T 1/433/95 - Mr Lutwidge's Second Report about the Isle of Man

Honble Sirs
In Obedience to your Honrs Letter of the 17th Inst, directing me to report, whether any new Matter has occured since my Letter 1st July last, relating the Smugling Trade from the Isle of Man. I humbly Observe that from Intelligence lately received, I find the Importation of East India Goods into that Island, is greatly if not almost intirely Suppressed for the Present, Tea in particular at this time is not to be purchased at any Price, this I attribute to the Vigorous Measures at present taken, and to the fear the Merchants have of the Sloops of War and Cutters, which are now constantly Cruizing about that Island; this is Confirmed by the Counter Orders which have been sent to prevent the ships even freighted, from bringing any East India Commodities there, as was lately the case with respect to the Vessels from Holland relating which We had Your Honrs Orders of 17th Sept and 4th October last, which are not yet Arrived, and I am Credibly informed are Unladen - This Morning also, I have heard from the Isle of Man, that a Vessel from the Baltick with East India Goods, which I suspect to be the Vessel mentioned Mr Secretary's Letter the 20th Instant Arrived off Douglas, about the 16th or 17th Inst and a Boat was Immediately sent off to acquaint her a cutter was in the Harbour which being the Case at Ramsey and the other Harbours in the Isle of Man, Orders were given as I am told to go quite off the Coast as she has not since been heard of.

The Importations of Brandy and Rum there, has been of late very considerable especially the latter, no less than Sixty Seven Vessels, having, as I am credibly Informed, within the last Year discharged there very large Quantities from Our own Plantations of that Article. An effectual Stop, I humbly apprehend may be put to this Fraud by making Rum one of the Enumerated Commodities and Subjecting it, to the same Regulations and Penalties as in the Act the 12 Car 2d Chap 10 Sect 18 and in several Subsequent Acts - This I submit as a very Material Point to Your Honrs consideration.
I am etc Cha Lutwidge
Whitehaven 26 Novr 1764




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