Part 10 of 1428 Garrison Roll

 This is the final section - see index for other sections, background etc.

Finit'p consil'

Thes ar the appechements made by William Ballart Steward of the Castell of Russhyn as he will stond by be his oth of excessyues as he is sworne be fore Henry of Byrom Leutenant of Man

These are the impeachments made by William Ballart Steward of the Castle of Rushen as he will stand by be his oath of excessees as he is sworne before Henry of Byrom Leutenant of Man


In the first the Bysshop the Abbot and mony wyth tham lay at the Castell untile the audit and gret excesse was done and other diuers tymes thai come yeder to counsell

In the first the Bishop the Abbot and many with them lay [stayed + boarded ] at the Castle until the audit, and great excesse was done, and other divers times they come here to counsell

re Storreys Finit' p Audit'

And also ther was grete excess don at the Constable hows fore ther were masons wryghts stonleders thacchers and lymberers that grete excesse dyden for thai hade mete thrye on the day and drynk when thai wold by bydyng of the Receyuor

And also there was great excess done at the Constable house for [because] there were masons, wrights stonelayers thatchers and lumberers that great excesse dyden for they had meat thyre [? thrice] on the day and drink when they would by biding of the Receiver

re. Storreys

And also ther were ij carpenters and ij smythes mycch of the yere that eten thrye oppon the day and drink to thair bed the carpenters haden by byddyng of the Receyuor the whech drogh to gret excesse

And also there were 2 carpenters and 2 smiths much of the year that eat thrice upon the day and drink to their bid [when they would] the carpenters had by bidding of the Receiver the which drew to great excess

re Storreys

And also when the new Captaignes comen thai haden mony lyuerayes of brede and ale as the Receyuor charget to giff home .

And also when the new Captains came they had many liveries of bread and ale as the Receiver charged to give them.

re Storreys

Also we haden mony werkmen makyng at the newe walles of the mothall by xviij and xvj oppon a day that haden mete thryes oppon a day and drynk stondyng by thaym by the biddyng of the Receyuor the whech drogh to gret excesse

Also we had many workmen making at the new walls of the motte hall by 18 and 16 upon a day that had meat thice upon a day and drink standing by them by the bidding of the Receiver the which drew to great excess.


And also the cause of excesse of fysshe was be cause the Receyuor Atkyn of Becansfawe Thomas Haysnap and Fasakerley when he come fastit Saynt Mary fast and the Receyuor for gode flesshe on the Wednesday

And also the cause of excess of fish was because the Receiver Atkyn of Becansfawe Thomas Haysnap and Fasakerley when he came fasted Saint Mary fast and the Receiver for good flesh on the Wednesday

re Sen'l

And also Robert Storreys hade merlyons Holond hade sparhawkes Roger of Aghton a gosehawke by the faurtnyght and Skylyngcorne had ij grehowndes Roger of Aghton j grehond the Constable ij grehowndes comand and goand And also Jankyn of Fasakerley legh at the Constable hows when he come and hade at ich mele a loff a canne wyth ale and service fro the kechyn that drogh to grete excesse

And also Robert Storreys had merlyons Holond had sparrowhawkes Roger of Aghton a goshawke by the fortnight and Skylyngcorne had 2 greyhounds Roger of Aghton 1 greyhound, the Constable 2 greyhounds coming and going. And also Jankyn of Fasakerley lay at the Constable's house when he come and had at each meal a loaf, a can with ale, and service from the kitchen that drew to great excess

re Sen'l

And also ther come oft and mony tyme sawdiors fro the Pele the which put the howshold ferre out of rewle

And also there came often and many times soldiers from the Peel the which put the household fair out of rule

re Senescall

Also ther was excessyve of catell that was lene and slayn out of tyme in to xxx the whech drogh to grete excessyve

Also there was excess of cattle that was lean and slain out of time in to 30 the which drew to great excess.

M'ia ambo in v:jd ut sic quibus iijd

Henry the Storreys sumtyme Receyuor of Man chalenges Thomas of Lytherlond sumtyme stewart of the Pele in Man that on the Wednesday be for Fastynseven the yere of oure Lord God ml ccccxxvij that the said Henry delyueret to the said Thomas by a taill xxvij carcas of beiff of exen and kye the price vij li vijs ijd the which was lost in defaut of kepyng of the said Thomas

Henry the Storreys sometime Receiver of Man challenges Thomas of Lytherlond sometime steward of the Peel in Man that on the Wednesday before Fastyns eve the year of our Lord God 1427 that the said Henry delivered to the said Thomas by a tally 27 carcases of beef of oxen and cattle the price £7 7s 2d the which was lost in fault of keepng of the said Thomas


And as to that the said Thomas unswares and sais not in his defaut and that he putts to god and to enquest The enquest sais as tochyng the xxvij carc' of beiff the Receyuor and the steward of the Pele ayther elyke gilty

And as to that the said Thomas answers and says not in his defect and that he puts to god and to enquest The enquest says as touching the 27 carc' of beef the Receiver and the steward of the Peel either alike guilty


qui dicu q' Johannes McShymen

qui dicu q' Johannes McShymen


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HTML Transcription © F.Coakley , 2002