[From Atholl Papers - AP 145-24]

Memorial from Merchants of Peel, 1799

To the most Noble and Puissant Prince John Duke of Athol,Earl Strange &c,&c Lord Lieutentant of Perthshire Governor in Chief of the Isle of Man, and Lord of the Manor

The humble memorial of the Inhabitants of Peeltown and its vicinity in the Isle of Man

Sheweth That your Memorialists beg leave to congratulate your Grace on your Grace's safe arrival in this Isle. That your Memorialists with the most lively sentiments of gratitude behold your Graces sanguine exertions for the good of this country, & they humbly presume that if a measure for promoting the prosperity of this town, consistent with the welfare of the public at large, were represented to your Grace, your Grace would be pleased to countenance and take the same into consideration

That on the above presumption your Memorialists beg leave to point out to your Grace, the favourable situation of this town for admitting of an excellent harbour, which nature has so singularly formed for the purpose, that a better harbour could be made here at considerably less expense than in any other place of this Island. That there are more vessels belonging to the harbour of Peeltown than any other harbour in the Island And it is well known that this town furnishes the markets of Dublin and Liverpool, and other markets with a considerably greater supply of fish than every other town in the Island. That the principal trading vessels belonging to this harbour, (which are by much the best vessels belonging to the Island, and constitute the chief trade of this town, in carrying fresh herrings to Great Britain and Ireland, and fruit & other goods from the Westyern Isles) are of that peculiar construction, as better answering their purposes, that they require a good depth of water, for want of which they cannot get into the harbour (except on spring tides) and are frequently obliged to lie several days at anchor in the bay, at the hazard both of vessels and lives. That the situation of Peeltown being so peculiarly central, and inviting to small vessels (during the fishing season in particular) the whole herring fleet of the Island in general, besides many small craft belonging to the neighbouring kingdoms often severely feel the want of a more capacious harbour here many being frequently damaged by crowding into the present confined port, while others unable to obtain shelter, are left to the mercy of waves.

That were a good harbour made in this town, it might often be the means of saving many vessels and lives, and in that respect would be of most essential service to vessels in the coal trade it might also be a convenienmt shelter for his Majesties cutters, as well as for ships of even 4 or 5 hundred tons burthen, besides it is well known that the port of Peeltown is a most convenient and ready outlet to Scotland and Ireland

That under your Graces patronage, your memorialists have great reason to believe they could procure liberal subscription from Cumberland, the North of Ireland and Liverpool, And that all the fishermen, as well as many other inhabitants of the Island would contribute handsomely towards making a good and commodious harbour in this town which as before observed could be made at much less expence than in most other places, owing to great natural advantages in poin of situation, besides that of a quarry almost on the spot, sufficient to suppy stone enough to compleat the whole.

Therefore your memorialists most humbly solicit your Grace's Influence and interest with Government on this Ooccasion; by which your Grace will confer the most lasting obligation on a grateful people, who for your Grace's happiness will ever pray

The annxed signatures represent the whole body of the memorialists Peeltown Isle of Mann Jily 23d 1799

Geo Savage
John Stevenson
Ev Christian
Philip Moore
Jno Thomas
Jas Cowll
Charles Cooper
Philip moore junr
Robt Christian
John Moore
Thos Clark
John Taylor
Robt Moore
Jno Par Crane

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