T 1/495/188 - Lutwidge argues for some relaxation on trade 1772

Paper delived by Mr Lutwidge Read 8 May 1772

Reasons humbly submitted to their Lordships for the Repeal of the Clause & Which it is apprehended may be granted without any prejudice to the Revenue of Great Britain.

First, Because it is apprehended that Clause was meant only as a temporary restriction & intended solely to prevent vessels in the African trade from taking on board Certain species of East India Goods lodged in the Isle of Man from Holland - All Which Goods having since the purchase been long exported by virtue of special Acts of Parliament for that purpose and no more can now be Imported there being prohibited by several statutes. The Object of the Clause seems to be removed.

2d, Because by the Act 7.Geo.3.Cap 45 The following Goods are prohibited to be Imported into the Isle of Man except from Great Britain viz Tea, Spirits of all kinds whatsoever, Coffee and Tobacco, & of these only limited quantity (Calculated for the Consumption of the Inhabitants) by Licence from the Commissioners of the Customs.

3d. No Glass or Woollen Manufactures can be Imported there except from G. Britain, or Linen Cloth from thence & Ireland.

4 - By the above recited Act all the following Articles are prohibited to be exported from the Isle of Man to any place whatsoever on forfeiture of Goods with treble the value, together with the ship or vessel transporting the same viz Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, Spirits of any kind whatsoever, Tobacco, Wine, Glass, Coals, British or other wrought silk & felt.

5. Because All Goods whatsoever imported from any other parts than Great Britain or Ireland pay a duty of £15 pcent no part of which is drawn back on exportation.

6 - Because the Coasts of the Isle of Man are now as wellguarded by a sufficient Establishment of officers as any part of the Coast of Great Britain (The port of London excepted) And the several Penal Statutes being extended to that Island can be as effectually & Legally enforced there as in any other part of his Majesty's Dominions.




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