Atholl Papers Bundle AP_134

Brief Description
c. 1787
Report by R. Frazer to the First Lord of the Treasury Respecting the Revenue of the Island. In it he observes that the secrecy with which Revenue matters have been transacted has prevented the detection of abuses in both the collection and distribution of it. That the Island being far distant from London the Treasury have been unable to keep proper control over their representatives in the Island,and a check should be devised which would prevent frauds and the misrepresentation of local affairs. He suggests that for the future Revenue Officers must reside in the Island;must receive their appointments direct from the Treasury;must make their Returns upon oath;and gives reasons to show the need for this. He then describes the various types of smuggling which take place;the establishment of ithe Preventive Service - who do not even have any boats of their own - and the good results which would ensue were the laws not quite so stringent. With regard to the herring fishery he finds that the bounty recently granted to the curers is not achieving its object of increasing the number of fishermen employed and thus training as reserve of men for the Navy,but is merely increasing the profits of the curers. He suggests that it should be paid direct to the boatmen. He estimates that 1/10th of the 30,000 inhabitants are employed in the fishery and many hundreds in ships belonging to Liverpool. He finds them to be "just emerging from a state worse than barbarism...the late pernicious trade having ruined them...but thinks that with better treatment the next generation will be found to be industrious and intelligent."

As above [AP_134_1] . But with four Statements attached showing :-
Customs Receipts and Expenditure 5.1.1780 to 10.10.1784.
Customs Receipts and Expenditure 10.10.1784 to 10.10.1786
Additional Expenditure. 5.1.1780 to 10.10.1784
Additional Expenditure. 10.10.1784 to 10.10.1786
Report by the Duke of Atholl (Governor of the I.O.M.) to the Lords of the Treasury with regard to the adoption of a new System for the Customs Establishment in the Island.This long and detailed report covers the system and mode of collection of duties and the defects thereof;alterations proposed as improvements;the office and duties of the Rec.-Gen.
It goes on to discuss the methods of smuggling and the changes of staff which would help to step it,along with the improvements in pay and service conditions which are requisite if the Officers are to be expected to do their duty properly
It also mentions the need for a proper survey of the coasts and harbours of the Island,the one started by Mr Telford ceased upen the death of his assistant, Mr. Downie.
Correspondence between R.Frazer and Senhouse Wilson gives, in greater detail, the figures which appear on AP_134_2 above. It gives the salaries of all persons on the Civil Establishment and likewise of all those chargeable against the Revenue,with numerous details of other charges. It mentions,inter alia,that 340 Manx boats of from 9 to 12 tons each and carrying seven Men are employed in the Herring fishery. All are open boats but capable of crossing the Channel though seldom do so unless employed in some illicit traffic. Mentions the main articles smuggled and how it is done.
Report (appears to be a draft N.M.) by R. Frazer on The Prevention of illicit traffic in the I.O.M. This covers the whole subject in considerable detail, (It may have been an early and unused draft for AP_134_1 above, N.M.)
A Statement of Revenue receipts and expenditure,under detailed headings,for the years 1791 to 1819


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