Appendix C(20) 1792 Report of Commissioners of Inquiry]



The Oath administered to the Attorneys-General of this Isle.

YOUR allegiance to the King's Majesty of Great Britain reserved;

You shall swear to be true, and true faith to bear to his Grace James Duke of Atholl, Lord of this Isle, and his heirs, during your life.

You shall not reveal the secrets of this Isle or houses to any foreigner or stranger.

You shall not commit, nor see any voluntary or wilful waste committed by any manner of person, but you shall reveal or amend the same as it lieth in your power.

You shall faithfully, justly, and truly, without favour or affection, dread or fear, envy or malice, and without respect of love or gain, kindred or friendship, consanguinity or affinity, plead and defend the said Lord his causes, in all and every thing and things whatsoever, which by the laws of this Isle are or shall grow due to the said Lord, by his right or interest here.

You shall see to and provide, in as much as in you lyeth or belongeth, that all forfeitures, fines, amercements, aliens' goods, felons' goods, wayfes, strays, wrecks at sea, flood-gates, and such like, be truly entreated and paid to the said Lord, or otherwise disposed of to his Grace's use.

You shall, from time to time, at every court, plead and defend the cause of all widows, orphans, and fatherless children, and not refuse any.

You shall be aiding and assisting with your best advice and counsel to the Lieutenant-Captain and the rest of the Council here for the time being, so oft as is needful, or so often as you shall be called upon by them, or any of them, for the furtherance of the government here, and benefit of this Isle and houses, and preservation and safe keeping of the same.

These, and all other thing or things whatsoever, which shall or may in anywise concern you in your place of the Lord's Attorney, you shall truly and faithfully do and perform to the best of your skill.

So help you God.

Examined by


The Oath to be administered to the Attorneys-General of this Isle.

I WILL faithfully, justly, and truly, without favour or affection, dread or fear, envy or malice, and without respect to love or gain, kindred or friendship, consanguinity or affinity, plead and defend the causes of our Sovereign Lord the King, in all and every thing and things whatsoever, as by law required.

I will also, from time to time, when thereunto required by the Governor-in-Chief, or, in his absence, by the Lieutenant-Governor of this Isle for the time being, plead and defend the cause of all widows, orphans, and fatherless children.

I will, from time to time, he aiding and assisting, with my best advice and counsel, to the said Governor-in-Chief and Captain-General, or, in his absence, to the Lieutenant-Governor, so often as is needful, or I shall be called upon, for the furtherance of the government, and benefit and pre-servation of this Isle.

These, and all other thing and things whatsoever, which shall or may in anywise concern my said office of his Majesty's Attorney-General of this Isle, I will truly and faithfully do and perform to the best of my skill.

So help me God.

Examined by


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