From the Diocesan Registry.

Document No. 18.



In 1634 Bishop Foster sent out to the Clergy and Churchwardens of each parish a large number of questions under the title of `Bishop Foster's Visitation.' His chief aim appears to have been to see if there were any remains of Popish practices in Man.


Our Viccr is no preacher but he dothe Catechese the youngere sorte and they can say it well in Mankes, & he is a maintener here of true relygion, & doth praye for the Kinge queene and prence accordinge as it is set forth in the booke of Common prayer.

2. We knowe non to preach with us but or Mankes men.

3. Ther is no suche thinge used in or parishe anye kind of poperie.

4. Our prayers be duly red everie Sounday bothe in the forenone and in the after none and everie holy day in the evene. but in the after none they will not com.

5. Our Vicr doth where the surplice as ofte as he dothe Rede anie services, and dothe use the singe [sign] of the Crosse at Baptysme.

6. We doe not suffere any excommunicated pson to com wthin this church or church yard nether is lyers anie admitted to the communion before they can saye ther Catechise, and everie man doth receave at Ester, & at other tymes 2st in the yere. Indeed some of them doth receave three or foure tymes but not now.

7. The was none maried wth us in or parishe but the Banes [banns] where asked or lycences had.

8. Our Vicr hath no more promotione but one.

9. Our Vicr dothe visite as often as need is. 10. Our parishers was wonte to com to the church the fifte of noveber to praye & to geve God thankes, but it is neclec[te]d this manie yeares.

11. Our Vicr hed no lyvinge by simonie, nether did he keepe anye Ale house not this xl yeares.

12. We never knowe anye mansione house in or parishe in our tyme, but the vicares did dwell upon the lord's land wherby they might better lyve, for the church lyvinge wille scares [scarce] iiij d a day for the

We have no more to prsente but such as is set downe the last yeare.

Edward Christin 1 +
John Lowy +
Will Kewley + Philippe Skilycorn


Tho. Christin 2 +. Richard Lewen 3
Will Christin 4 + Will Lowie

1 Edward Christian was of Bemahage.
2 Tho. Christian was of Ballakilmartin.
3 Richard Lewen was of Ballergy.
4 Will. Christian was of the Cleps.

13. Wee doe not knowe wheather the Vie' doe suppresse any or not, nethr doe we know of anny wronge he doth.

14. Wheather loth or Vicr Read the Constitutione : our Vicr never sawe these.

15. We have in or church a fayre Bybble & a good Comunione booke and all other thynges as any churche wthin the land, but we have but a puetter cuppe.

[To bee gotten before Easter next silvr]

16. The church and chancell is well Repare, as good as any in the laynd.

17. Wee have no Almes houses, nor any Scole in or parishe.

18. We never baptyse anye but in the ffonnte, and they that are xvi yeares of age Receave at Easter; not ealier unles they be sicke, and for the younger soartes we must take greatter care to bringe to the church to lerne.

19. We have none that doth use to goe out of the church at prayer tyme.

20. We have none such wthin or parishe that doth drawe any from the church or from due obedience: as for scole master we have non wthin or parishe.

21. We have none that selle any drinke at service tyme : nether have we any wares put abroad at that tyme.

22. We have none that use any fyghtinge in the church or church yarde; nether doe they use any worke one the Sabothe day.

23. We have no beare batynge nor battinge heare : but sometymes younge folkes when they meatt at a weddinge, dothe use tow much dancinge.

24. We have a register booke and coffer wth one locke.

25. We doe not knowe any thinge that or Vicr Generall or any of the spirituall officers that doth exacte any thing: nor we heare none complean wth us.

26. We have no inceste wthin the parishe, but some adulterers: John Lewen was adulterer, but he was a prisoner: he mayd penance in the church and payd 6s 8d [to] Will Norres some money wth wch is not bestoyd [bestowed] as yet. Richard Lewine was adulterer and was punished as the other was and payd money to [the foresd] Will Noris.

27. We know none wthin the parish but they when [were] punished.

28. We know non that doth refuse to paye then dues: and the church wardens doe geve up ther acconte everie yeare.

29. We know none that doth medell wth any goods before the wil be provd.

30. Our Vicr doth rec[e]aye no excommu-nicat prsone wthout ortoritie from the ordinarie. Sumthinge we muste say concerninge our Vicr, and he him sell e will not have us to leayne it: He haste lyved this xj yeares wthout his wyfe : and it happente towe yeares agoe he gatt a wenche wth childe : and he was enjoyned to buld a brigde upon the burne in or parishe wch he is now aboute : for he hath bought some temmer [timber] for it, and or last Bushope gave way unto it: wch wil be as good a deede as ever was done in these partes. We knowe xl s well not doe it

Yst yor lordshipe geve it waye.


Edward Christin his +
John Lowy +
Will Kewley
Will Lowie +

The Sydemen

Tho. Christin +
Philipte Skalycorn +
Richard Leane +
Will Christin +

According to Mx Soc. vol. xxix, p. 109, Sir John Otte [Oates] was Vicar from 1580 to 1650. His grave is in Conchan churchyard.

The reference to the Vicar's having to ' buld a brigde upon the burne' is of more than ordinary interest. His guilt had to be cleansed by the performance of a penitential act exceeding the common degree. The making of the bridge was to be his means of approach to heaven ; the Whitening of his Soul. There is no manner of doubt that the bridge which the Vicar built (and which was 'as good a deed as ever was done') is the White Bridge at the top of Groudle Glen, on the Douglas - Laxey road. It would appear that the name of the bridge was due to the Vicar's penitential act.

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