[From Choice Presentments ]

German Presentments 1637

Archdeacon Wills 1637 German, Sir William Cosnahan and wife Elizabeth Bridson are censured:

The Suspension: [This is on about 24 pages in the filmed copy; I typed it as if on one page so as to keep the whole together better. A double line space separates most of the pages in the below. -JMO]

January 29. 1637. Whereas Wm Cosnahan vicr of KK Germaine, being convented before us at the bishops Court & there accused & found guilty, upon proofe & confession of many crimes as namely of disobedience to his ordinary, admonishing & several times forbidding him to keepe an ale house & likewise of severall brawlings & bloud sheddings & further is found guilty of fearfull swearing, evill speaking & scandalous living in soe much that at some of the Chiefest parishioners namely (Mr Edward Christian receiver Mr. Humphrey Barrowes, Thomas Crellin Gunner, Thomas Quaile & his family) forbeare the church many tymes by reason of his lewde life v--ivill conversation amongst them, wee therfore (the promises considered) doe by vertue herof decree & censure the sd Sr Wm. Cosnahan to be suspended ab officio, or the excusing[?] of any Ecclecall functions to continue under suspention for the space of six months (from the date herof) hoping that this censure will be a meanes to reforme him & prevent more severe censures, for more hainous crimes not fully as yet proved against him.
Ri: Sodor & Man
Nich: Thompson
Hugh Cannell
John Harison Rigr Episo:
Put his upon record after ye publicacon therof.

The Vicar of KK Patrick: [To] bee published in ye chapel [of] Peeltowne on Sunday ye fourth this instant feb: 1637.

For that that I know Sr Wm Cosnahan to be a man of a loud and [w]icked corse of life[?] livinge in drunken & whoreing and blasphe---- beside his unpremeditated weake and unprofitable manner of[?] prayinge, and some other his misdemeanors, I saye for these above saide reasons, I have often tymes forborne to goe to the church his dayes of preachinge: Ed: Chrystian.

The same sins are laid to Sr Wm: Cosnahan his chardge by Tho: Crellin Mr Gunner& Mr Humphray Barrowes, witness here oure hands. Tho: Crellin, Hum: Barrow--.

The rest of the examinations touching Sr Wm. Cosnahan are in the 2d page following.

Let Sr. Wm. Cosnahan see this order & then returne it backe again

Whereas Sr. Wm Cosnahan Vicar of KK German, was suspended by ye church, for foule offences ab officio for the space of six moneths, and his place hath beene hitherunto supplied by Sr. John Harrison gratis or wthout anie recompence, who havinge given us warninge that hee will officiate no longer than Easter day wthout some reasonable consideracon for his paines. And further consideringe yt ye care of all ye churches belongs to us, Wee therefore for ye discharge of our care & dutie, that St. Germans Church may bee well & duly served (notwthstandinge ye ministers irregularitie) have thought good to order and appointe as followeth, viz: that Sr. John Harison or some other who (by our approbation) shall undertake ye care & charge of ye afforesaid Church, shall for his weekly service abroad, & attendance upon ye church, holidaies and workedayes, have all ye surples fees belonginge to ye same; and for readinge of Divine Service, & preachinge on Sundaies, two shillings for everie Sunday, duringe ye time of ye ministers present suspension; wch allowance is to be paid out of ye money due to ye Vicar, from ye procters there. Dated ye 21th of March 1637.
Ri: Sodor & Man.

February 27th 1637/
Examination taken before the right Reverend father in god Richard by divine providence lord bishop of this Isle & Sir Nicholau Thompson & Sr Hugh Cannell, concerning Sr. Wm. Cosnahan.

William Quay sworne & examined, concerning a falling out betwixt Margret Crosse the wife of John Leese & Sr Wm. Cosnahan minister one wh---m--- after morning prayer, saith as followeth,
The said Margrett Cross coming by Sr Wm. Cosnahans window, saying it was never goodworld since ym came to dwell in this house, Wheruppon Sr Wm: ran forth & said what whoores & iades[?] durst bee soe cold as to knocke at his window, soe went up the streete & there mett wth John Crosse at whom he threw one of the boules that was in his hand & bracke his head, therupon came Michall Whitehead, John Leese Silvester Crosse & Phillip Crosse & stroake at him, but Sr: Wm: then by his owne confession brake seaven of these heads, Sr Wm: being then taken & brought into his owne house burst foorth at the backe doore & went to the Crosse markett place were he seeing John Leese standing, came behind his backe pulled out his dagger & brake it on his head, wch also the sd Sr William Cosnahan confesseth to be true.
[signed] William Quaye.

Wm: Quay sworne & examined how grievously & unchristianlikely he was abused by Sr Wm: Cosnahan saith as followeth:
Wthin night[?] going by Sr Wm: Cosnahans house, caughing as is maner[?] is yet ------ing not trust to any; Sr Wm sitting wthin his house sd cannot I sitt in my house but I must be caughed out by such a rogue as thou, the sd Quay replyed nothing to him; but went towards the waterside, & untrussing there by an ould boatesidestroake at him before he could tye his pants, wth a hunting poule untill he bracke it in 3 peeces on his head, all this wihle the sd Quay having one hand in his breeches & the other over his head to save it; then the sd Sr Wm: closed in wth him & his dog being[?] returne[?] to ---- pain sd ----- & tare him by the breeches, & betwixt both cast him downe [&] then the sd Sr Wm: satte upon him & wth a stone gave him f--- pounds in the head & left him there for dead; the sd Quay a ---- after recovering feeles himselfe embraced in bloud, soe as he could not see, but hearing the water fun by him, sora---bes -- ------ it, there to wash the bloud out of his eyes, but Sr: Wm: hearing him groane & speake at the waterside, said gods blood wounds art thou alive yet, ran forth fiercely wupon him & cast him on ----- in the water; & wth his hands held him under intending ----- him, but the sd Quay caught bothe his hands in the hare -------- head & held it fast untill he plucked him out of the ---- ----- ----- Wm: left him thinking he could not ---------[bottom of page containing last line is partially missing] but the sd Quay then gott him under a barqueside that was in the river where he stood whiles the water was running of him; then he called to the boy in the barke wth whom he was acquainted to put forth the ladder & take him aboard for he was almost dead & gooing upon the ladder & having one foote on the boateside & the other on the ladder groaning & not able to gett up by reason of his wounds & crashes[?], the sd Sr Wm: being on the shore & hearing him, runs, to the barqueside wth a stone in his hand, saying gods wounds or his bloud art thou alive yett, & hurles the stone at him & hitts him in the midle of the backe & falls him wthin the barque wale, then Quay cryed & sayd Sr: William now thou hast killed me wth the wounds Quay receaved in his head, how he cast him ---[?wth] water & pursued him in the night to the waterside wth his hunting stafe & his grewing[?] & brake his head Sr: Wm: himself confesseth alleadging this reason; that Quay went up & d---[hidden in fold] by his doore hemming[?] in scorne of him.
[signed] William Quay.

William Quay upon by virtue of the said oath he hath taken saith, that in his owne garden Sr: Wm: Cosnahans eldest daughter called[?] ---[hidden in fold] of her fathers house & seeing him there, said gods bloud ---[fold] I foreknowledge thou were there, I would have brought ---[fold] & broken thy head downe to the eyes, her younger sister wthin & hearing the talke, comes out & askes her what the ------[?matter, hidden in fold] was, shee replyes, the former words & sayes gods bloud ---[fold] had knowne the double bastard was here I would ----[fold] brought a stafe & broken his head downe to the eyes; ----[fold] words if the said Ellin deny upon her oath, he will ----[fold] ---- any punishment yor: lordship will lay upon him.
[signed] William Quaye.

Examinations taken before the ordinary & Parson Thompson & Sr Hugh Cannell febr ----[edge of page crumbled away] 1637.

Ellin Caine sworne & examined saith that she was tempted & overtorne by Sr Wm: Cosnahan, & that the said Sr Wm: had carnall knowledge of her body in the time of her first child & that oftentimes he came to her afterwards in sundry places & would have had carnall dealing wth her, but shee still refused to yeeld unto him, for her seconnd child, she saith, that the father of that childe is Wm Christin the Deemster son & noe other, for her 3 child shee saith that the father therof was Richard Quaile of K Malew pairsh of of wch child she was delivered about Michalmas last in St Germaines parish.

Examinations taken feb: --th 1637 before th ordinary & Sr Hugh Cannell
First Henry Crellin Souldier of the Peel garrison sworne & examined saith that Sr Wm: Cosnahan tould him wth his own mouth, that he did often meete Thomas Gells wife now Craines wife at St Johns Chappell, glorifying that he had carnall knowledge of her body in St Johns Chappell, likewise Sr: Wm: Cosnahan gloryed on the highway unto the said Henry Crellin, that he had carnall dealing wth one John Leeses wife in her owne parlour, likewise wth Wm: Watersons wife, Wm: Billings wife & John Kinreds wife & of all these 3 last ------ --- he said S: William remarked that Kinreds wife was the best woman for the action. Likewise upon his oath he saith, that Wm: Cannell sor---t to Sr Charles Gerard knight & Capt: of this Isle tould him, that Sr: William Cosnahan came to widdow Cannells house & turned her out of the house & there had ----- carnally wth one Jane Deell daughter unto Sr. John Deel knight that -----ned in the Isle then one of his children[?] aged about[?] 13 years & further he saith that the said parties had many meetings at Edward Ellish house for the same purpose of incontinency one with another, the same he reported to Captaine Christin concerning Sr John Deels[?, Doels] daughter.

Again Henry Crelling sworne saith, that he had known Sr: Wm: Cosnahan overtaken wth drinke & that he himselfe hath helpen him home, when he was not able to go through drinke.

The Chapter quest of K Germaine vid: Henry Lace[?, partly hidden in fole], Hugh Shimmin, Hugh Caine, Tho: Crellin, Daniel Dawson & John Quillam sworn & examined saith as followeth:
That William Stivenson was maryed by Sr William Cosnahan without bans or license & in the night time in St Peters Chappell of John Towne, abut two yeares agone, this also is confessed by the sd Wm: Stivenson the p[ar]ty who maried unto Margery Ratliffe alias Brid[son?, hidden in fold].
Likewise the sd Chapter Quest upon there oathes say that Wm: Waterson was maried unto Ales Caine alias Lace, in the night & in the foresaid place about 4 yeares since;
Further they say upon oath that Sr Wm: Cosnahan -----[hidden in fold] for many yeares & still doth keep an ale house
Further Dollin Corras sworne & examined saith yt sd ----[hidden in fold] Cosnahan upon demand of him four goods belong[ing] unto him, that ye sd Sr Wm: Cosnahan calling ---- knave let fly upon him & plucked som of his ---- from ye side of his face in ye presence of Capt[ain; hidden in fold] Christin a yeare agoe or there abouts.

Phillip Callin sworne & examined saith that upon Munday morning being ye 19th of february about an houre up sun, Sr Wm: Cosnahan going to ye laine above Wm Stivensons house towards ---[hidden in fold] of ye hill, wth his hat under his arme about ye top of ye hill stoode & seeing a woman ---[fold] good dis-aat[?] asyde him, he left his way ---[fold] went in hast towards her, & not long after ---[fold] sd Deponent going homeward in ye laine upon ye mountaine saw Sr: Wm: Cosnahan & Ellin Caine sitting together, wch when they pceived him coming, deptd & one went towards ye Mountaine & ye other towards ye sea coast & further ye sd deponent canot say.

Righte reverente.
Our bounden dutye to your Lor[d Bishop] remembered & haveinge receaved many and divers tymes grosse & puplicke scandelous wronges, from our most malit---[edge of page] malitious and perverst ---te Sr Willm Cosnahans wife as hath beene approved before your Lor[d Bishop] uppon wch your Lo[rd Bishop] scensure hath pa-ed uppon her that she should weare for the same stand in the bridell, wch is no lese then ---[--e] for her opp----[edge of paper] abusses doeth deserve, hyett nature bides as to be sutters for her, and our parents comandes us to intreate your Lo[rd Bishop] that you wil lbe pleased to forbeare the bridell because her shame & infamye will not profitt us, but rather be ano--ga-e to som of our pereasten[?] for our contr---[?] people ther manner is to upbraid a kinreade wch any disgraceor evile be yt never sd smale and if one did a hundred good deedes that is not[?] never harde or thought uppon, therefore o--- more wee humbly intreate your Lor[d Bishop] so far as Law will permite to mittigat the same so shall wee as ever bound pray to god for the continuance of your health and happiness to gods glory longe amongest us. The 16th Apl: 1637
Yours to remane
Henry Crellin
Ales Younge her marke X

The Mitigacon of Elizabeth Cosnahans censure. Whereas Elizabeth Cosnahan wyfe of Sr William Cosnahan Vicr of KK Germane is under ye churches censure for accusinge of Alice Younge aliase Crellin wth sorcerie or witchcraft; And for asmuch as the said Alice Younge hath beene a suiter unto us to mittigate or take of soome p[ar]te of her censure and further consideringe the sd Elizabeth Cosnahans desyre in anie other kynd to satisfy the Law for her offence; wee therefore by vertue hereof doe mittigate the sd censure layed upon her, & release her from her suspencon, onely requireinge her to aske the p[ar]tie offended forgiveness. Dated the 14th of May 1638.
Ri: Sodor & Man
Nicho: Thompson
Hugh Cannell
To Sr. Joh: Harison to bee published in ye church.

Examinations taken ye 11th of March 1637.
Silvester Ratliffe and his wife sworne and examined saith that Huan Cosnahan came to St Peters church or chappell & finding ye seate his mother sate in removed swore gods bloud who hath done this, it is ye freere the -uld[hidden in fold] Devill my father, & swore more fiercely he would ---[fold] his death if he knew who did it & yt his father was ----ter[fold] to be ---a-ged then to be a preacher, I testify this to be a truth ye Deponente hath subscribed his name. [signed] Silvester Raidcliffe.

Ann Corras al[i]as Cotter sworne & examined saith yt Sr: Wm: Cosnahans wife after she came out of trance, sd Ales Young had bewitched her, & Margret Coil & yt shee was never well since shee fell out wth the sd Ales, but ye sd Deponent thinketh shee was not in her perfitt witt but in ye height of an ague -ether[fold, ?nether] by vertue of her former oath saith, yt see being folding linnens in her chamber, & sighing for a child she had dead, Sr: Wm: Cosnahan came in & plucked her from ye table and sate her one[i.e., on] his knee, & presently after her husband coming in & finding her weeping there, rebuked his son Sr: Wm: Cosnahan & asked him what he had to doe wth her; ye sd Deponent tould ys to William Corrins wife & some others in ye Howue in secrecy who since hath revealed it; but ye sd Sr: Wm: fr-yt since f----- did not offer to medle wth her; nor did then offer her violence.

Dorathy Cooper sworne & examined eode dreet---[?], saith yt Sr: Wm: Cosnahans wife in her sicknes sd yt Ales Young hath betwitched her & yt she was never well since shee fell out wth ye sd Ales, but ye sd Deponent saith yt shee was (as she thinketh) having in her sicknes ------- she spake ye words, all wch she sd Deponent will depose after she is delivered but not before. [This is Dorothy Cooper alias Fairbrother, who married William Cooper. -JMO]

March 15. 1637.
Isabell Kinred sworne & examined touching what words shee hard Ellin Cosnahan speake ----- sequitur, Ellin Cosnahan looking for a hen yt was laying out of ye house & seeing her come out of Katherin Crosses, said in Manx Steabs loame chayllaugh folme fayst in yt house, further ye sd Deponent canst say.

Katharin Cross sworn & examined saith yt shee hard one of Sr Wm: daughters being in her owne house, say steake loame in ys house meaning her house out of wch the hen came then out wch ye sd Ellin was then looking for.

Margret Quay al[i]as Harvee sworne & examined saith yt ye sd Ellin Cosnahan called her witch, ---[hidden in fold] bitch several times & many other filthy terme[?] wch are not now in her memory.

Examinations taken by the ordinary the xvith of January 1637, it the Bishops Couirt.
John Harison vicr of K Patricke sworn & examined saith that Sr: Wm Cosnahan being in Wm: Crellins house of Holmtowne, swore by gods his bloud that he would not be judged or censured by any man on the Island, by any Sr: Thomas, or Sr Robt or Sr Jacke[?, Tacke, etc.] or Sr. Gill and that one ----- should suffer for the people and that he would open a gape for all the country to goe to yarke[?], there to bee tried in all ---ses[?]; for Scotland had been overcome, Irland had been overcome & Whales was never overcome yet it was ruled by the lawes of England and why should not the Isle of Man be ruled by the same law as of England.

Thomas Crellin Mr Gunner of the Castle Peele& Wm Crellin Constable deputy the --- hath sworne in all pointes as the former Deponent hath.

The verdict of a Jury impan---[hidden in fold] touching the aspersion of witchcraft laid one Ales Crellin by Elizabeth Cosnahan;
February 22th 1637
Whereas Richard Hunter, Wm: Cooper, He----[fold] Thomson & Henry Lace were impann[eled] as iurors[i.e., jurors] touching an imputation of witchcraft laid upon Ales Crellin als Young by Sr Wm Cosnahans wife as appeare upon record, the sd s----rs having o----[fold] -----d the sd imputation of witchcraft doe by vertue of these oathes absolutly free & cleere, ye sd Ales Crellin alas Young from ye sd imputation, affirming wth one consent yt she is a very honest woman & hath beene soe reputed before & since her mariage.
The censure of the church upon the aforsaid verdict
Wheras Elizabeth Cosnahan als Bridson wife of Sr Wm: Cosnahan vicr of K Germaine hath chardged Ales Crellin als Younge of Holmtowne wth the abbominable sin fo witchcraft and is not able to prove ye same, And moreover forasmuch as we find upon record yt ye sd Elisabeth Cosnahan hath of late yeares wronged Margery Quaile als Craine in the same kind, wch gives us --- cause to say the heamer[?] censure upon ye sd offender, wee doe therfore by vertue of ---- decree censure yt ye sd Elisabeth Cosnahan als Brydson shall stand, at the north style in the Chappell yard of St: Peters in Holmtowne one Sunday next wth the bridle in her mouth for the space of half an houre, wn ye congregation come out of ye church from Dyvine Service & Sermine. ffurthermore ye sd Elisabeth Dosnahan is censured to acknowledge upon Sunday next following her offenced in ye face of the congregation, & to aske ye wronged p[ar]ty forgiveness in penitentiall habit& not to receive[?] the said ------- ----- ----. Dated ye 27th of February 1637.
Ri: Sodor & Man
Nicho: Thompson
Hugh Cannell

Examinacions taken february 7th 1637 before the reverend Odrinary & Sr Hugh Cannell;
Ffirst Henry Crellin sworne & examined saith that Sr: Wm: Cosnahan tould him wth his owne mouth, that he did often meete Thomas Gells wife now Craines wife at St Johns Chappell, glorying that he had carnall knowledge of her body at the said chappell, & likewise Sr: Wm: Cosnahan gloryed one[?] the way unto the said Henry Crellin, that he had carnall dealing wth Jone John Leece wife in her owne parlour. Likewise the sd Sr Wm: Cosnahan gloryed that he had carnall knowledge of Wm Watersons wife Wm: Billings wife & John Kinreads wife and of all these three, the said Sr Wm: said that Kinreds wife was the best for the action orgame[?]

Likewise upon his oath he saith that Wm: Cannell servant unto Sr Charles Garrett tould him, that Sr Wm: Cosnahan came to widdow Cannells house & turned her out of the house and there had to do carnally wth Jane Doell daughter unto Sr John Doell knight that served in the Isle & further he saith, that the sd p[ar]tyes had many meetings at Edward Elish house for the same purpose of incontinency one wth another.

Againe Henry Crellin sworne saith, that he had known Sr: Wm: Cosnahan overtaken wth drinke, that he himself was forced to helpe him home, when he ws not able to goe throwe drinke.
Copies vera -----
per originali per me Joh: Harison Regr Epis.

The 24th of March 1637
Willm Cannell sworne & examined saith in all points as Hary Crellin hath formerly sworne, exceptinge the meettinge at Mr Ellis house and further saith that Sr Willm himselfe tould him that hee had carnall dealings wth Miss Jaine Doell in the said Caine house in a bed behynd ye D----
Willm Cannell his marke XX

The widdow Cannell sworne & examined saith ----[hidden in fold] some day in ye afternoone being ab------- Sr: Wm: Cosnahan came in, & Mrs Jaine ---- --- ---- in ---- --- & ---- facing down by ye fire, Sr: Wm: ----- spaketh in Manx & bade her leave ye house to him ----[fold] wch she presently did, but --- they did theres-----[fold]

[This next part was hard to read, and part of it has been crossed out which makes that part more unreadable] To my best remembrance: yt way[?] about the tyme that the ---[?late] --[hidden in fold] Doell was re---[?redi] to goe out of the Island, that Sr Wm Cosnahan ----[ fold] --- goeinge from the fishing to the b----inge gally ----[fold] had ap--- of ---- for me, but as y-- --- ----- part --th --, I pressed him to ------ it was, in ----, c------ that it was ------ -- Doell his souldr[?] --------------------- carnall copulacon -------------- I ------------yeares --- -- age ---- ---------- he assured -- to his knowledg was --- able s-------- woman for any --- -- --- --- shall wch I did not then beleave, yet I b----- to -- Barrowe at that tyme, --------- him to secrecy when ---[fold] -- yt was noe ---- -- for ---- ----- Sill Ratcl: wife --- -- ---- yt but yt seemes ---------- he tobe pt others besyde me.

To the second Article Tho Mason examined & sworne saith that ye child wch Sr Wm Cosnahan refused to bury in ye Church or Churchyard was a man child wch was still borne about a quarter gone in ye wombe and for ye child he pr------d another[?] to Christen it.

Richard Cotter sworne & examined to ye fourth Article saith that Tho came in ye house of Tho: Crellin said that Sr. Wm. Cosnahan was an adulterer & did separate his daughter & son in law house & home.

Jo: Wattleworth deposed to the eight Article saith that in his house -- Sr. Wm. Cosnahan tould him that goeinge by a man & his --- makinge a stacke of ----- said god speud[?] your hand wee no better help, when upon ye said Sr. Wm ---- ------ up[?] to ye woman on ye backe tooke her[?] in his arms & kissinge her, cast her down & fell a playinge wth her.

[The top was torn away] 2 -- --------- called Eliz: Cosnahan ------ sprite & yt you (shee) had Devils at home.
Ellrn Sansberie sworne & examined saith yt Alice Crellin said yt Henry Crellin was not lyk her Devils at home --- debilligh children at home.

Alice Vinch sworn & examined saith yt Alice Crellin called Eliz: Cos: a sprite & bid her goe home to her Devils.

Margaret Craine sworne & examined saith yt Alice Crellin called Eliz: Cosnahan a sprit & bid her goe home to her Devils.

Examinacons taken before ye Ordinarie & ParsonTompson & Vicar Cannell, Mar: 10. 1637, at Bps Court:
Jane Ratclife als ffargar sworne & examined saith yt Eliz: Cosnahan said unto her by way of disgrace, was not thy grandmother a witch? for wch shee was censured, for yt imputacon & asked forgivnes. Lykewyse this examinate saith upon oath yt ye said Eliz: Cosnahan called her father a leprous knave his mother a whore, herselfe a whore, & yt shee was Carted in London. These things were spoken some 10 or 11 years ago. [See Archd will 1663 #106 German of William Radcliffe (& Jeane/Jane Faraghar his wife), dated 1 February 1663/4 at top: Henry Brokfeild, kinsman Mr. Thomas Ratcliffe of Knockabie[?or Knockalie or Knockaloe?]; friend Henry Ratcliffe of Peeltown; brother Charles Ratcliffe [Wm & Jane apparently died within a short time of each other]]

Wm Ratcliffe sworn & examined saith ye same in all pointes ------- on---- this, that he never heard her calle his ----- [ after 'pointes' the next line is at the bottom of the page, part of which is crumbled away]

Examinations taken upon oath feb: 7. 1637 before the ordinary ------[hidden in fold] sladers laid upon Ales Crellin als Young by Sr Wm: Cosnahans wife Elizabeth.
William Crellin sworne saith yt Elizabeth Cosnahan called Ales Crellin a witch in her owne house ----ing yt she brought stones from CregMaliu wch ----[fold] & yt Wm Bridsons wife[crossed out] house never prospered -----[fold]

William Killey sworne saith ye same in all points namely yt she called her a witch.

These witnesses being asked what Ales Crellin sd to Elisabeth Cosnahan upon this occation sa--[fold] upon there oathes yt Ales Crellin called Elizabeth Cosnahan, a durty slutt & yt shee had devil----[fold]

Again Wm Crellin sworne saith yt he hath known Wm Cosnahan & his son Euan braule & fight ---[fold] times[?], likewise Henry Crellin sworne saith he hath knowne ym fight & braule severall times ---[fold] Euan Cosnahan & yt Euan Cosnahan did call ----ther Wm: Quayes whom, likewise Ales Crellin ----[fold] the same in all points.

April: 16 1638. Examinacons before ye ord: & others. [left is dark and partly in fold]
Arthur sworne & examined saith yt shee heard Sr Wm Cosnahan say & call Henry Crellin Henry of ye window, Henry of ----ds : 1 : stealer of - wells & thice[?] thra-ts ----old as hee is

Aprill ye 27th 1638: Jo[?, in the dark area] Billings sworne & examined saith yt he ------- ---- ha---- ----- call------ ---ellin a forsworne thief ----- him soe before my lord bishop[?], a false mur----- --- yt ---- wth other men[?] to mur----- for brother on his bed

---- Leese sworne & examined out yt he heard Sr Wm Cosnahan --- call Hy Crellin a stealer of bodies[?] & theife of ------- sa---- stealer.

To the righteous reverend father in God Richard by divine ------ ---- Lord Bishop of Man, these present.

14 Aprill 1638
---- my humble dutie your Losp: may please to under---- that this day I was chargd to be wth your Lwp: up----[hidden in fold] day next, and not able to -----ill by reason of some weakness in my leggs, I crave your Lps favour in my behalfe; ----- by certifyinge, and ready to depa----[fold] followeth, that Sr. Wm. Cosnahans wife raylinge [in] the open streets uttered these words of Henry ----[fold] Little Henry of the window, ----lec[?] of cords ----[fold] arrant cuckold; This is all I ---- heard as she t---- --- ----cious ---- -- ---.
Your Lops: to ---
Katheren Cross

There is a following petition concerning the behaviour of William Cosnahan

Archdeacon Wills 1637, Petition of Thomas, John and Margaret Quayle, the children of Margery Quayle als Craine who was dead (contained on 5 pages):

"To the right Honorable James Lord Strange, The humble peticion of Tho: Joh, and Margarett Quaile, children of Margery Quaile deceased:

Shewing that your Peticioners mother in her life time received many grosse & grievous abuses from Sr Wm Cosnahan clarke & his wife, for wch noe redresse beinge obtained, it shortened her daies, as is probably concaimed[?]; for complainynge to bushop Phillips the livinge, some examinacions were taken, but before the cause came to a censure, it pleased god to take him to his mercy; After him came bushop ffoster who before he could be freely informed, departed ye Land & died; since ye now Reverend bushops comeinge ye Peticioners sued for redresse (their mother being dead) for that it nearly concerned their lives & reputacion, who answeared he would no meddle therein without your honors reverence, for that it was before his tyme. Wherefore they humbly crave your honor will be pleased to grant your Reference to the reverend father in God ye Lord bushop for a rehearinge of the said cause, that they beinge releemed[? redeemed] as instice[?] & conscience requireth as bound may pray for your honor etc. And this for Christ sake.

Knowsley, 22th of August 1638: I desire the Lord Bishopp to take this into his consideracion and doe therein as he shall thinke fitt."

--- the Bops co---- in St Nichales chappell the 12th of March 1637: Before the right reverend ordinarie, the vicr general and --- vicr came-- officiall: It is confured by us that the ----- named wife of Sr Wm Cosnahan for her ------ accusations within written of Margerye Quaile aliase Craine: first --spended; sent to St Germanes prison: and before she came from the--- to put in security to undergoe the censure of the church: & beg to come before the congregation and confess her error and readinge a -hedall after the minister askinge the partye forgiveness. And a proclamation to be given[?] before the congregation that of ever[?]: the sayd wife of Sr Wm Cosnahan or any in her bech--- or any other manner of person or persons: what degree s-ebar he or she be of liable to Spirituall ----sdictions: shall receive or -p---aid the sayd Margerie Quaile alias Craine agayne wth the licke speeches: shall forfeite 3 pounds, to our honorable Lord ----: and further to be promised at the ordinaries discretions. Per me written Willm Norres vicr general.

The censure wthin written: given by the vice ----all[?general] I hould site[?]: yt be put in execution, and see ---- parties to be satisfied: dated at the Bops Court this 22th of March, ---: Sodor & de Mans.

Is a true copie ---- wth the origionall & examined by me, Jon Moore Registr.

At Douglas the 23 of Februarie 1632: Marye Doncane sworne and examined, in the presence of Wm Norres vicr general: and Sr Jo: Thompson vicr ys KK ---- sayth, that Margerye Quaile als Crayne -- ----- came -- for witchcraft, nor sorcerye, or any --o-her senister meyne ---- good to herself or herme to any other: and craveth for your cause: that she may be tried by the lawes of the countrye and as she is found giltye or giltless: soe to be censured accordinge to her -----. Noate the sayd Marye, hath further sworne, that the above sayd Margerye Quaile never gave her peny nor peny worth: in consideration or ------ to do hurte to any man or woman, or child; ---- or to the good of any manner of person: neither ---- she professe the devilry[?] ask[?], wch nowe is layd to her chardge. This is a true copie agreeing wth the originall and examined, Jo: Moore Registr by me Willm Norres vicr general.

The names of the jurie: Tho: Calline, Wm Quirke, finlow Kelly, Gilbt Callow, John Leone, & Nicholas Killy.

Haveinge deliberally considered the wthin written examinacion and accusations: & the partes whom did accuse: being chardged to brynge there prowffes[proofs] yf they had any before the 10th of Januarie: and have brought none: and further we have examined Marie Vey the supposed witch: whom uttereth & denyeth any such words: as --- is suspected wthall: nor yet any wittnes that will ----- to any such suspitious words as was spoken by her.

Whereupon: we whose names are above written: doe fynd by virtue of our oaths: that the wthin accused Margerie Quaile als Craine is wrongfully accused.

Whom we the sayd jurie: doe free from the evill accusations layd upon her: bye her sayd adverse parties whome we doe leave to be punished at the discrection of the right reverend ordinarie.

This done at KK Lonan the 10th of Januarie 1632 --- -------- ------ -- ----------- our names to be written & sett to our markes the sayme daye & yeare: Tho: Calline his mark X, Wm Quirke his mark X, Finlow Kelly his mark X, Gilbt Callow his mark X, Jo Leene his mark X, Nicholas Killy his mark X.

The Sumpner of KK Germayne hath sworne that he did chardge Sr Wm Cosnahans wife to brynge her best evidence to the jurie: who answered him that her husband was from home: what was the jurie to speeck of her: lett them speecke of Marie Voy: but further sayd to him: you tell Margerie Craine that I sayd that she is a witch.

---- Calline the Sumpner of KK Petri Peele, hath sworne ---- did chardge her to the jurie: & she answered she would not come afore Marie Voy would come the great ----.

Copia Vera concord ens originals et examinatia, Jo: Moore Registr. Per me Willm Norres Vicr Generll

Examinacions taken before the right reverend father in god John by the devine providence Lo: bishope of this Isle: at KK Michell the 13th of November Anno dei 1632 as followeth:

Tho: Quirke of KK Patr: sworne and examined: truly to deliver and declare what words he herd Sr Wm Cosnahan and his wife utter against Margerie Quaile alias Craine sayth bye virtue of his sayd oath: wch he hath taken: that he herd Sr Wms wife call the sayd Margerie a witch and the sayd Margerie ---- the sayd Sr Wm Cosnahan what doth[?] the dragcaylie[?] your wife call me a witch Sir Wm answeared: yt is more than I knowe, I doe nott thinke that she would call you soe: then the sayd Sr Wm called the sayd Margery a druncken beast: a durtie arssle[?] a stinckeinge ar---e: she replyed, noe good man would call me soe: but thou Raskall: he then sayd: yf thou call me a Raskall: I will call thee a whore.

Jo: Kelly sworne and examined confesseth to all the form--- depositions: but utterly denyeth that he hard Sr Wm his wife & all the sayd Margerie a witch.

Margrett Tubman sworne and exayned sayd that p------ ------ sayd Wm Cosnahan and Margerie Quaile als Craine beinge then sent in a message by the sayd Sr Wm unto Tho: Quaile: intreateid & prove[?]: hard Sr Wm call the sayd Margerie a droncken beast & the sayd Margerie sayd: there is no good man either in England or in this Island that would call me soe: but thou Raskall: he sayd yf thou call me a raskall I will call thee a whore.

Henrie Crelline sworne and examined: sayth that Sr Willms wife one a tyme standinge in her owne doore and Jo: Quaile Wm Crosse Enghie Colbine & himself --- as going into Katherine Crosse's house: hard Sr William's wife sayd thou witches sonne: but named no bodie.

Wm Crosse sworne and examined sayth to all that Henrie Crelline hath formerly deposed.

The sayd Sr Wm Cosnahan complayneth to this Court & alledgeth that the sayd Margerie called him a Devill wch she uttered after this maner: seeing Sr Wm putting one the surplisse ---- yonder the devil doth put one surplisse.

The Court hath referred the -----xacion of witch crafte to a triall of a jurie: w---- are impaneled & sworne whose names ensue.



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