Bridge House Collection.

Document No. 100.



Ex Rotul Insul Monae.

Liber Cur Exchequer Infra Insul Mo-na p uno anno integro [...... ] ad festu St. Michael Archangel in anno Dni 1616. Cur Exchequer tent apud Castle Rushen, quinto die August anno Dni 1616. Coram, Robt. Molineux Armige Capit., Johe Halsale Cler. Rotul., Thom Samsbury & Ewan Christin, Judic.

Aug, 5th 1616. - Wm McWare, John ffreer, Thomas Crye, John Ware, John Cayne, & Adam Callister, jurors, doe present by Vertue of their Oathes that John Woods, Clerke of the Parish of Kk Michael, hath not only ,neglected the due Pformance and Service of the place belonging to the Clerke which by the Conditions of his Grant whereby he holdeth the same he ought to doe, But also in Maintenance of his remissness hath peremptorily answered & that publick-ly among the Congregations that he wile not doe those offices soe by him neglected; that is to say he hath refused to attend the Minister in the Chancell where Divine Service is Usually Read either to help him on with the Cirplesse, Cover the Communion Table or read the firs` Lesson; all which are & have been offices usually belonging to the Clerke; But would have the Communion Table and the Bible removed down into the Body of the Church, where he himselfe sate, and there only he said he would doe & execute those Services and not in the Chancell ; Alledgeing that it is the part of another Clerke & not his to doe those offices in the Chancel], which the sd jurors find to be con-trary to the uniforme and accustomed manner used in other Churches throughout the Island, and may fall out prejudicial) to the Lords of the

Isle in their P'rogatives by whose power the Clerks of the Parishes have been appointed to serve; And therefore leave the said John Woods to be censured & fined at the discretion of the Captain & the rest of the Officers.

It hath been also in the face of the Court proved by the Oathes & testimony of diverse persons who were present and Eye-witnesses, that the last Sabbath Day after that the foresd Woods had been negligent in Executions of the Service of the Clarke and refused to doe the same as the jurors have presented. He the said John Woods persisting [in] his former obstinacy came into the Church at the time of Divine Service with his Sword & Dagger, whereat the Minister of the Church was dismayed and made afraid for that he did Especially contist him in maintenance of his own wilfull demeanr offensive to good devotion amongst the Congregation. In regard of all which the Court have fyned the sd John Woods in xli s.

Oct. 23. 1616. - It is in hope of his better Demeanour and Conformitie of Life hereafter mittigated to x s.

12 July 1729. - Vera Copia Examd p Wm Stonier Cl Rotul.

Note. - The Vicar of Kirk Michael at the time of the above incident was Sir Hugh Cannell. His period covered 1609 to 1672 - no less than 63 years.

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