From the Diocesan Registry.

Document No. 57.

Circa 1748.


To the Right Revd. Father in God Thomas Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. The humble Cry and Supplication of Rob Brew of KK Malew.


That this Afflicted Supplicant about three years agoe, through the Folly of Youth and Destitute of Divine Grace was so unhappy as to offend God by falling into a Crime that subjected him to the Censures of the Church

That, to avoid the Shame and Consequences of his Guilt he fled like Cain from the Presence of the Lord into another Country, & by that shameful Desertion of his Duty, lost his Station as an Academic Scholar

That, to Aggravate his Misfortunes, during the Time he was abroad for Want of Knowledge and Experience in Mankind, this poor Supplicant was so imprudent as to associate Wth Men of Disaffected & Seditious Sentiments by which means his Unguarded & Unprincipled Mind became tainted with their pernicious & Disloyal Notions: Notions,which he now from his inmost Soul most heartily Abhors & Detests. Sorrowfully regretting that ever he should be so weak & so wicked as to have been corrupted by them.

That pursued by the Remorse of his own Mind; And the Providence of God Blessed for ever, co-operating with his Grace, to frustrate the Intentions of this your Petitioner in his Endeavours to subsist abroad, he was at length compelled after various Hardships & Sufferings, through very Want & Necessity, like the Prodigal Son in the Gospel, to return to his own Country, and submit himself to the Censure of the Church so justly inflicted on him.

That humbly thankful & adoring the Goodness and Justice of God, this poor Penitent was on his Return and Submission restored to the Peace of the Church, & by that means in some Measure to the peace of his own Mind: But that to his inexpressible Sorrow & Heartbreaking Grief, he still continued to be excluded from his Station in the Academic School.

Your Humble Supplicant therefore most earnestly beseeches your Lordship's Clemency and Goodness that he . may be received & admitted only as Probationer and restored to his former Station in the Academy, that he may thereby have an Opportunity of giving some publick Testimony of his Reformation, and pursuing his Design of serving this Church & his Country, which for the future, by the Grace of God, he hopes to do to your Lordship's Satisfaction, & the approbation of all good Christians. With the Deepest Penitence & Contrition of Heart & Soul begging God's Pardon and yr Lordship's Forgiveness, for his many Offences against both & the Scandal thereby given to all good Men; With most Ardent Cries for Pity & Relief from y,. Lordship and the other Worshipfull Trustees whom he has also addrest That this poor Distressed Supplicant may not be driven to Despair - Nor Deny'd that Mercy from Man wch he hopes, through the Merits of Jesus Christ to obtain from the God of all Mercies. And yr Petitioner as in Duty bound shall for yr Ldship's Health & Happiness ever pray &c.


From the Diocesan Registry. 1750.

Document No. 58.


To the Right Revd. Father in God Thomas Ld Bishop of Sodor & Man.

The humble Petition of Robt Brew of KK Malew.


That your Petitioner some time ago humbly laid before your Lordship his earnest Desire begging to be restored to his former Station & Condition from which, thro' the invisible Attacks of Satan & the common Frailty & Corruption of human Nature, he most miserably fell; And that he never as yet recd a Reference or Answer to the same, to his great concern, imagining that your Lordship has entirely thrown him off from your Clemency and Pity. This, added to the great Mortification of seeing his Cotemporaries in the same Studies and Views with himself one by one deservedly pre-ferred according to the sevl Necessities of the Church, and he still rejected and set aside like a broken Vessel forces him with Tears in his Eyes and Grief of Mind to beg & beseech yr Lordship's gracious Answer, and not suffer the smoaking Flax & bruised Reed to be utterly quenched & broken; hoping that (as he trusts the Almighty has reduced him to his former State of Grace by his blessed Spirit) your Lordship may copy the Example, and place him again in Statu quo. This granted will engage him sincerely to pray for your Lordship's Health & eternal Happiness.

This letter is endorsed in Bishop Wilson's Writing : Robt. Brews Second Petition Sept. 1750.

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