From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX

Act of Parliament confirming the Grant of the Isle of Mann to William, Earl of Derby.

A.D. 1610.

7 JAS. I. IN all humbleness beseeche your most excellent Matie yor loyall and faithful subjects William Earle of Derbie, the Lady Elizabeth his wife, James Lord Stanley sonne and heire apparant of the said Earle, and Robert Stanley second sonne of the said Earle, that whereas the said Earle and his ancestors have for many ages past, ever since the seaventh yere of the raigne of King Henry the Fowerth, held and enjoyed the isle, castle, peele, and lordshipp of Mann wth all their rights, members, and apptenances as their owne proper inheritance and bene reputed and taken to be the true and undoubted lords and owners of the same, and forasmuch as the said isle and lordship of Mann hath long continued in the name and bloud of the said Earle, and to the end the same may continewe still by your Highness princely favour and gracious allowance in his name and bloud so longe as it shall please Almightie God, maie it please yor Matie that it may be enacted by yor Highness wth assent of the Lords Spirituall and temporall, and the Comons in this present Parliamt assembled and by the authoritie of the same. And be it enacted, ordayned, and established by yor Highness the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Comons in this prsent Parliamt assembled, and by the authoritie of the same, that yor said subjects William Earle of Derbie, and the said Lady Elizabeth his wife, for and during their lyves and the longer liver of them, and after their deathes, the said James Lord Stanley and the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, and to be begotten, and after his death Wthout suche issue the saide Robert Stanley and the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, and to be begotten, and after his death wthout such issue the heires males of the body of the said William, Earle of Derbie, lawfully begotten, and to be begotten, and for default of such issue the right heirs of the said James Lord Stanley shall and may for ever hereafter have, hould, and quietly enjoye freely and cleerly against your Majestic, your heirs and successors (for, under, and upon the tenures, rents, and services hereafter menconed to be reserved against Thomas Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor of England, the Lady Alice Countesse of Derbie his wife, late the wife of Ferdinando late Earle of Derbie deceased, and against Henry Earle of Huntingdon, and the Lady Elizabeth Countesse of Huntingdon his wife, Grey Lord Chandoys and the Lady Anne his wife, Sir John Egerton, knight, sonne and heire male apparent of the said Thomas Lord Ellesmere, and the Lady Francis his wife, and the heires of the said Elizabeth, Anne, and Francis, wch said Ladies Elizabeth, Anne, and Francis are the only daughters and sole heires of the said Ferdinando late Earle of Derbie deceased, to wch said daughters and their husbands The said William Earle of Derbie hath paid dyvers somes of money for their clayrne, right, and title to the said isle, castle, peele, and lordship of Mann as appeareth by their deed thereof made, and now shewed forth in yor Highnes Highe Court of Parliamt, bearing date the Fowerteenth day of February in the yeres of the raigne of yor Matie , that is to saie, of England, France, and Ireland the sixt, and of Scotland the two and fortieth, wherein and whereby they have agreed to geve their consents for the passing of an Act of Priament for the giving and extinguishing of suche right, title, and interest as they pretend to the said Isle of Mann, and against the heires of the said Ferdinando late Earle of Derbie, and against Thomas Ireland, Esquire, his executrs, administrators, and assignes, all the said isle, castle, peele, and lordship of Mann the rights, member, and aprtenances, and all the now or late monastery and priory of Rushinge and Douglas, and the Fryers Mynors commonly called the Grey Fryers of Brirnakyn or Bymakyn, and of every of them, wth their rights, members, and appurtenances in or wthin the said Isle of Mann, and the howses, scytes, circuits, and precincts now or sometymes to the said monastery and priory of Rushinge and Dowglas, any Fryers Mynor, every or any of them, wth all their Aprtenances in or wthin the said Isle of Mann belonging and somtyme being prcell of the possessione thereof and all those rectories and churches of Kirkechriste in Shelding and Kirklovan wth their apptenances whatsoever, in the said Isle of Mann some tyme to the said monastery of Rushinge belonging and apperteyning and prcell of the possessions thereof somtymes being, and all islands, lordships, peeles, castles, monasteries, abathies, prioryes, nunneries, manors, farmes, messuags, lands, tenemts and hereditaments whatsoever to the said Isle of Mann belonging or in or wth in the same scituate, lying, or being, wth all and singuiar their rights, members, and aprtenances, and the patronage of the bishoprick of the said Isle of Mann, and of the bishoprick of Sodorences, and of the bishopricks of Sodorences and Mann, and also the temporalities of the bishoprick of the said Isle of Mann, and of the bishoprick of Sodorences, and of the bishopricks of Sodorences and Mann, so often as the said bishoprick shall happen to become void, and also the archdeconries, rectories, advowsons, donacons, and rights of patronage of all and singular the hospitalls, churches, viccaridges, chappells, and all other ecclesiastical benefices, tithes as well great as small of what kind soever, oblacons, obventions, fruits, profits, pencons, porcons, emoluments, and hereditamts, wth all and singular their aprtenances of, in, or wth in the said isle, castle, peele, and lordshipp of Mann, and the prmises or any of them, and all and singular forrests, parkes, chaces, lands, warrens, assarts, purprstures, flshings, fishing places, royalties, regalities, franchises, liberties, seaports, and all things to ports duly apperteyning, lands now or heretofore overflown wth the water of the sea, wch are now gayned from the sea, and reduced to dry ground, lands wch the sea now overfloweth, wch hereafter shall be gayned and brought to dry ground, lying, or being in, or nere to the said Isle of Mann, villages, towns, granges, mills, rents services, rents of assize, rents and services, as well of free as customary tenants, workes of tenants, deodands, fynes, arnercemts, - ancorage, groundage, wrecks of the sea, knights’ fees, escheats, forfeitures, goods and chattells, waved goods, and chattells as well of fellons of them-selves as of other fellons, fugitives, outlaws attainted condempned and put in exigent, courts admirall, courts portmote, courts leets, views of frankpledge, and all forfeitures, penalties, fees, profltts, casualties and advantages whatsoever, incident, happening, or belonging to the said courts, mynes of lead and iron, quarries, faires, marketts, toles, customes, free customes, imposts, profitts, emoluments, aiid hereditamts whatsoever, as well spirituall as temporall, of whatsoever kynde, nature or qualitie, or by whatsover name or names they are knowne, esteemed, called, or named, scituate, lying or being, comyng, growing, renewing or happening of, in, or wthin the forsesaid isle, castle, peele and lordship of Mann, or wth in the sea to the said Isle adjacent or belonging, or in, or wthin any other islands,. lordshippes, manors, castles, peeles, farmes or lands to the said Isle of Mann belonging, and apprteyning, or into or out of the same, or any of them whatsover, or howsoever, incident or belonging, or as members prtes or prcells of the same, or of any of them, or of any prt or prcell of them at any time heretofore had, knowne, accepted, occupied, used, enjoyed or demised, letten or reputed, and the revercon and revercons, remaynder and remaynders of all and singuler the prmisses, and of every or any prte thereof, and the rentes, duties, custoines, and services thereunto incident, due or appertyning, and all liberties, franchises, priviledges, jurisdicons, forfeitures, depredaries, immunities, exoneracons, acquittalls and hereditaments whatsoever, graunted, or mencioned to be graunted, by yor most Excellent Matie by yr Highness severall lres patent, the one bearing date the Seaventh day of July, in the yere of yor Highnes Raine of England, France, and Ireland the seaventh, and of Scotland the two and fortieth, made to the said William Earl of Derbie, and the said Lady Elizabeth his wife, for, and during their lyves and the longer lyver of them, and after their deathes to the said James Lord Stanley and his heires, the other bearing date the Second day of Maye, in the yere of your Highnes Raine of England, France, and Ireland the eighth, and of Scotland the three and fortieth, made to the said William Earle of Derbie, and the saide Lady Elizabeth his wife, and the heires of the said William Earle of Derbie, to hould the said isle, castle, peele, and lordshipp of Mann, and all and singuler the premisses of yor Highnes, yor heires and successors respectively, and under the severall tenures, rentes, and services in and by the said severall tres patents, severally and respectively reserved, web said last mentioned lres patents were made and graunted duringe this prsent session of Parliament, and be it further enacted by your Highnes, the Lords Spiritual and Temporall, and the Comons in this prsent prlmt assembled, and by the authoritie of the same, that neither the said James Lord Stanley, nor any of the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, or to he begotten, nor the said Robert Stanley, nor any of the heires males of his body lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, nor any of the heires males of the body of the said William Earle of Derbie lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, shall have any power, authoritie, or libertie to give, graunt, alien, bargaine, sell, convey, assure, or doe away the said isle, castle, peele, and lordshipp of Mann, messuages, lands, teniliets, tithes, hereditarnts, and other the premisses in this Act mentioned, to be enjoyed as aforesaid, or any part or prcell thereof, from his or their issue or issues, or other persons by this Act appoynted to enjoy the same, but that the same shall remayne and continewe to the said James Lord Stanley, and the heires male of his body lawfully begotten, or to be begotten, and for default of such issue, to the said Robert Stanley, and to the heires males of his body, lawfully begotten or to be begotten, and for default of such issue, to the heires males of the body of the said William Earle of Derbie, lawfullye begotten, or to be begotten, and for default of such issue, to the right heires of the said James Lord Stanley, as before by this Act is appointed, and that all gifts, grants, alienacons, bargaynes, sales, conveyances, assurances, and acts, done or to be done, or made to the contrary, shall be utterly void, frustrate and of none effect, savinge, neverthelesse, that it shall and may be lawfull for them, and every of them, to make such estates of such severall partes thereof, as by the lawes and customes of the said Isle is usual, and to make such leases and demises of such parts and prcells thereof as tenants in taile, by the Statute made in the two and thirtieth yere of the raigne of King Henry the Eighth, may lawfully doe wthin this yor Highnes realme of England. And be it also further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that neither this Act, nor anything herein conteyned, shall in any wise extend or be construed to avoide, frustrate, abridge, impaire, diminishe, or prjudice the state, interest, and terme of years of Sir Thomas Leighe, Knight, and Thomas Spencer, Esquier, their executors, administrators, and assignes of the messuages, lands, tenements, tithes, profits, hereditaments, and other things in the said Isle of Mann made, demised, and graunted by yor Matie under your Highness lrs patent, bearing date the Seaventeentli day of Marche, in the year of your Hlighness raigne of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland the third, and of Scotland the nine and thirtieth, for the terme of fortie yeres, and that the said Sir Thomas Leighe and Thomas Spencer, their executors and administrators, and assigns, and every of them, shall and may from henceforth peaceably and quietly, during the said terme of forty yeres, have, hould, occupie, and enjoye the said messuages, lands, tenements, tithes, profitts, hereditamts, and other things in the said last mencioned irs patent demised for, under, and upon such yerely rents, reservcons, coverts, provisoes and agreements as are mencioned and expressed in the said irs patent against yor Mates youre heires and successors, and all and every other prson or prsons and their heires, having or clayminge any estate, right, title, or interest unto the said demised prnisses, by force and virtue of this Act, savinge to the Archbishop of York and his successots, all metropoliticall jurisdicdon in all points and to all purposes and effects of the bishopricke and diocesse of Mann, in the said Isle of Mann, as is geven, united, lymitted, and appoynted to the province and Archbishoprick of Yorke, accordinge to an Act of Parliament made and provided in the three-and. thirtieth yere of the raigne of King Henry the Eighth, King of England. Savinge also to all and singular fison and fisons, bodies politique and corporate, their heires and successors, and the heires and successors of every of them, and the executor, admistrs, and assignes of every of them (other than yr Highnes, your heires and successors, and the said Thomas Lord Ellesmere, and the said Lady Alice Countesse of Derbie his wife, and the said Henry Earle of Hnntingdon, and the said Lady Elizabeth Countesse of Huntingdon his wife, Graye Lord Chandoys, and the said Lady Anne his wife, the said Sir John Egerton, and~the Lady Francis his wife, and the heires of the said Elizabeth, Anne, and Francis, and the heires of the said Ferdinando late Earle of Derbie, and the said Thomas Ireland, Esquier, his executors, administrators, and assigues, the tenures, rents, and. services reserved to yr Matie, yor heires and successors alwaies reserved) all suche and every the same estate and estates, lease and leases, rights, titles, interests, rents, services, tenures, jurisdicdcons, priviledges, liberties, possessions, revercons, remaynders, annuities, pencons, profltts, comodities, acions, entries, condicons, claymes, and demanndes, wth theie or any of them now lawfully have or here-after shall or may lawfully have or clayme of, into, out of, or for the said isle) castle, peele, and lordshipp of Mann, manols, messuages, lands, tenemts, and prmisses of, into, out of, or for any of them, in such and the same manner and forme to all intents, construcons, and purposes, as if this prsent Act had never bene had or made, this Act or anything herein conteyned to the contrary in any wise notwtltstanding, and yor said subjects according to their most bouñden duties, shall and will daily pray for your Highness’ long, happie, and prosperous raigne over us.


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