Atholl Papers Bundle AP_58(3rd)

Brief Description
AP_58(3rd)_1                    Statement of Case. Ed, Christian of Lewaigue against John Christian of Ballure and others with regard to the inhabitants
of Ramsey grinding their corn at Port Mullen and not Cornah Mill. (35 sheets. Contains much with regard to the history of milling in the Island in general,and of these two mills in particular. (N.M.) N.B. The sheets are endorsed on the back "Papers which may throw some light upon the nature of Mr.Curwen's pretended Barony"
Defendant's statement of case in regard to the above
Petition and Appeal to the Duke of Elizabeth Christian in regard to the above. (Recapitulates and adds to the history of these two mills as already set out above. NM.)
The Answer made by Deemster Mylrea (Dep.Governor) to the Privy Council with regard to charges made against him by Mr. Foley. These charges were of treason,adherence to the Stuart cause and the protection of smugglers. Denying all this the Deemster mentions thet two fugitives from Culloden who reached the Island were arrested and sent to Scotland;that in neither 1715 nor 1745 did a single person from the Island join the Pretender, though many joined the Hanoverian forces;as to smuggling he believes that the natives do not have a great share in it;he describes the manner in which the King's birthday is celebrated. As regards the building of a quay at Douglas he points the need for this but states that British Government vessels are charged neither harbour or anchorage dues although they benefit from it. He follows with a strong protest against the unnecessary violence with which the Preventive Officers carry out their duties and the insults they offer to law abiding inhabitants ,saying also that he believes they have not the right to make seizures within Manx harbours. He denies as false the charge made against him that he had assembled a large force of armed men to oppose the Commander (Dow) of a Revenue vessel who had seized a Dutch smuggling vessel at Ramsey,nor that he had ordered anyone else to do so.
This document also contains a statement of the Customs Dues for 1720,1737,1740 and 1749 end the effect which smuggling may have had upon them. (The endorsement makes it appear that the figures are the principal item for which it has been preserved. N.M)
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