T 1/552/374 - Governor Smith requests new Copper Coinage - 1779

[To Sir Grey Cooper Bart &c &c]

Upper Brook Street Jany 9th 1779


Mr Murray from the Isle of Man, conductor of a new Manufactory of Cambricks, very lately established there at the expence of Government just now been with me; representing the injury that trade suffers from the want of a Copper coin in the Island: And as he states this matter, I feel it my Duty to repeat the distress, beging my Lords Commissioners of the Treasury may be pleased to take this matter into early consideration, before the new settlers are entirely disgusted, disheartened, & that the benefit of the money laid out for the settling this manufactory be totally lost.

Their Lordships have my papers concerning the Coinages of Copper & some little matter of silver for the Isle of Man some time before them, to which I have only now to add that hitherto the Governor have had all coinage for that Island by contract, but Sir in whatsoever manner their Lordships are pleased to commiserate the distress of the Island in this particular, and save the new settlement by any immediate relief, provided their very urgent necessity to be supplied. I shall be perfectly satisfied & happy

I have the honor &c Edward Smith




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