[Appendix C(58) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]



The Oath administered to the Steward of the Garrisons of this Isle.

YOUR allegiance to the King's Majesty of England reserved.

You shall be true, and true faith and fidelity bear to his Grace James, Duke of Atholl, Lord of Mann and the Isles, and his heirs, during your life.

You shall not reveale the secretts of this Isle, nor houses or garrisons therein, to any foreigner or stranger.

You shall not committ nor suffer to be committed any voluntary or willfull wast by any manner of person; but you shall reveale or amend the same as it lyeth in your power, if not, you shall reveale it to some chief officer, to the end the same may be amended.

You shall be carefull in all such things as shall be put into your charge as Steward of the said Garrisons and Demeasnes, and of which now you are to take an inventory so oft as you shall be required thereunto by the Governor, Deputy-Governor, or other officers concerned, and about the repairing of the Lord's houses, in keeping a true and perfect inventory of the Lord's stoare and utensils of what nature soever, and a perfect book or accompts of payment and disbursements for provision and necessaries for the said garrisons and houses, for repairacon, and other works there from time to time.

And all other things wherewith you shall have to do, or that unto you shall appertain to take notice of and execute as Steward, to give a true and just accompt of those things as oft as you shall be required or called upon by the officers concerned, according to the trust in you reposed, and as to the said place is proper and pertinent, to the best of your ability. So God you help, and by the contents of that Book.

Examined by


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