Part 2 of 1428 Garrison Roll

Note that first section is slightly out of context being writen within the inventory, the first part of the complaints apparently preceeded this - see part 1; the marginal numbers refer to John Quayle's extracts and were probably made by him.

It is possible that some sections are also out of sequence - the charge of not sealing the money bags comes in part 3.


An enquest taken by fore John of Fasakerley Roger of Aghton and Roger of Hulton by the othes of Thomas of Lytherlond ....... Cote Nicholas of Ines William Blackburne John Bykerstath porter John of Morecroft Richard-Wilkynson Mathew Hawelson Thomas of Agh[ton] Thomas Kyrkby Gibon Clerk Nicholas Altkarre Robin Rede and John of Mereclogh and so we sayn by the othes we have ............. ................. Sir John of Stanley

An enquest taken before John of Fasakerley, Roger of Aghton and Roger of Hulton by the orders of Thomas of Lytherland ....... Cote Nicholas of Ines, William Blackburne, John Bykerstath porter, John of Morecroft, Richard-Wilkynson, Mathew Hawelson, Thomas of Aghton, Thomas Kyrkby, Gibon Clerk, Nicholas Altkarre, Robin Rede and John of Mereclogh and so we say by the oathes we have ............. ................. Sir John of Stanley



Also thai sayn that the stewart delyueret ich weke to the milne viij b. and j f. of malt and gave in to the bokes ........... i..

Also they say that the steward delivers each week to the mill 8 bushels. and 1 firkin of malt and gave in the books …


The stewart grantes.a quarter and of the remnawt of the yere puttes hym to enquest The enquest fyndes the stewart gilty

The steward grants a quarter and of the remnant of the year, pleads not guilty
The enquest finds the steward guilty

Lytherlond quer'

Also thai sayn that [there went] out of the gate in to the ton to sell ........... wyn xxx loves of brede the stewart putts to enquest The enquest sais not gilty

Also they say that [there went] out of the gate in to the town to sell ........... wyn, 30 loaves of bread, the steward pleads not guilty
The enquest say not guilty

Per audit

Also the yemen of the Pele complaynen and-sayn thai have no fysshe nawther fryday nyf seterday ne .....butt as ........... for the stewart will gete non and puttes in a wek in the bokes for fysshe iiijd.ob. when thai hane no....... puttes hym to enquest The enquest says sume,wekes has bene so bot how mony wekes thai cannot say And........ auditors enqueret of the men of the howshold And thai sai at the test his was xx days

Also the yeomen of the Peel complain and say they have no fish neither Friday nor Saturday ne .....but as ........... for the steward will get none and puts in a week in the books for fish 4½d.. when they had no....... questioned him The enquest say some weeks has been so but how many weeks they cannot say And........ auditors inquired of the men of the household And they answered this was 20 days


Also in the same fourme thai sayn that the Constable serches not the wacch ich nyght bot sylden that is to wete bot iij in a twelmond the Constable puttes hym to enquest the enquest sais that he is gylty

Also in the same form they say that the Constable searches not the watch each night but seldom that is to wit but 3 in a twelvemonth the Constable pleads 'not guilty' the enquest says that he is guilty


As to this poynt for asmych as Thomas of Lytherlond sumtyme Constable of the Pele in Man was sworne to kepe the garneson of the Kynges of man as hit aght to be in the Pele and serchet not the wacch bot thryes in a twelmond as hit is fonden by xxiiij sworne men abof wreten he is traytor to the Kyng of Man by the laghes of Man

As to this point forasmuch as Thomas of Lytherlond sometime Constable of the Peel in Man was sworn to keep the garrison of the King's of Man as it ought to be in the Peel and searched not the watch but thrice in a twelvemonth as it is found by 24 sworn men above written he is traitor to the King of Man by the laws of Man

3 Respect p locunit'

Also Gibon Clerk wontes of a sheef of aroes Also John of Man has nother aroes nif dowblet

Also Gibon Clerk wants of a sheaf of arrows Also John of Man has neither arrows nor doublet

The statut broken

Also the Receyuor has not made the reparacions that is to say the gate hows nyf the Galway towre hit is not flaket ne the gatehows

Also the Receiver has not made the repairs that is to say the gate house neither the Galway tower it is not flaked [? not clear - OED has fleking = covered with hurdles ? thatched with reeds especially see reference to Mirescogh] neither [is] the gatehouse

Finit p Audit'

The Receyuor puttes to enquest The enquest of the reparacions sais not gilty savyng flekyng of the Galway towre and of the gate hows that myght have ben geten in Mirescogh

The Receiver pleads not guilty The enquest of the repairs says not guilty saving flekyng of the Galway tower and of the gate house that might have been gathered in Mirescogh [at that time a shallow lake in the Curraghs]

Quet' 4


As to the comyng of wemen that the statute is broken hit is trewe the Constable puttes hym to enquest the enquest says not gylty and that ther was wordes by twene the Constable and the Countroller a bowt a weke takyng so that. the weke was not taken till a weke after

As to the coming of women that the statute is broken it is true the Constable pleads not guilty, the enquest says not guilty and that there was words between the Constable and the Controller about a week taking so that the week was not taken till a week after

Lytherlond & Cote the statute broken

The Constable and the Countroll puttes home to enquest the enquest sais the Controll is gilty and the Constable clere and therfore the lagh is that the said John Cote forfete all the godes that he has wyth in Man wyth his office and his fee and wage fore brekyng of oure lordes statute under the seall of his armes

The Constable and the Countroller plead not guilty the enquest says the Controller is guilty and the Constable clear and therfore the law is that the said John Cote forfeit all the goods that he has within Man with his office and his fee and wage for breaking of our lord's statute under the seal of his arms


And as to the makyng of flowr hit is not made in defaut of who sere that has charg nyf the malt the stewart of the Pele sais the whete was made and that he puttes to enquest And as to the malt hit was laft for the Bysshop the Abbot the Receyuor and the Captens thought hit myght be left The enquest sais not gilty for asmych as hit was gouernet by the gouernors of the lond

And as to the making of flour it is not made in fault of whosever that has charge neither the malt, the stewart of the Pele says the wheat was made and that he pleads not guilty And as to the malt it was left for the Bishop, the Abbot, the Receiver and the Captains thought it might be left The enquest says not guilty for asmuch as it was governed by the governors of the land


6 The statutes broken

And as to selyng of the monay hit was neuer halden as to this poynt the Receyuor puttes hym to my lordes grace And therfore the lagh is that the said Henry Storreys forfete all the godes that he has wyth in Man wyth his office and his fee and wage for brekyng of oure lordes statutes appoyntit under the seall of his armes

And as to sealing of the money it was never holden as to this point the Receiver puts him to my lord's grace And therfore the law is that the said Henry Storreys forfeit all the goods that he has within Man with his office and his fee and wage for breaking of our lord's statutes appointed under the seal of his arms


Bysshop Abbot & Storreys commet

And as tochyng the charge to the Bysshop the Abbot and the Receyuor of seyng of the tresury hit is not don The Bysshop the Abbot and the Receyuor puttes home to enquest The enquest says not gilty

And as touching the charge to the Bishop, the Abbot and the Receiver of saying of the treasury it is not done The Bishop, the Abbot and the Receiver plead not guilty The enquest says not guilty


Finit' p Audit'

And the reparacions war made in undew tyme The Receyuor sais made in dew tyme and that he puttes hym to enquest The enquest sais not gilty save the flakes

And the repairs were made in undue time [late] The Receiver says made in due time and that he pleads not guilty The enquest says not guilty save the flakes

Lytherlond respect feod'

Castr' iiijd

As to the Constable when he han plenyt to the Constable. he was unswaret and said we shuld fare the wers and he wold not be rewlet by no mon in Man for oure plenyng The stewart puttes hym to enquest The enquest sais the wordes were spoken in his hastynes and soo gilty

As to the Constable, when he had complained to the Constable he was answered and said we should fare the worse and he would not be ruled by no man in Man for our complaining The steward pleads not guilty The enquest says the words were spoken in his hastiness and so guilty

re Morecroft nil val' fore he descarget out of office

And as to the boteler he takes the kee wyth hym in to the ton so that the wacchemon has not his mete in is dewe tyme at that he fill his canne fore drynk bell at non and settes hit oute and gose in to the ton

And as to the butler, he takes the key with him into the town so that the watchman has not his meat in his due time, in that he fills his can for drink bell at noon and sets it out and goes into the town

Lytherlond punit' p Audit' supra in, piscibus

And that the wacchemen hade no fysshe fro Mighelmas to a weke by fore yole saff thryes the stewart puttes hym to enquest the enquest sais gilty

And that the watchmen had no fish from Michaelmas to a week before yule[Christmas] save thrice, the steward pleads not guilty the enquest says guilty


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