[From the Diocesan Registry.]

Document No. 34.


KIRK MAROWN [?] A Fragment.

To ye third we answeare yt or congregation [is] free from popery, witch[craft] and all such schismaticall

the sacraments zealously administered & receaved, wthout Idolatry or supstitions.

To the 5 wee answeare or minister wears a surplisse at ye time of prayer, administering ye Sacraments, at baptisme, & useth ye signe of ye Crosse.

ye parishioners receaveth ye Communion at least 3 or 4 times a yeare at least.

To ye 7th we answere or minister hath mar-ned none wthout license or bans asked observing time and place.

To ye 9th we answeare or minister carefully doth visit ye sick, exhorting them according to ye Booke of Common Prayer, [and] meeteth the dead corps a peece of [the] way.

To ye 10th we answer or parishioners doth keepe holy ye v of November and repaire to the Church & give thanks unto God for his maiesties deliv[erance].

To ye 12 we answer or minister hath noe house on his Gleeb.

To ye 15teene we answere there is want of a Communion Booke, wth a boxe for the poore, but God willing shall presently be had . .

To ye 16teene we answer that or Church, chancell, minister’s seate, bell & church-yard . . . repaired, as for almes house we have none, but . . . man charitably distributes according to his estate . .

To ye 18teene none . . . or sleeps in time of divine service . .

To ye 19 we answer we have none yt seeks in publicke or private to hinder [the] religion established, or that withdraws any from ye house & service of God, neither any that teaches schoole wthout license, nor buyers nor sellars in time of Divine service one Sundayes or holy dayes.

To ye 20 we answer we have not brawles or fight in ye Church or churchyard.

To ye 21 we answer we have noe Servile work done on the Sabbath, nor any on the holy dayes but such as are not punished or presented by ye Chapter Quest.

To ye 22 we answere wee have noe beare or bulplayers or unlawful pastimes to hinder divine service on the Sabbath nor any such supstitions.

To ye 23 we answere we have a Register Booke for Christenings, Churchings, Burialls, Weddings, wth the day & date : a coffer we have none, but (deo valente) shall shortly . . .

To ye 25 we have noe incestuous psons, nether adulterers or fornicators but such as have been punished accdg to law.

To ye 27 we have noe such bussy medlers.

To ye 28 we know noe minister that censured or absolved any excommunicated psons wthout recognition of his offence nor commuted any penance : for the commutations they are many receaved, though not known to what uses they are bestowed.


William Quirke, Richard Clucas, Thomas Kermot, ffinloe Kelly,

Thomas Quirke.

The last name is crossed out and the rest of the sheet is broken off.

The Vicar of Kirk Marown in 1634 was Sir William Oates. He was buried at Conchan. In that register he is stated to have been Vicar of Kirk Marown above 50 years, and was buried close to the altar. The parish clerk was John Moore, who had ‘ the clerkship with glebe and profits for twenty-one years and fine.’ — (Lords Book 1630.)


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