From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX

Letter of Bishop Phillips to the Earl of Salisbury.

A.D. 1610.


7 JAS 1 RIGHT honorable my verie good lorde necessytie enfourcing mee (as followeth) to bee an humble Complaynante and Petitioner to your good Lop, thesse are out of soom extremyties, most humbly to shewe to your Lop that whereas for the due discharge of my place & for the good of this poore Church, I have besides other my poore laboures bestowed for this yere present, above CC marks in Repayringe this Ruinous Bishoprick : Mr Ireland the Lievetenant of this Isle, hath notwthstanding, wthout due cause, and contrarye to Lawe wth soom other unfyttinge disgraces, dispossessyd mee of my Turfebery wch of oulde by the originall Lawes of this Isle did beelonge to the Bishoprick, but since uppon a new incrochement was put under a rente of Vs. wch was dulye payd for my tyme (savinge for this present yere,) wch beeinge tenderyd, Mr Lievetenant comanded not to bee taken, Hereuppon seeinge mysellf debarred (by arrest) of that good meanes for my housekeepinge heere, I desired that I might have his passe for Englande, to provide for myself there against wynter, but he denyeth me that Lybertie.

May hyt therefore please your good ho : of your most noble disposytion and Relligious pietie consyderinge I am thus strayted beetweene two uneasefull Meisures, bee soe good a Lorde to mee a poore Bop as to wryte your hoble Letters, so as I may coome presentlie for Englande to acquaynte your ho. with theese and the lyke Meisures att large, so as I may receyve what redresse your ho. in wisedoom shall thiuke good to vouchsaffe nice : As allso for a tyme theere yt I may followe myne owne pryvate occasions, the Neglecte whereof, by this Restrainte and confyninge of mee heere, tendyth to a great prejudyge in my poore Estate : Thus shall I beeinge Releeved by your ho. helpe bee evermore most bownde (as allreadye I am) to pray for the good preservatione of yo’ ho. most noble Estate, wch I daylie beesech god to have, and retayne in his happye tuytione, so leavinge to bee further troublesome to your honoure, I doe most humblye rest

Your hon. poore Suppliante, at all
Commandement, duringe life,
Yo : Sodor & de Man.

Isle of Man,
June the 1, 1610.


To the Right honorable, my verie good Lorde, The Earle of Salisburie, Lo. highe Treasurer of England, these.

10 June, 1610.

Bishop of Man to my Lord.

* Vol. 55, Art. 1..


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