[From 1911 MacDonnell Inquiry]



1. The Factories and Workshops Bill, 1899.

Providing for the regulation of Factories and
Workshops, and for the protection of persons employed
therein. This Bill contained the first legislation on
this subject in the Isle of Man, and it was prepared on
the basis of the English Acts in force at that time.

2. The Married Women's Property Dower and Widowright Bill, 1900.

This Bill was based on the Dower Act, 1833 (3 and
4 Will. IV., c. 105), Married Women's Property Act,
1882, and Married Women's Property Act, 1893.

Note:-The Keys amended by eliminating the pro-
visions as to Dower, and the Council would not agree
to this. In 1902 the Keys sent up a Married Women's
Property Bill and the Council added the provisions as
to Dower. The Keys did not consent to amendment.

3. The Companies Bill, 1901.

Prior to this date existing legislation in the Isle of
Man did not go beyond the English Act of 1862. This
Bill was intended to bring the law of the Island into
line with the English law down to 1900.

Note:-In 1908 a Bill, almost identical, was intro.
duced into the Keys and passed.

4. The Employers' Liability Bill, 1901.

To extend and regulate the liability of employers
to make compensation for personal injuries suffered by
workmen in their service.

Note:-The Workmen's Compensation Bill, 1901
was read a first time by the Council on 28th February,
1901, but not proceeded with on the Employers' Lia-
bility Bill being rejected by the House of Keys. The
Employers' Liability Bill was introduced into the Keys
in 1909 and passed. No Workmen's Compensation
Act yet passed.

5. The Patrick Parish Church Bill, 1903.

To make the chapel at Patrick the Parish Church
until provision of a Parish Church at Glenmaye.
Note:-In 1908 this Bill was passed.

6. The Great Enquest Abolition Bill, 1904.

To abolish the Great Enquest.

Note:-The Great Enquest exists in each Sheading
and consists of twelve jurors. Their duties are defined
by an Act of 1577 (see Stat. Vol. I, p. 53,), and are
practically obsolete. The preamble of the Bill recited
that for many years last past they had rarely, if ever,
been called upon to exercise any duties, and that
expense and loss of time were occasioned by jurors
being obliged to attend court to be sworn.

7. The Criminal Code Amendrnent Bill, 1901.

Constituted Deemsters and Clerk of the Rolls
Judges of Court instead of Assessors-empowered one
Judge to sit-constituted all the Judges Court of
Criminal Appeal. Abolished the full hearing in open
Court when indictments found, and which really
amounted to having two trials.

8. The Education Act, 1905.

To abolish the twenty-one small School Boards;
constitute a Central Education Authority for the
Island for both elementary and higher education and
to make provision for higher education.

9. The Local Government (Agricultural Rating)
Bill, 1908.

Provides that land used as arable, etc., in a town or
village district should be rated at one-fourth only of
net annual value thereof.

10. The Legitimacy Bill, 1908.

To repeal the law legitimating a child born within
" a year or two " (see Stats. Vol. I, p. 55) prior to the
marriage of its parents, and to assimilate the law to
the English in this respect.

11. The Cattle Diseases Prevention Bill, 1909.
Empowered the Governor to extend definition of
" Animal."

12. The stamp Act, 1909.

To impose Stamp Duties upon certain instruments,
and in respect of Grants of Probate and Letters of


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