From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX

A:D. 1533.




PLEASE it your good mastershipe to be advertysed that nowe lately there came to the peille of ffotherey in ffurnes one Scottysshe botte and in hir iiij Manksmen and one Scottysheman, and as I have suer knowlege outt of Man the master of the seid bott beyng one Scottissheman had one save condithe to cumme into the seid yle of Man with vittelles as ffysshe of dyverse kyndes, and after the seid boott was cumme within one havene called Rammyssey whyche havene ys wythin the seid yle of Man the master of the seid boot and ij other with him went to the Captayne howse there to speke with hym for the delyvere of there stoffe according to there promyse, and the same nyght after came iiij Manksmen and entered into the seid boott and cutt the cabulles and sett up the saylles and so they dyd ryve up within the seid peylle of ffotherey, and then the Scotyssheman whyche was last in the seid boott for the kepyng thereof after he came on land within the seid peylle dyd sett his cumpasse in dyverse places and saide there was none haven betwixt Carlylle and the seid butt he couthe be lodysman + the dyrkest nyght that ever was to bryng in one shipe or as many as he wold. And for those wordes I doo kepe the seid Scott in suer custody to suche tyme as I doo knowe ffurther of the Kynges pleasure therein the whyche I beseeche you may be with suche celeritie as ye shalle thyngke most expedyent. And yf it wolde please you to helpe me that I were discharged of the seid Scott by the Kynges Letters I shalbe your dayly bedmane as knowithe our Lord who preserve yow. frome ffourness the viiijth day of Marche.

yors assuered Roger;1 Abbot ther.

To the Ryght worshipfulle Master Cromwelle, one of the Kynges hyghe councelle.2

* Miscellaneous Letters, 2nd Series, vol. xii, Art. 84.

+ Pilot.

1 Roger Pele, twenty-seventh abbot.

2 Cromwell was Wolsey's secretary, but after Wolsey's death he entered the service of the King



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