Atholl Papers Bundle AP_52

Brief Description
Accounts of the Abbey Temporalities.
Accounts of the Abbey Temporalities. year ending Oct.
Casualties (Sundry Charges) for the Demesenes and Garrisons.(Shows also all rents recd.for the Lord's properties such as Red Gap,various meadows and cellars,mines,fisheries,mills,brewhouses, warrens,storehouses etc, N.M.) Also the Calf.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Island, (This shows rents less allowances, by parishes; Customs duty; perquisites;Impropriate Tithes; on the Receipts side,and on the payments side - Salaries of all civil officers and of the garrisons of Rushen and Peel Castles with the forts at Douglas,Ramsey and Derbyhaven (each individual being shown separately); Customs Officers and Pensioners. Also various Petty Disbursements. The latter include:- Cost of a new public Seal 30/4:Duke's subscription to the Manx Society £24.10.0;Mr.Quayle's expenses in London £27,12.2 and 2/6 for “paper to make up the "Books". etc.
As AP_52_4,but includes also Demesne items shown on a separate statement (No. 3) for the previous year. Petty disbursements include:- Paid to Mr. Barker for surveying and mapping the Demesnes £3.9.8½; to Mr.Radcliffe for the rent of a house for the use of the schoolmaster in lieu of the place wherein the Records were deposited for nine months. £3.15.0;Carpenter for refitting the presses for the Records 10/2; Carriage on Lead and old Timber from Mount Strange 5/-;Duke's sub. to the Manx Society £24.10.0; Court Dinners at Peel,Douglas and Castletown £14.8.7 etc. Abbeylands Rents are also included,but Salaries and Pensions are omitted.
As AP_52_5. Petties again include cost of Court Dinners;rent of the house for the Records;sub to the Manx Society etc. but Salaries are omitted and while a payment to Pensioners is included details on it are not given.
As AP_52_6. The Demesne A/cs show a rent of £5 received from "Mr.Black's house“ (This was first mentioned in 1766) and of 1d. for the seat in the Chappel" Petties again include the items mentioned for last year.
As AP_52_7
As AP_52_8
As AP_52_9. Petties,in addition to items mentioned above,include “Expenses attending the Cannon to Glasgow £8.16.3"


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