Jurby - BMD 1600-1850


All data has been derived from the transcriptions in the IGI derived from the official 1911 transcription - thus it is a transcription of a transcription of an earlier transcription !


Census Data

Based on various Church, Civil and, post 1821, Decennial Census data

Jurby -  Census Data



Baptisms - Jurby 1611-1840

The register looks fairly complete with gaps 1610-11, 1616-20 - there is a large peak in 1727

Houston quotes crude birth rates for England of 32/1000 in the 1690's and 33/1000 in the 1750's with a maximum of 50/1000. 10-year average Birth Counts are around 7 in the 1630's and 14 or 15 (if peak counted) in the 1720's - using Houston's rates this later figure correponds to an estimated population of around 475-500 (cf 483 in 1727) and 250 in 1630's.


Marriages - Jurby 1600-1850

The Parish is small and thus the variation between years is large. The register looks defective pre 1640,after this date I have assumed that null returns are genuine and indicate by 0 on the graph.


Burials - Jurby 1600-1875

Several epidemic peaks can be noted


R.A. Houston The Population History of Britain and Ireland 1500-1750, Macmillan Education Studies in Economic and Social History (ISBN 0-333-56564-9) 1992

 Manx Note Book   [History Index]

Demography, Jurby

Any comments, errors or omissions gratefully received The Editor
© F.Coakley , 2003