[Woods Atlas - index to names]

Names - X..Z + Corporate bodies

Owner Treen Qtrland/Intack # Parish Plan Size
YEOWARD, Richard Tremmissary Pt. Bemehague Onc 80 0 0 25
" Tromode Pt. Glencrutchery Onc (80) 0 0 21
YOUD, Thomas Nerlough Pt. Ballajuckley Mic 42 6 2 9
" Nerlough (Intack Pt. White House ) Pt. 31 ) Mic (42) 0 2 26
" Lyre Pt. Ballirey Mic (42) 0 2 8
The Crown Commons Point of Ayre Lands And 190 82 3 20
" Commons Point of Ayre Lands Bri - - - 20 2 39
" Commons Point of Ayre Lands Bri - - - 45 1 8
" Commons Point of Ayre Lands Bri - - - 9 2 31
Trustees.of the Academic Fund Abbey Farms Pt. Glashin,43 Orristall, 41 Mal 210 145 1 38
" Abbey Demesne Ballagilley, 17 Mal 322 176 0 16
" Abbey Farms Hango Hill Mal (322) 45 3 28
Trustees of Cath..HALSAL’s Charity Intack Pt. 104 (Malew Rental) Arb 6 5 0 30
" Intack Pt. 104. all 120 Mal 47 2 3 31
" Scarlott Pt. Ballalough Mal (47) 27 0 35
Trustees of Impropriate Fund Intack Pt. 54 Bra 15 13 0 6
" Baldalchristory Pt. Algare Bra (15) 27 2 29
" Castleward Pt. Ballafletcher Bra 58 55 2 28
" Crosby-Moar Pt. Crosby Bri 139 t 153 2 38
" Intack Nos. 123,129 (Upper Gilgal) Onc 24 28 0 18
" Abbey Land Pt. Ballacreetch Onc 250 63 2 13
" Abbey Farms Pt. Billewn, 1 Mal 93 24 1 21
" Abbey Demesne Pt. Ballacott, 14 Mal (93) 12 3 12
" Ballaterson Pt. Ballakilley Mau 64 74 3 13
" Ballaterson Pt. Balldromma Mau (64) 14 3 27
" Ballaterson (Intack Pt. Baldromma) Pt. 14 ) Mau (64) 15 3 16
Lezayre Friendly Society Intack Pt. 243 Lez 286 7 1 13
Committee of Lunatic Asylum Castleward Pt. Knocketroddan Bra 54 9 1 2¼
" Castleward Pt. Ballafletcher Bra (54) 25 2 2¾
" Intack Nos. 18, 19. Pt. 42. Bra (54) 0 0 18
Parochial Holdings          
Rector & Wardens of ANDREAS Intack Pt. 122,126 And 1 t 5 0 27
" Freehold Parochial School And 146 0 2 16¼
" Intack Pt. 235, all 234 Lez 264 4 1 15
Vicar & Wardens of ARBORY Ballafadda Pt. Ballaclague Arb 34 0 0 17¼
Rector & Wardens of BALLAUGH Intack Pt. 7 Bal 181 t 1 1 38
" Ballacain Pt. Ballacorage Bal 182 t 3 2 16
" Intack Pt. 17,22-Jurby Rent) Pt. 72=Ballaugh Rent) Lez 12 t 17 0 26¼
Vicar & Wardens of BRADDAN Baldalchristory Renscault Bra 31 0 3 16
" Castleward Pt. Ballafletcher Bra 59 1 0 0
" Baldalchristory Pt. Ballamodda Bra (31) 0 2 25
" Castleward Pt. Ballafletcher Bra 69 0 0 10
" Middle Pt. Ballakinnish Bra 133 t 0 0 18
" Abbey Land Pt. Ballargey Onc 2nd 246 0 1 32
" Abbey Land Pt. Ballameanagh Onc (2nd 246) 0 3 2
Vicar & Wardens of GERMAN Freehold Parochial School Ger 57 0 0 12
" Intack Pt. 90 – Cronk-e-Voddey School- Ger 87 0 1 1
" Ballaterson Pt. Ballaterson Ger 179 0 2 30
" Ballaterson Pt. Ballaterson Ger 233 t 1 0 19
" Knockaloe Pt. Knockaloe-Beg Pat 179 t 2 0 1
" Mill Rent Cooper’s Mill Pat 210 2 2 18
" Intack & Cottage Nos. 25, 125 (German Rental) Pat 210 - - -
Vicar of JURBY Intack Pt. 164 Lez 232 3 2 3
Vicar & Wardens of JURBY Intack Pt. 80 (Jurby Rental) And 48 1 2 17
" Dalliot Pt. Ballaworrey Jur 100 t 0 3 5
" Sleckby Pt. Ballamoar Jur (100 t) 0 2 3
Vicar & Wardens of LEZAYRE Intack No. 36 (Lezayre Rental) Bal 127 0 3 23
" Intack All 36 Lez 55 10 3 36
" 2nd Sulby Pt. Ballabrooie Lez 84 0 0 12
" Freehold Parochial School Lez 2nd 86 0 0 2
" Intack Pt. 9,69,83,164, 201. All 161 Lez 239 47 2 32½
" Intack Pt. 9 (Close Cabbagh) Lez 252 t 1 3 34
Vicar & Wardens of LONAN Intack Pt. 59 Lon 122 0 0 2
" Intack Pt. 60 Lon 137 0 0 24
" Intack Parochial School Lon 213 0 0 15
Vicar of MALEW & Chaplain of St Mary’s Scarlott Pt. Ballalough Mal 43 18 3 14
Vicar & Wardens of MALEW Grenaby Pt. Grenaby Mal 116 0 0 15
" Abbey Demesne (Intack Pt. Millewn, 2 ) Pt. 106 ) Mal 248 0 2 19½
" Abbey Cottage Pt. 9 Mal (248) 0 0 15½
" Abbey Demesne Pt. Boltane, 18 Mal 313 3 3 20
" Abbey Demesne Pt. Bool-na-muck, 19 Mal (313) 8 2 15
Vicar & Wardens of MAROWN Bishop’s Barony Pt. Ballakilley Mar 31 0 0 27
Vicar & Wardens of MAUGHOLD Intack Pt. 80 (Jurby Rental) And 47 1 1 32
" Glendowne Pt. Ballacregga Bri 124 t 2 1 1
" Intack Pt. 80 Jur 36 4 2 26
" Intack No. 95 Mau 83 0 0 38½
" Ballagilley Pt. Ballabarna Mau 106 1 1 3
" Corna-Beg Pt. Rheinabb Mau 137 1 2 11
" Abbey Lands Pt. Dhoon Mau 159 0 0 28
Vicar & Wardens of MICHAEL Cottage Parochial School Mic 1st 70 0 0 26
" Cottage No. 18 Mic 179 t 0 0 27
Vicar & Wardens of ONCHAN Freehold Parochial School Onc 54 0 0 34
" Tremmissary Pt. Ballacurry Onc (54) 0 0 28
Vicar & Wardens of PATRICK Gurden Pt. Knockaloe-Moar (Parochial School) Pat 1st 108 0 1 2½
" Arnicarninghan Pt. Kionslieu Pat 182 0 1 11
" Arnicarninghan Pt. Ballameanagh Pat (182) 0 1 5
Vicar & Wardens of RUSHEN Abbey Lands Pt. Ballavrara Rus 15 0 0 12
" Edremoney or Rowany Pt. Ballaqueeney Rus 207 0 0 14½
" Suasan Pt. Ballacurry Rus 313 0 0 12
Vicar & Wardens of SANTAN Bendoyle Pt. Ballakissack San 27 1 0 0
Commercial Companies          
Castletown Waterworks Co. Ardarry Pt. Ardarry Arb 39 0 1 8
Chemical Works Intack Pt. 147 Lez 2nd 381 0 3 6
Douglas Water Works Co. All Begoade Pt. Ballalig Onc 10 5 0 32
" All Begoade Pt. Ballacain Onc (10) 1 0 6
" Tremmissary Pt. Bemehague Onc (10) 0 2 22
" Douglas Pt. Ballaquayle Onc 132 3 0 0
Glenrushen Slate Company Intack Pt. 75 – Aracy Pat 91 2 0 5
Laxey Mining Company Intack Pt. 46,51 Lon 23 16 1 12
" Intack Pt. Shore Lon 183 0 0 15
Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses Abbey Lands Pt. Nunnery Bra 111 0 1 10
" Ayre Land Light House Premises Bri 69 13 2 0
" Freehold Pt. Calf Island Rus 397 11 2 16
Peel Waterworks Co. Ballaterson Pt. Ballaterson Ger 159 0 2 14
The Ramsey Gas Company Intack Pt. 147 Lez 1st 381 0 0 39¼
Ramsey Water Works Company Intack Pt. 1 Mau 19 0 0 14
" Ballure Pt. Ballure Mau 47 1 1 26
Educational & Religious Bodies          
Trustees of the Catholic Chapel Abbey Farms Pt. Bowling Green, 51 Mal 349 0 1 1
Trustees of the Derby Haven School Commissary Pt. Ronaldsway Mal 309 0 0 7½
Trustees of the Dhooar Chapel Aust Pt. Ballacowle Lez 318 0 1 0
Trustees of St. Jude’s School Intack Pt. 60 And 2nd 29 0 0 16
Trustees of Kerrowgarrow School Cragby Pt. Kerrowgarrow And 1st 22 0 0 16½
Lord Bishop Intack Pt. 114 Bal 67 28 3 23
" Freehold Bishop’s Demesne Bal 126 365 1 39
" Intack (Cottage (Freehold No. 43 ) No. 9 ) Pt. Bishop’s Demesne) Mic 106 245 0 29
Lord Bishop (Trustee) Intack Pt. 3, 7. Rus 284 3 1 0
" Saureby Pt. Ballagale Rus (284) 10 0 30
Trustees of St Mark’s School Intack Pt. 18 Mal 168 0 0 35
" Intack Pt. 18 Mal 169 0 0 18½
Trustees of Ragged School Brerick Pt. Ballachrink Lez 382 0 0 16
Trustees of Sandy-gate Chapel Intack Pt. 34 Jur 68 0 0 16
SULBY Curacy 2nd Sulby Pt. Ballabrooie Lez 101 0 2 0
Trustees of Wesleyan Chapel Ballure Pt. Ballacowle Mau 8 0 0 27½

See Index page for explantion of entries

[Woods Index]
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