[based on that in Cubbon 'Bibliography' but with corrections and additions]

Adams, Lionel E.

List of Manx Land and Freshwater Shells, ii, 19.

Birchall, E.,

Manks Butterflies, with some notes by the late, and remarks. (ed P. M. C. Kermode), i, 49.

Boyd Dawkins, Prof. W.

On the Conglomerates of the South of the Island, ii, 16.


The Cairn, Gretch Veg [King Orry's Grave] ii, 49

Buckland, A.W.

On the Monument known as King Orry's Grave ii, 42

Clarke, H. S.,

Heterocera of the Isle of Man, ii, 287, 319, 387;
A Night with the Moths, ii, 329;
Entomological Reports, i, 142, ii, 61, 158, 265, 378.

Crellin, A.M.

On the Opening of a Burial Mound, Michael ii, 11
Sundials in the Isle of Man
ii, 38, ii 80

Dodd, Miss ,

Wild Flowers in Mona, i, 97.

Elk, The Ballaugh: How, where and when discovered, ii, 23.

Folklore, ii, 68, 75, 91, 99, 167, 168, 169, 189, 221, 228, 265, 289, 323.

Gasking, Rev. S.,

The Arachnidae of the Isle of Man, i, 93.
Geology of the South of the Island, 1, 119.
The so-called Old Red Sandstone Formation of the Isle of Man, i, 135.

Harrison, Rev. S. N.

Notes on Antiquities and Geology of the Maughold area, ii, 75, 140, 208, 375, 382.

Haviland, A.

Aspects of the Crags of the Manks Mountains in relation to the Glaciation of the Isle, 1, 77.
Necessity for Collecting and Arranging the Facts relating to the Glaciation of the Isle of Man, i, 57.

Herdman, W. A.,

Brief Notes on the Marine Invertebrate Fauna of the Southern end of the Isle, i, 54.

Hobson, Bernard,

Igneous Rocks of the South of the Isle of Man, with plate, ii, 337.

Jeffcott, J. M.

Addresses, ii, 56, 153.
Archibald Cregeen, the Manx Lexicographer,
ii, 302.
ii, 216.
Manx Verbal Peculiarities,
ii, 22.
Obituary, ii, 389.

Kendall, P. F.,

Manks Minerals, ii, 167.
The Glacial Phenomena of the Isle of Man, ii, 227.
Glacial Geology of the Isle of Man. Plates, Map, Sections, Figures of Fossil Shells, ii, 397.

Kermode, Rev. W. . Obituary, ii, 196.
Kermode, P. M. C.

Address of Retiring President, i, 66.
Ancient Canoe discovered at Ballakaighen, 1, 36..
Antiquities of the Parish of Bride, ii,
Ballakaighen Canoe, ii, 78.
Cinerary Urn from Ballaseyr, Andreas, i, 52.
The Cronk Aust Burial Mound, i, 88.
Cutworm, i, 29.
Flint Implements from the Brooghs, Ramsey, ii, 131.
Fossil Shells from the Boulder Clay and Sand, North Ramsey, ii, 96.
Introduction to the Study of Lichens, i, 85.
Manks Butterifies, i, 49.
Phenological Observations, ii, 18, 63, 84, 103, 160, 177, 197, 225, 292, 349.
Plea for the Study of Natural History. i, 1.
Report on the Preservation of Antiquities, i, 42.
Tumuli on Snaefell and Skyehill, i, 27.
Wireworrn, i, 19.

Moore, A. W.

Ballafletcher Cup, ii, 218.
Climate of the Isle of Man, i, 145.
Crucifix of Braddan Old Church, i, 93.
Great Frost of 1890-1891, ii, 226.
Historical Sketch of the Manks Language,
ii, 129.
Manx Literature,
i, 110.
The Military Organisation,
ii, 141.
Origin and Constitution of the Keys,
ii, 245.
ii, 281.
Weather Summary, 1888, ii, 20,, 1890 224,, 1891 351.

Quine, Rev. J.,

Study of Manx Natural History, i, 126.

Rhys, Prof. J.

Were there ever Druids in Man? ii, 179

Savage, Rev. E. B.

Parish Registers of Kirk Michael, i, 3.

Swainson, G.,

Results of a Dredging Excursion to Dalby, ii, 14.

Swynnerton, F.

Early Neolithic Cists and Refuse Heaps at Port St. Mary, ii, 137.
Pre-Aryan remains at Glen Wyllin, Michael, ii, 262.

Talbot, Rev. T.

Brassica Monensis, i, 13.
Marine Algae, especially of Douglas Bay, i, 82.

Tellet, F. S.

Colours of the Royal Manks Fencibles, ii, 439.

Walkey, R. H.

Neolithic Settlement on the Brooghs, North Ramsey, ii, 212.

Whiteside, H.

How to improve the breed of Trout, ii, 173.

Wood, G. W.

Description of an ancient document, ii, 332.
George Borrow, ii, 359.



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