From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX

Bull of Pope Urban III to Furness Abbey, 1186


A.D. 1186.

URBAN bishop, servant of the servants of God, to the abbot and chapter of Furness etc. The duty of granting indulgence to suppliants, requires both a sense of equity and demands an exercise of reason, especially when piety and truth accompany the desires of postulantes. On this account, there-fore, O blessed Sons in the Lord, we with gracious assent, concurring with your just demands, receive under the protection of the blessed Peter, and our own, your monastery with all things that you at this present, justly and peaceably possess, or may in future, by the blessing of God, by righteous means obtain, and strengthen it with the defence of this present writing. More especially we confirm the liberties and immunities generally granted to your order by the Apostolic See, and such dignities and alms as have been conferred upon you, and the same, your monastery, by king Stephen of illustrious memory, and by the very beloved in Christ, our illustrious son Henry, king of the English and* . . . . kings of the Islands, or other faithful Sons of God, like as is now more fully set forth in the charters of the said kings, and of other donors, and grant you to possess them rightfully and peaceably under apostolic authority. To none, &c.



URBANUS Episeopus servus servorum Die Abbati et Capitub Furnesii etc. Offieium justa postulantium indulgere et vigor exigit equitatis et ordo postulat rationis, presertim cum petencium voluntates et pietas adjuvat et veritas non relinquid. Ea propter dilecti in domno filli vestris justis postulacionibus grato concurrentes assensu monasterium vestrum cum omnibus que in presenciarum juste et pacifice possidetis aut in futuro deo propicio justis modis poteritis adipisci sub Beati Petri et nostra protectione suscipimus et presentis scripti patrocinio communimus, specialiter autem libertates et immunitates generaliter ordini vestro ab apostolica sede indultas dignitates eciam et elemosinas que vobis et eidem monasterio vestro ab illustris memorie Rege Stephano et Karissimis in Christo fihiis nostris Henrico illustri Anglorum et . . . . Insularum regibus seu aliis dei fidelibus racionabiliter sunt collate, sicut in eorundem regum et aliorum donatorum cartis, plenius continetur, et vos eas juste et pacifice possidetis auctoritate apostolica confirmamus. Nulli etc.

* Olave and Godred


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