Atholl Papers Bundle AP_33(A)

Brief Description
AP_33(A)_1 31.12.1765 Opinion of the Att.-Gen, (Mr.Yorke) as to the custody of Deeds relating to property in the I.O.M
AP_33(A)_2.1 31.12.1765 Opinion as AP_33(A)_1
AP_33(A)_2.2 7.6.1780 Opinion of A.Wedderburn and J.Wallace
AP_33(A)_2.3 -.-.1781 Opinion of J.Wallace and J.Mansfield.
AP_33(A)_3 22.8.1766 Proceedings relative to the Separation of the Manorial Records from those of the Crown,
AP_33(A)_4 1.9.1766 Authorisation from Gov.Wood to Dan.Mylrea (Seneschal) to hold Courts Baron and to issue and sign copies of the Manorial Records etc.
another copy of No. 3 above.
AP_33(A)_6 30.7.1779 Schedule of the Records delivered by John Quayle and Wm. Callow to R.Heywood. (Dep. Seneschal )
AP_33(A)_7 14.8.1779 Petition from the Keys to Gov. Dawson praying him to grant an injunction against the removal of any Title Deeds to Property from Castle Rushen - and more particularly to the custody of the Duke's Seneschal in Douglas.
AP_33(A)_8 26.8.1779 Memorial from the Keys to Gov. Dawson praying that the Title Deeds given to the Duke's Seneschal shall be returned to the Clerk of the Rolls,to be kept with the Govt.Records in Castle Rushen,
AP_33(A)_9 23.9.1779 Gov. Dawson to Lord Weymouth justifying his conduct with regard to the transfer of the Records.
AP_33(A)_10 26.10.1779 Lord Weymouth to Duke enclosing the Gov.'s letter as above and offering,if the Duke desires it,to submit the matter to the consideration of the Law Officers of the Crown.
AP_33(A)_11 19.11.1779 Lord Stormont to Duke informing him that it is H.M.'s wish that the Manorial Records be given into his custody
AP_33(A)_12 27.11.1779 Order by Gov. Dawson giving effect to the above [AP_33(A)_11].
Heads of an Act of Tynwald for the Establishing the jurisdiction of the Duke's Courts Baron and the regulation of his Manorial Rights - with suggested amendments,
AP_33(A)_14 -1.1782 Abstract of the Above Act as passed by Tynwald and sent for the Royal assent,but stopped by the Duke,
Printed copy of the above Act.


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