Originally owned by Qualtroughs - acquired by Edward Gawne in 1820's and then the home of Edward Moore Gawne and Emily Maria Gawne (and children) till the late 1870's. A 1846 directory description has
The house is built of freestone,taken from the quarrys of Mostyn, Denbighshire. A noble colonnade extends along the entire front of the edifice, upwards of ninety feet, supported by eight massive columns of the Ionic order. The lofty rooms of the interior, especially the saloon (which is eighteen feet in height, and of proportionate dimensions, with a beautiful Gothic arched ceiling), display the elegant taste of the hospitable proprietor. The gardens and pleasure grounds are delightfully laid out; and the offices and out-houses, conveniently grouped, contain all the various requisites furnished by the best judgment, and appropriate to an establishment of the magnitude to which they belong.
At the rear is some very Italianate architecture, now sadly in need of some restoration |
Over a side gate is the interesting inscription - "Judge
not your fellow man's condition, |
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received The
Editor |