct what was amiss, and provide by salutary enactments for the general welfare. Following in their footsteps, Pope Eugenius, Our predecessor of happy memory, unable, by reason of the charge which he had of the universal Church, to fulfil in person the duty of amending such things as seemed to require correction in the kingdom of Norway, and of sowing there the word of faith, performed it through his legate, our venerable brother Nicholas, Bishop of Albano, who, going into those parts in obedience to the command he had received from the father of the family, placed out at interest the talent confided to his care, and as a faithful and prudent servant laboured to return it with suitable increase. Amongst other things, which he there performed to the glory of God’s name and to the commendation of his own ministry, he, in accordance with instructions he had received from Our said predecessor, con-ferred the pallium on thee Brother. And that the province of Norway might not ever afterwards be deprived of the care of a metropolitan, he constituted the city of Drontheim, which is under thy charge, perpetual metropolis of the said province, and ordained that the bishoprics of Oslo, Hamar, Bergen, Stavanger, the Orkneys, the Sudreys, the Icelandic Islands, and Greenland, should be in all future times subject to it, as to their metropolis, and that the bishops of those sees should obey thee and thy successors as their metropolitan. Wherefore, in order that no one may ever attempt to violate this constitution, we confirm it by apostolic authority, and strengthen it by the present instrument, ordaining that the city of Drontheim shall in all future times be held to be the metropolis of the above mentioned cities, and that their bishops shall owe obedience to thee and to thy successors as to their metropolitans, and shall seek at thine and their hands the grace of consecration. But as to thy successors, they shall have recourse to the Roman Pontiff alone for the gift of consecration, and shall for ever be subject to him only, and to the Roman Church. And as for the pallium which has been granted to thee, and in which lies the fulness of the pontifical office, thou, brother shall wear it only in the church at the solemn office of mass on the following days ; Christmas Day, the Epiphany, Maunday Thursday, Easter Sunday, Ascension Day, Whitsunday, the Solemnities of the blessed Mary, Mother of God, ever a virgin, the Feast of the blessed apostles Peter sand Paul, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the Feast of blessed John the Evangelist, the Commemoration of All Saints, at the consecration of churches or of bishops, the blessing of abbots, the ordination of priests, the day of the dedication of thy church, the Feasts of the Holy Trinity and of St. Olave, and the anniversary day of thy consecration. Wherefore, Brother, seeing that thou hast received the fulness of so great a dignity, endeavour to act in all things with such earnestness that the adornments of thy good actions may be in keeping with it. Let thy life be an example to thy subjects, that from it they may learn what to seek after, and what to avoid. Be foremost in prudence, clean of heart, pure in action, discreet in thy silence, useful in thy speech ; be more anxious to do good to men than to preside over them. The equality of thy nature, not the authority of thy Order, should occupy thy thoughts. See that thy life forsake not learning, nor that thy teaching, on the other hand, be in contradiction to thy life. Remember that the governing of souls is the art of arts. Let it be thy endeavour, above all things, firmly to observe the decrees of the Apostolic See, and humbly to obey her as thy mother and niistress. Behold, dearest Brother in Christ, these, amongst many others, are the duties which belong to the pallium and to the priesthood, all of which thou mayest, with the help of Christ, easily fulfil, if thou hast the mistress of all virtues charity, and humility ; and if what thou outwardly showest thou possessest in thy heart. We decree theieupon that it shall not be lawful for any man rashly to disturb this same Church, or take away its possessions, or retain them when taken, or diminish them, or disturb them in any way; but let them be preserved whole and entire, for the advantage of those for whose government and support they were given, saving always the authority of the Apostolic See. Wherefore, if any ecclesiastical, or lay person, having knowledge of this our Constitution, shall rashly attempt to contravene it, and after a second or third admonition shall not make amends for his presumption by proper satisfaction, let him be deprived of whatsoever place of power and honour he may hold ; and let him know that he is guilty before the divine judgment of an unjust act ; and can not partake of the most holy Body and Blood of our God and Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer ; and let him be amenable to severe vengeance at the last judgment. But to all those who shall preserve to this place its rights, may the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be granted, so that they may receive here the fruit of their good actions, and may meet hereafter at the hands of the just Judge the rewards of eternal peace. Amen. Amen.

I Anastasius, Bishop of the Catholic Church.
I Imarus, Bishop of Tusculum.
I Nicholas, Bishop of Albano.
I Hugh, Bishop of Ostia.
I Cencius, Bishop of Porto and St. Rufina.
I Gregory, Bishop of Sabina.
I Guido, Cardinal Priest of St. Chrysogonus.
I Manfred, Cardinal Priest of St. Sabina.
I Aribertus, Cardinal Priest of St. Anastasia.
I Astaldus, Cardinal Priest of St. Prisca.
I John, Cardinal Priest of 5.5. John and Paul.
I Henry, Cardinal Priest of S.S. Nereus and Achilleus.
I Guido, Cardinal Deacon of St. Mary in Porticu.
I John, Cardinal Deacon of SS. Sergius and Bacchus.
I Odo, Cardinal Deacon of St. Nicholas at the Tullian prison.

Given at the Lateran, by the hand of Roland, Cardinal Priest and Chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, on the first (?) of December, in the third indiction, in the year from the Incarnation of our Lord, 1154, in the second year of the pontificate of our Lord Pope Anastasius IV.

Moreover, we, the aforesaid Dean, Archdeacon, and Priors, have seen also other six Letters Apostolic, viz—of Adrian IV., Clement III., Innocent III., Gregory IX., Innocent IV., an(l Clement IV., with the leaden seals therefrom suspended, altogether above suspicion, in the same tenor of words, containing the same grants in all respects made to the above named Church of Drontheim, similarly signed and sealed by the sovereign .Pontiffs, and the cardinals.

In faith and testimony of all which as aforesaid, we have thought it right to attach our seals to the present letters.

Given at Drontheim, on the 26th of June, in the year of our Lord 1429.

1 P Trundensi.
2 P. omits in perpetuum,
3 P rerum
4 P. imminebit.
5 P. quamvis.
6 ppm extat in membran.

1 p~ ministeria. ~ P. namq. 3 P. praecipua.

1 p~ talenique clirarn. a Inn. Apostoli.

3 P. omits corrigenda. . . . statuere, adds fratres corifirmare.

4 P. omits verbo . fidei, adds Dci ibi semen.

5 Inn. omits venerabilern . . . nostrum, adds qui postea in Romanuin

Pontjficeni est assumptus. 6 P. omits scilicet

1 p~ omits accedens. ‚ P. omits sibi. ~ P. mdc. " P. Divini.

5 Inn. omits Fraternitatj tuae, adds bonae memoria Johanni antecessori tuo.

6 P. Trundensern. Inn. gubernationis suae urbem Nedrosieiisem.

7 P. Ascloensem. 8 Inn. Hamartipiensem, Bargensem.

9 P. Stalangriensein. 10 Inn. Furcie P. Suthracae (IL L. Suthraie.

ii ~~ Gronelandiae episcopatuni. ~‚ Inn. and P. episcopos.

13 Inn. adds tam sibi quam suis. 14 Inn. violentinm.

1 Inn. adds ipsius. P. omits istius.

2 Inn. adds nos felicis recordatjonis Alexandri et Gregorii, praedecessorurn nostrorum Romanorum Pontificum vestigiis inhaerentes eandem constitiationern.

3 Inn. praesentis scripti. ~ P. Metropolin.

5 Inn. silo Metropolitano. P. adds suis. 6 P. vero. ~ Inn. percepturi.

8 Inn. and P. solummodo. ~ Inn. solennia. ~ P. in scripto.

11 Inn. Pentecoste. P. Pentecost. G. L. Pentecostes.

12 Inn. and P. beatæ. 13 P. omits que.

1 Inn. adds inventione et exultatione Sanctae Crucis, Nativitate beati.

2 Inn. omits in. P. in die. ~ Inn. consecrationis.

4 P. omits ita. ~ Inn. adds in. 6 P. prensare.

7 P. rursus.

1 Inn. et. 2 P. quæ. 3 Inn. and P. aut.

4 P. quæ ergo. 5 Inn. reatiim. ~ Inn. and P. potestatis.

1 p• adds ut 2 p~ Rafinæ.

a corr. Ymarus. b ~ Crysog. ~ corr. Sabiiiæ.

1 p~ omits Pauli, adds Panachjj tit. S. S.

2 P. omits Tull. 3 P. adds secimdo.

(1 corr. Astaldus vel. Act. b corr. Sergii.


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