Atholl Papers Bundle AP_X73(2nd)

Brief Description
Resolution of the Keys "that Thomas Moore and Hugh Cosnahan be sent to London to seek redress and endeavour to procure indulgences: in our present distressed circumastances." They were to ask:-
Free trade with the Colonies and Plantations in America on the same terms as Great Britain. Vessels built in the Island to be treated as British bottoms. The right to a free fishery on the coasts of Gt. Britain and elsewhere, with a bounty on the catches. Liberty to import wines into Gt. Britain from the Island on payment of the usual duty. That all products of Gt.Britain may be imported into the Island duty free,and then exported to the Colonies or Plantations. That cases of Seizure by the Revenue may be tried in the Manx Courts instead of in British Courts as at present.
Messrs W.Forbes,J.Hunter & Co. (Edin. ) to J. Bacon. Introducing Mr.G.Farquher,the Duke's factor,and asking his help in assisting Mr.Farquher to arrange for remittances of money he expects to collect.
R.Clague to G.Farquhar re. a claim for expenses made by Mr. Cosnahan in connection with a find of silver coins claimed as Treasure Trove by both the Government and the Duke.
John Crawford (Port Glasgow) to Mr.Graham, with a bill against the Duke for forwarding expenses on forty tons of slates from the I.O.M to Leith.
John Lace to R.Clague. absolving him from any blame for not being able to find the Duke's leases which were in the hands of Mr.Heywood before he was dismissed from the office of Seneschal.
R. Clague to G.Farquher. Trivial.
A.Ross to Duke. enclosing copies of the petition to the House of Commons. (missing N.M.)
Seacombe (?) to A Ross. with details of the Derby family affairs.
27.7.? Memo. of things to be done by Mr.Sharpe.
Memo. of agreement between James Makon of Preston,on behalf of the Duke, and Thos. Bretherton of Bretherton, Innkeeper, to lease to the latter the buildings and land at present occupied by him
Legal Expenses incurred by the Duke in defending the claim to the I.O.M. made by the Earl of Derby. also in the claim brought by the Bishop and clergy of the Island against the Earl of Derby 1742/1762 for their tithes out of the collateral security.
Note (rough) of moneys received by the Rec. General for the year ending 29th Sept. 1706.
Presentation (copy) of the Rev. Matthew Curghey to the Rectory of Ballaugh.
Receipted bill - Mastermean and Co. to Thos. Kearney. Interest and expenses on the Duke's Bonds.
Bond for £12,000 lent by Messrs. Holmes, Bankers,to the Duke. Security. Castle Mona and the surrounding estates, Port-e-Chee,Ballaleece (German) and many other Estates and properties. (Signatures have been cut out. N.M.)
Memorial from the Keys to Gov.Smith. complaining of "the unconstitutional interference of the Duke of Athol in the Legislation of this Island" and his obstruction of all their efforts to improve matters. This arises from his ill-founded opinion that the inhabitants are his tenants,and that the Legislature has no right to pass laws without his consent. The Keys have never attacked the Duke,but have acted on the defence alone, resisting only when their liberties,their properties and the Constitution were attacked. They now fear that the Duke is attempting to get back into his hands the Sovereignty which his family has lost. And they entreat the Governor to lay their complaints before the King,and beg His Majesty's protection. In particular to ensure that they retain the right to legislate for themselves,without interference,and to have direct access to the Throne.
A/cs of the arrears due to the Duke by Messrs. Quayle and Callow,late Seneschals. As adjusted by Robt. Heywood, Deputy Seneschal.


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